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Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur, Odisha

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BBRC- Activities



On 6th August 2019 Bhima Bhoi Memorial talk was conducted and two distinguished scholars Prof. Debendra Kumar Dash and Prof. Gouranga Charan Dash delivered talk to hundreds of research scholars from different Universities, Prof. Debendra Kumar Dash critically analysed on the topic: ଭୀମ ଭୋଇ ଚର୍ଚା: ଅତୀତ, ବର୍ତ୍ତମାନ ଓ ଭବିଷ୍ୟତ and Gouranga Charan Dash talk on the topic: ଭୀମ ଭୋଇ ସାହିତ୍ଯ: କେତେକ ଗୁମର.


1. 09.04.2021 An Art workshop was Organised by the Chair to create interest and propagate the socio cultural aspect of Mahima through Art. More than ten prominent artist were exuviated there light creation.
Prof. N.Nagaraju, Vice Chancellor Inaugurated the workshops and Veteran artist Sri Bholanath Nayak was penotes speaker.
2. A Webinar on the topic “Adhunikatara Parampara O Kabi Bhima Bhoi” was conducted on 26th June 2021. Dr. Panchanan Mishra, Retd. Professor of English and an eminent critic of Odia literature had delivered a talk. Many Scholars from different parts of Odisha participated in the deliberations.
3. An international webinar entitled “Bhima Bhoi poetics, perceptions and politics “was conducted on 6th July 2021. Dr. Ishita Banerjee Dubey, Professor of Centre of studies Asia and Africa, De Mexico has delivered a talk and participated in a fruitful interactive session.
4. A National seminar on the topic “Bhartiya Bhakti Dharma and poet Bhima Bhoi” was conducted in collaboration with the Kendra Sahitya Akademy on 25th September 2021. Eminent Scholars like Dr. Fanindra Deo, Prof. Kalidash Mishra, Prof. Kumud Ranjan Panigrahi, Dr. Shyam Bhoi, Dr. Akhila Biswal, Prof. Harish Chandra Sahoo presented papers on the topic during the three sessions of the one-day national seminar. Prof. Pradip Kumar Panda of Bhima Bhoi Research Centre, G.M University presented the Keynote Address. Prof. N. Nagaraju, Vice Chancellor of G.M. University and Prof. Deepak Behera, Vice Chancellor of KISS Deemed to be University Bhubaneswar jointly inaugurated the Seminar.


1. A two-day workshop cum seminar on the topic “Origin and Growth of Mahima Cult: Role of the Saint Poet” was conducted on the 10th and 11th February 2022. Prof. Ishita Banerjee Dubey of De Mexico was the chief guest who delivered a lecture on Research Methodology to the participants and interacted with them. About 50 Research Scholars of social sciences and many other intellectuals of the locality participated in the workshop.
The seminar shall also witnessed several extension activities such as: Panel Discussions, Workshops on Cultural Significance of Mahima Cult and Field trip to The Sadhana Pitha of Bhima Bhoi at Khaliapali.
2. On 17.04.22 Bhima Bhoi Jayanti and Memorial Talk by Dr. Bhibhuti Bhusan Panda Retd. Professor. The spiritual journey of Santha Kabi, the social scenario of Nineteenth century Odisha with a special focus to Western Odisha was highlighted in his talks.
3. Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur, in collaboration with Karnataka Sahitya Academy and Odisha Sahitya Academy organized the Translation Workshop on Bhakti Literature from 12th to 15th July, 2022. Six numbers of Eminent Translator from each Karnataka and Odisha has attended. Numbers of Bhakti Poems were translated from Odia to Karnataka and Karnataka to Odia including more than 50 Bolis and Bhajans of Bhima Bhoi, Two Anthology in Karnnad and Odia of translated work has been published with collaboration of both the academy.
In the technical session of the workshop on 12-07-22, a general consensus about the selection of Bhakti poets from Odisha and Karnataka was arrived as part of a discussion. The following sets of poets representing diverse socio-cultural and spiritual/mystical orientations from 12th-20th centuries from the Kannada literary tradition were chosen:

i. 12th Century Vachanakaras: Basavanna, Akka Mahadevi, Allama Prabhu, Bonta Devi, Dasimayya, Manasanda Maritande
ii. 15th Century Tripadikaras: Sarvagyan
iii. 16th, 17th, 18th Century Kirtanakaras: Purandara Dasa, Kanaka Dasa, Vaadiraja Tirtha, Vijaya Vitthala Dasa
iv. 19th and 20th Century Tattwapadakaras/Swaravachanakaras: Shishunala Sharif, Kadakola Madivalappa, Chennur Jalalsaab, Mahagaon Meerasaab, Nijaguna Shivayogi, Balalila Mahanta Shivayogi
From the Odia Bhakti traditions, the following sets of poets were chosen for translation to Kannada:
i. Panchasakha Yuga: Balarama Das, Achyutananda Das, Jagannatha Das
ii. Riti Yuga: Salabega, Banamali
iii. Adhunik Yuga: Bhima Bhoi, Gangadhar Meher
The choice of poets and Vachanakaras was informed by their thematic preoccupations and special care was taken to make the list representative of a wide gamut of articulations with specific caste/class and community affinities. The more well-known, celebrated Vachanakaras like Basavanna in Kannada or Bhima Bhoi in Odia were chosen along with the lesser-known poets, women poets, Muslim poets, and so on.
The entire team, comprising of delegates from Karnataka Sahitya Academy and Odisha Sahitya Academy, under the able supervision of the Workshop Director, formed smaller units of two each. On each day of the workshop, a delegate from Karnataka was paired up with a delegate from Odisha, in order to facilitate the simultaneous translation of a wide range of texts from Kannada to Odia and vice-versa. Chosen poems were first read out to the partners with brief remarks on the contextual significance of the poets. Expressions rooted in a specific socio-cultural milieu were explained in greater details. Every attempt was made not to distort the poems with interpretation and intellectualization. The final, proof-read translations of all poems were read out during a general discussion that concluded each day’s endeavours. Changes were suggested, and linguistic/grammatical nuances of each language were retained. Special efforts were made by most of the translators to restore the rhythm and musicality of the verses under consideration.
4. Bhima Bhoi Lecture Series 6 has been conducted at L.G-1 of Gangadhar Meher University on dt.04.11.2022 Dr.Basudev Sunani and Sri.Saroj Kumar Mohanty has delivered talk on “ଭୀମଭୋଇ ସାହିତ୍ୟରେ ଜନବାଦୀ ଚେତନା ଓ ତାର ସମ୍ପ୍ରତିକତା”


1. Conducted Three-day National Seminar on the topic “Mahima Dharma and Bhima Bhoi in our Time: Texts and Contexts” in the University on date 01.03.2023 to 03.03.2023. About Thirty Research papers have been presented by Resource person and Research Scholar. About three hundred scholars including Teachers and Students of the University participated in the event. Some highlighted themes of the seminar were i. Bhima Bhoi : Text analytics ii. Language of Bhima Bhoi a Linguistic Study iii. Modernity and Religious Believe and Literary Concept iv. Historical concept of Mahima Dharma and Bhima Bhoi ideology v. Manaba Dharma O Biswa Drusti vi.Tradition and Beyond in Bhima Bhoi Literature vii. Experimental Choutisha of Bhima Bhoi viii. Satya O Sunya Upasana ix. Sunya Sadhanara Parampara x. Darshanika Dursti O Bhima Bhoi xi. Mahima Gosain eka Sambhabya Sangrachana. On the final day a field trip was conducted by the chair to Kandhara Village of Rairakhol. Where the smruti kupa is situated. A Santha Samabesa was conducted at the Historical Divya Siddhi Khetra of Santha Kabi Bhima Bhoi.
2. 10.10.2023 Bhima Bhoi Memorial Talk was conducted in seminar hall of the University. Two prominent Professors Giribala Mohanty and Kailash Pattaniak of Biswabharati, Shantiniketan delivered talk on the topic “Bhimara Katha O Kathare Bhima”.


A National Seminar on 2-3 January 2024 was hosted by Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur in Collaboration with Central Tribal University of Andhra Pradesh.
The seminar was inaugurated by Prof. N. Nagaraju,Vice Chancellor of Gangadhar Meher University and the Chief Guest was Prof. T.V Kattimoni, Vice Chancellor Central Tribal University. Andhra Pradesh. 21 Members of Resource Person from different parts of Odisha and Other States were presented talks and papers more than Two Hundred participants from different Universities and Colleges were participated in the Seminar.
The Chief Guest of the seminar Prof. T.V Kattimani in his address emphasised on the topic “The Legacy of Mahima Dharma and Cultural preservation” the other Topics highlighted during all the four sessions were

  • Mahima Dharma: Origins, Beliefs, and Practices
  • Bhima Bhoi: Life, Poetry, and Influence
  • Literature of the Marginalised: Voices and Expressions
  • Contemporary Relevance and Challenges
  • Mahima Dharma and Social Justice
  • Mahima Dharma & Cultural revolution
  • Mahima Dharma in Comparative Religious Studies
  • Mahima Dharma and Tourism
  • Preserving Odia Identity through Mahima Poetry
  • Exploring Mahima Dharma and Harmony with Nature
Beyond academic discussions the Seminar create a casting impact on participants thorough performing Mahima Bhajans and Kirtan by renewed Mahima Sadhus, invited from Mahimapuram of Jharsuguda district of Odisha. Besides these a Film “Rupa Arupa” produced and directed by Debaranjan was screened its premier show
in which the life stay at Bhima Bhoi and the concept of Mahima cult was narrated logistically.
A Field tour to The Samadhi pitha of Saint Bhima Bhoi, Khaliapali at Sonepur district of Odisha by scholars and Guests was addressed religious and Cultural significance of Mahima Cult on the end day of the seminar.
Another Creative activities of Art Workshop was organised during the seminar to glorify the sanctity of ‘ Sunya Brahma’ about fifteen Artists (Students of Gangadhar Meher University) were demonstrated live Art in Canvas and Showcased.