ଗଙ୍ଗାଧର ମେହେର ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ, ସମ୍ବଲପୁର, ଓଡିଶା

Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur, Odisha

School of Library & Information Science

News & Events

data Date: 26/09/2024

Invited talk on "Mechanics of Scholarly Writing"

The talk aimed to enhance participants' scholarly writing skills, covering essential topics like structuring research articles, proper citation and referencing, writing with clarity, publishing ethics, and effective proofreading techniques. Prof. Sevukan's insights empowered students, researchers, and faculty to produce high-quality academic work while adhering to ethical practices. The talk fostered a deeper understanding of scholarly communication, promoting academic excellence and integrity within the university community.

data Date: 04/12/2023

One day National Workshop on “ Koha Open Source ILMS & its Functionalities

The workshop was arranged mainly for learning the use of Koha Library Management Software for better library services. This workshop is designed for the skill development of the staff for handling the library services & routine works efficiently and effectively using Koha software and also copes up with the modern technologies for better services to the users. This was equally benefited to the library staffs as well as faculty of the department to know the new trend of services through this workshop. The SLIS, GMU is looking forward to organize future events on different ILMS Open Source Software in order to create awareness in modern technologies and better services to the users.

data Date: 28/09/2022

One Day National Webinar on “Understanding Open Educational Resources and Creative Common License”

Open educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning, and research materials intentionally created and licensed to be free for the end user to own, share, and use. The term "OER" describes publicly accessible materials and resources for any user to use, re-mix, improve, and redistribute under some licenses. These are designed to reduce accessibility barriers by implementing best practices in teaching. The media revolution, the computer and communication technology, the changing behavior of the user community and the increasing social responsibility have had a great impact on the OER learning and Teaching. The SLIS, GMU is looking forward to organize future events on various types of OER platforms and different aspects of IPR issues in order to create awareness in research & technologies in digital environment.

data Date: 09/07/2021

One Day National Webinar on “ Employment in LIS: Status, Skills and Competencies”

LIS Professionals are supposed to be advanced academicians/Librarians/Media Librarians/ Documentation Officers/Library Information officers/Information Officers who are capable of working in a hypertext, networked and digital environment. The SLIS, GMU is looking forward to organize future events on different fields and areas of LIS in order to create awareness in research.

data Date: 12/08/2021

One Day National Webinar on "Librarianship in the Digital Era : Development & Challenges".

The twentieth century witnessed the emergence of various professions and “Librarianship” is one among them. Dr. S. R. Ranganathan who is considered the father of Library Science contributed to the development of the library profession in India. He describes the ‘Library’ as the public institution and ‘Librarianship’ as a noble profession. A society cannot flourish without proper education and libraries promoting education, research, personality development, ethics and other important values. Whereas librarianship is a distinct and distinguished profession in modern society. It is engaged in public service and plays an important role in national development. Librarianship implies collecting, organizing, preserving and disseminating information to those who need it. The primary purpose of librarianship is to provide access to information pertinent to user requests with great speed and thus, achieve user satisfaction.

data Date: 07/03/2020

Two Days National Workshop On Knowledge Repository & Plagiarism

Two Days National Workshop On Knowledge Repository & Plagiarism was organized by School of Library and Information Science during 7th and 8th March 2020 with an objective to make aware of the benefits of using Knowledge Repository to the scholarly communities and institution as well and plagiarism. The Workshop is intended to train the participants with skills for developing their own digital libraries/institutional repositories using open-source digital library software (Dspace) and also give awareness about the ethics in academic writings as well as give practical exposure to using anti-plagiarism software.