ଗଙ୍ଗାଧର ମେହେର ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ, ସମ୍ବଲପୁର, ଓଡିଶା

Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur, Odisha

School of Computer Science


Asst Professor (Guest Faculty)

School of Computer Science


Programming and Data Science

Selected Publications


With over 18 years of rich experience in IT education, Santanu Kumar Sarangi has made significant contributions in both academia and software development. Throughout his career, he has played pivotal roles in a variety of institutions. He served as Academic Head at Imperial Group of Institutions, Bargarh and Senior Faculty and Academic Coordinator at ICFAI National College, Sambalpur. Santanu’s expertise extends beyond teaching, with several key software development projects showcasing his innovative approach to real-world IT challenges like 

AI-Based Classroom Monitoring System (Susikshyana)

This AI-powered system assists educators in monitoring student attention during classes and examinations. The system tracks and analyzes students’ focus, automatically generating reports on distracted individuals. This is especially valuable for both teachers and administrators to evaluate classroom engagement and instructional effectiveness. (Technologies Used: OpenCV, TensorFlow, Centroid Tracking Algorithm, Statistical Tools)


Contactless Heartbeat, Heartrate, and Sleep Monitoring System

This innovative system offers contactless measurement of critical health parameters, making it ideal for patients and elderly individuals. The system uses radar technology to monitor heart rate and breathing patterns without the need for physical contact, improving comfort and mobility. (Technologies Used: Radar Sensor Module, Python)


Driver Drowsiness Detection System (Satarka) A real-time computer vision system designed to detect driver fatigue, playing an alert if drowsiness is detected. This project leverages advanced algorithms to ensure driver safety, particularly in long-haul transportation.(Technologies Used: Raspberry Pi, Python, OpenCV) 


Student Management System A comprehensive software suite that streamlines student-related activities such as admissions, fee collection, attendance, result processing, and online feedback. This system enhances administrative efficiency and student information management. (Technologies Used: PHP, HTML, JavaScript, MySQL, Visual Basic)