08 Years
Research Area
Colonial Law and Society
Women's issues
Subaltern History
Contemporary History
Research Guidance
Ph. D. Candidates:
Master Degree Candidates:
International Publications
- 1.5. Sasmita Rani Shasini, “The ‘Myth’ Of Equality of ‘Rule of Law’: Crimes and Criminality in Colonial Orissa”, International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research [IJSSHR], Vol. III, Issue 1, January-March 2015. [Index: ; Impact Factor: ]
- 2.“Popular construction of self-government: The literary representation of ‘National’in ‘Bandira Atmakatha’ by Gopabandhu Das”, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development [IJMRD], Vol. II, No. 3, [Index: ; Impact Factor: ]
- 3.7. Sasmita Rani Shasini, [Co Author Sankarsan Malik] “Reconstruction of Women’s History of India, European Academic Research [EAR], Vol. III, Issue. 2, [Index: ; Impact Factor: ]
- 10. Sasmita Rani Shasini, “Policing the Police: Salt Monopoly and the Colonial Rule of Law in Orissa”, IOSR (International Organization of Scientific Research) (Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences), vol-27, Issue-2, [Index: ; Impact Factor: 4.6 ]
- 15. Sasmita Rani Shasini, “Situating Madhusudan Das in the ‘Sati’ Polemics in Nineteenth century Odisha: Compulsion or Consent?”, Purvanchal University Journal of Social Sciences, Vol-1, No-1 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ]
National Publications
- 1. Sasmita Rani Shasini “Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and the Right to Education Act, 2009”, Kashmiri Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 5, 2011, ISSN: 0975-6620], Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kashmir. [Index: ; Impact Factor: ]
- 2. Sasmita Rani Shasini, “Origin and Growth of Free and Compulsory Education in India: an overview of denial from British Raj to the modern Indian state”, Social Vision, Vol.1 Issue-1 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ]
- 3. Sasmita Rani Shasini, “Moral Policing and Violence against Women in India”, Social Vision, Vol. I, Issue-2, [Index: ; Impact Factor: ]
- 4. Sasmita Rani Shasini, “Contesting Morality: women, moral policing and human rights in India, Desh Vikas , Vol. I, Issue-4 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ]
- “Cursed Bodies, Silenced Lives: Women, Moral Policing and Human Rights in India”, History Research Journal, Vol-5, Issue-6, [Index: ; Impact Factor: ]
- 9. Sasmita Rani Shasini, “SHIKAR: The Literary Representation of State Power through Colonial Rule of Law”, Shodhak, Vol-50, Part-C, [Index: ; Impact Factor: ]
- 12. Sasmita Rani Shasini, “Prisons and Penal Measures under the British Colonial Orissa”, Kakatiya Journal of Historical Studies, Vol-XVII, No.1, May 2022, Warangal, Telengana. [Index: ; Impact Factor: ]
International Conferences
- 1. Presented a paper on “Origin and Growth of Free and Compulsory Education in India: an overview of denial from British Raj to the modern Indian state” in Comparative Education Society of India [CESI] Annual International Conference on Education Diversity and Democracy, Organized by Department of Economics, University of Calcutta, 28-30 December 2013. [Index: ]
- 2. Presented a Paper on “Crime, Justice and Everyday Lives: A Journey through Fakirmohan Senapati’s Novels”, in International Conference on “Crime and Punishment in Colonial India”, organized by Department of English, K. K. Das College, 09.12.2022. [Index: ]
- 3. Presented a paper on “Situating Madhusudan Das in the ‘Sati’ polemics in Nineteenth century Odisha: Compulsion or Consent?” in the two days International Conference on the topic “Relooking at Indian History: Science, Belief and Narrative” organized by P.G. department of History, Berhampur University from 03.10.2023 to 04.10.2023. [Index: ]
- [Index: ]
National Conferences
- 1. Presented a paper “Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and the Right to Education Act, 2009” in National Young Scholars Colloquium on State of Research on Human Rights: Prospective and Retrospective conducted by Centre for Human Rights, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, 1 & 2 February, 2012. [Index: ]
- 2. Presented a paper on “Increasing Learning and Participation among the Tribal Children through Multilingual Education (MLE) Programme in Odisha” in National Seminar on Issues and Challenges in Tribal Areas organized by Department of Anthropology, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, 29 & 30 March, 2012. [Index: ]
- 3. Presented a paper on “Situating Maulana Abul Kalam Azad in the Making of Modern India” in National Conference on Makers of Modern India, organized by Department of History, Abasaheb Garware Collage, Pune, 22 & 23 February, 2013. [Index: ]
- 4. Presented a paper on (co-author Sankarsan Malik) “Moral Policing and Violence Against Women in India” in the National Seminar on Violence Against Women: Changing Perception of Crime and Punishment, organized by Centre for Human Rights, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, 29 & 30 March, 2013. [Index: ]
- 5. Presented a paper on “Contesting Morality: Women, Moral policing and Human Rights in India” in National Seminar on Human Rights in 21st Century: Emerging Dimensions, organized by the Department of Political Science, P.G. College, Secunderabad, Osmania University, Hyderabad, 6th & 7th July, 2013. [Index: ]
- 6. Presented a paper on “Civilizing the Savage: Colonial Legal Regime and Kandhs of Orissa” in National Seminar on Narrating Local History: Community, Caste and Tribe in Odisha, organized by Department of History, Utkal University, 25th January, 2019 [Index: ]
- 7. Presented a paper on “Women and Moral Policing: A Study on Odia Culture” in National Seminar on Culture: through the Ages, organized by Department of History, Berhampur University, 26th & 27th February, 2019. [Index: ]
- 8. Presented a paper on “In Search of Legitimacy: Tribal Rituals, Native Chiefs and Colonial State in Orissa”, in National Seminar organized by Department of History, Berhampur University, 16.03.2022. [Index: ]
- 9. Presented a Paper on “Trial of Veer Surendra Sai” in the All India Judicial Conference on “Configuring and Archiving Legal History of India” organized by High Court of Orissa, 18th and 19th March, 2023. [Index: ]
Graduate Level:
Modern European History
Modern Japan
Modern China
Modern Indian History
Economic History of India Post Graduate Level:
World History: 19th and 20th Century
History of Science and Technology
History of Economic Thought
Environmental History
Law and Society in Colonial India
Women's History
Books / Chapters Published
- 11. Sasmita Rani Shasini, “In Search of Legitimacy: Tribal Rituals, Native Chiefs and Colonial State in Orissa”, in M.C. Behera (Ed), “Tribe and Religion: A Contemporary Reading”, (Upcoming), Routledge, United Kingdom.
- 13. Sasmita Rani Shasini, “ Crime, Justice and Everyday Lives: A Literary Journey through Fakir Mohan Senapati’s Novels”, in Mandala, V.R. (Ed), “Exploring Power and Authority in Indian History across the Ages”, Springer Nature, Singapore.
- 14. Sasmita Rani Shasini, “Negotiation and Confrontation in Sea: The Oriya Lascars in European Ships” in Padhi, U. (Ed) “Kalinga & Southeast Asia: The Civilisational Linkages”, Institute of Media Studies, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, 2023, ISBN No: 978-93-5913-313-3.
- 17. Sasmita Rani Shasini & Suchismita Naik, “Vulnerable Subjecthood”: An Introduction to The History of Transgenders in Odisha”, Kunal Publishers, New Delhi.
Sponsored Projects
- GMU Seed Fund Project, 2023. Project Title: "“The Transformation of the Lord into a Subject: Jagannath Amidst Colonial Legal Interference”. Project Cost- 1 Lakh
- 1. OURIIP-2022, Govt. of Odisha, Project Title: "State, Society and Colonial Legality: Configuring the Legal Landscape of Nineteenth Century Odisha", Project Cost- 5.12 Lakh
- 1. OURIIP-2022, Govt. of Odisha, Project Title: "State, Society and Colonial Legality: Configuring the Legal Landscape of Nineteenth Century Odisha"
Seminar / Symposia / Workshops / Short term Course organized
- Seminars: 03
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Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur, Odisha