ଗଙ୍ଗାଧର ମେହେର ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ, ସମ୍ବଲପୁର, ଓଡିଶା

Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur, Odisha

School of Education


Assistant Professor


M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. IN Education, M.A. in sociology

Advance psychology, ICT in Education , Educational Statistics

Selected Publications


Dr. Gopikanta Suna has been a member of the School of Education , Gangadhar Meher University since 2020.Dr. Suna earned his earned his master degree from Ganagadhar Meher autonomus college sambalpur affilated by samablpur univesity  he also learned his M.Phil. degree from dr. PMIASE affilated by Sambalpur University, Dr. Suna earned his Ph.D. in Education from GANGADHAR MEHER UNIVERSITY, SAMBALPUR in 2024. During the years 2020-2024, he pursued his Ph.D. studies at GANGADHAR MEHER UNIVERSITY, SAMBALPUR , dr.here he was attend many lecturer series and seminar of varioues institute . during the PhD Period Dr. suna has published many article in various national and international journal   Dr. Suna qualified UGC NET in 2017. His research interests encompass a wide range of topics, including Teacher education, educational psychology , ICT in Education ,Pedagogy etc ..