ଗଙ୍ଗାଧର ମେହେର ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ, ସମ୍ବଲପୁର, ଓଡିଶା

Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur, Odisha

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Time Table for UG 2nd Semester as per NEP New Prof. Srimat Sahu Memorial Lecture-5 organized by School of English, Gangadhar Meher University PM Internship Scheme Notice for 3rd Odisha Inter University Competitions for the session 2024-2025 Download Admit card UG-I & PG-I Examination, 2025 Notice for GM University Students for East Zone Inter University Cricket(Men) Tournament 2024-25 Notice for hostel spot Admission 2024-25 Defaulter list 2024-25 Admission Fee Structure for Ph.D. Programme Ph.D. Admission Notice

Core Members of IQAC

As per the UGC's relevant latest guidelines, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Gangadhar Meher University is hereby reconstituted with the following members for two years unless otherwise dissolved or modified.

IQAC Core Members (Internal)

1 Prof. (Dr.) N. Nagaraju, Vice Chancellor Chairman
2 Prof. Susanta Kumar Das, Professor, Physics Director & Member Secretary
3 Prof. Mohin Mohammad, Professor, Philosophy Member, Chairman PGC
4 Smt. Jugaleswari Dash, Registrar Member
5 Dr. Uma Charan Pati, Deputy Registrar Member
6 Prof. Gnyana Ranjan Swain, Professor, Political Science Member
7 Dr. Pramod Kumar Samal, Associate Professor, Physics Member
8 Dr. Alekh Sutar, Associate Professor, Chemistry Member
9 Dr. Anjali Tripathy, Associate Professor, English Member
10 Dr. Bijaya Laxmi Panigrahi, Associate Professor, Mathematics Member
11 Dr. Debasis Behera, Assistant Professor, Chemistry Member

IQAC Core Member (External)

1 Dr. Nakul Choudhury Member from the Management
2 Dr. Kamdeba Sahu, Retired Reader of English Nominee from Local Society
3 Mr. Mukesh Sharma, Ph.D. Scholar Nominee from Students
4 Mr. Biraja Hota Nominee from Alumni
5 Sri Radhashyam Mahapatro, Director-HR, NALCO Nominee from Employers
6 Mr. Ashok Kumar Jalan, Industrialist Nominee from Industrialist
7 Mr. Sukanta Tripathy, OAS (S), PD-DRDA, Sambalpur Nominee from Stakeholders

IQAC Departmental Coordinators/Co-opted members

Sl. No. Name of theSchool/ Section Name of theStaff member of the School/ Section as Coordinator
1 Anthropology Dr. Minaketan Bag
2 Biotechnology Dr. Raghunath Satpathy
3 Botany Dr. Pragnya Sahoo
4 Chemistry Dr. Suprava Nayak
5 Commerce Dr. Priyabrata Panda
6 ComputerScience Dr. Usha Manasi Mohapatra
7 Economics Dr. Muralidhar Majhi
8 Education/Integrated BEd Dr. Neena Dash
9 English Dr. P. Muralidhar Sharma
10 Geography Dr. Sujit Kumar Jally
11 Hindi Dr. Sala Besra
12 History Dr. Santosh Kumar Mallick
13 Library& Information Science Dr. Rosalien Rout
14 Mathematics Dr. YudhisthiraJamudulia
15 Odia Dr. ParikhitaBhoi
16 Philosophy Dr. Jamric Ekka
17 Physics Dr. Ananta Prasad Chakraborty
18 PoliticalScience Dr. Pratima Sarangi
19 Psychology Dr. RupashreeBrahmakumari
20 Sanskrit Dr. Suneli Dei
21 Sociology Ms. NamrataPanigrahi
22 Statistics Dr. Nirupama Sahoo
23 Zoology Dr. Dilip Kumar Sahoo
24 BScIST/ MSc ETC Sri Satyaban Behera
25 MBA/MBA-FM/BBA Dr. Srinibash Dash
26 MCA Dr. Ajay Tripathy
27 Academics Dr. Chandan Sahu and Sri AmarendraKhamari
28 Accounts Sri Jagannath Prasad Naik
29 Establishment Sri Amit Hota and Ms. Tilottama Naik
30 Examination Sri Pradyumna Dash
31 Library Sri Akhilesh Hota
32 SystemManager Cell Smt. Priyanka Swain &Sri SusilKuamr Sahoo
33 Hostels HostelSuperintendents
34 ResearchOfficer Dr. Chandan Sahu
35 StudentWelfare Officer (SWO) Sri Nilamadav Pradhan