ଗଙ୍ଗାଧର ମେହେର ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ, ସମ୍ବଲପୁର, ଓଡିଶା

Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur, Odisha

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The Central Library began its existence in 1944. Since then, it has grown in size and content along with the Gangadhar Meher College to take the present shape. All these years, it has been the life-line for the academic activity of the institute. At present, it stands as a modern library with a lot of automation and as the largest of the autonomous college of Odisa in terms of the number of books and journals.

Now it is participating in UGC- INFLIBNET and DELNET programme. Under this programme, more than 4000 journals can be accessed.

  • Working Days 6 days in a week.
  • Working hours 12 hours in a day.
  • Total 113848 Numbers Of Books
  • Total 63 Numbers Of Journal/Magazine/CDs/Cassettes
  • Seating capacity of Library Reading Room : 250
  • Rules & Regulation


  • A student on the rolls of the College automatically becomes a member of the College Library. When a student’s name is struck off the rolls of the College, he/she ceases to be a member.
  • Members of the teaching staff and all other employees of the College are also members of the Library.

General Rules

  • Books taken out of the Library must be returned to the Librarian and on no account be transferred to any other person. [Orissa Edn. Code Act 126 (6)]
  • No marginal or other notes or marking shall be made in Library books. [Orissa Edn. Code Act 126 (6)]
  • Any person losing or seriously damaging a volume shall have to pay 3 times its value or replace it with a similar volume. When it belongs to set series, unless he replaces it he shall pay three times the value of the set. [ Orissa Edn. Code Act 121 (7)]
  • The following list shows the maximum number of books that can be issued to various classes of members.
    • Member of Teaching Staff: 10 each
    • Laboratory Assistant and Librarian: 05 each
    • All Class III officers other than (b) above: 05 each
    • Students of Post Graduate Classes: 05 each
    • Students of Degree classes (Honours): 03 each
    • Class IV employees: 01 each
    • Persons specially permitted by the Principal
  • lStudents and other members of the library except members of the staff can retain books borrowed by them for a period of 15 days unless it is requisitioned by members of the staff in the event of which it should be returned immediately on receipt of requisition without fail.
  • The Librarian may demand the production of Identity Cards from a student at the time of his borrowing books from the Library.
  • Members of the staff may retain books borrowed by them for a period of one month at a time.
  • Encyclopaedias, dictionaries, maps and rare books cannot be taken out of the Library without obtaining specific permission from the Principal in writing.
  • Notwithstanding these provisions the Principal reserves the right to stop the issue of certain books to students.
  • A student who wants to take books from the Library should present his/her card along with a list of books he/she wishes to borrow, In order of preference to the Librarian during working hours of the Library. The book or books may be collected the day after the deposit of requisition. He/she should always present his/her card whenever he/she wants to borrow, reissue or return books.
  • If a student loses his/her card, another card will be issued to him/her on application and on payment of Rs. 1.00.
  • Students who do not return library books in time are liable to pay a fine of twenty-five paisa per book for each day of delay.
  • Members of staff are eligible to keep library books for a maximum period of 1(one) month. A fine of Rs. 1/-(One only) per book per day shall be imposed on the defaulters.

E Library