ଗଙ୍ଗାଧର ମେହେର ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ, ସମ୍ବଲପୁର, ଓଡିଶା

Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur, Odisha

School of History

Prof.(Dr.) Dr. Sasmita Rani Shasini

Assistant Professor



Modern and Post-Modern Indian History

Selected Publications

“Prisons and Penal Measures under the British Colonial Orissa”,

Kakatiya Journal of Historical Studies,

Dr. Sasmita Rani Shasini

WoS Indexed: ; Scopus Indexed: ; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: Vol-XVII, No-1, Warangal, Telengana.; pg: 238-256; Publisher: Department of History and Tourism Management, Kaktiya University, Warrangal; Impact Factor: ; DOI :

Situating Madhusudan Das in the ‘Sati’ Polemics in Nineteenth century Odisha: Compulsion or Consent?”,

Purvanchal University Journal of Social Sciences

Sasmita Rani Shasini

WoS Indexed: ; Scopus Indexed: ; UGC Care Listed: ; vol: Vol-1, No-1; pg: 68-77; Publisher: Purvanchal University, Faculty of Arts, Law and Education; Impact Factor: ; DOI :

SHIKAR: The Literary Representation of State Power through Colonial Rule of Law”,

Shodhak: A Journal of Historical Research

Dr. Sasmita Rani Shasini

WoS Indexed: ; Scopus Indexed: ; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: Vol-50, Part-C; pg: 327-336; Publisher: ; Impact Factor: ; DOI :

“Cursed Bodies, Silenced Lives: Women, Moral Policing and Human Rights in India”,

History research Journal

Dr. Sasmita Rani Shasini

WoS Indexed: ; Scopus Indexed: ; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: Vol-5, Issue-6; pg: 901-916; Publisher: ; Impact Factor: ; DOI :

, “Policing the Police: Salt Monopoly and the Colonial Rule of Law in Orissa”,

IOSR (International Organization of Scientific Research) (Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences)

WoS Indexed: ; Scopus Indexed: ; UGC Care Listed: ; vol: vol-27, Issue-2, ; pg: 427-431; Publisher: ; Impact Factor: ; DOI : Doi.9790/0837-270204346 .

“Reconstruction of Women’s History of India,

European Academic Research Journal

Dr. Sasmita Rani Shasini

WoS Indexed: ; Scopus Indexed: ; UGC Care Listed: ; vol: Vol. III, Issue. 2, ; pg: 2239-2254; Publisher: ; Impact Factor: ; DOI :
