Research Area
Number Theory
Partition Theory plays an important role in modern science. New generating functions are quite essential in solving many problems in different branch of science.
4 Years
Research Area
Number Theory Specialization to Ramanujan's work (Partition Theory, Hyper geometric Functions, Mock Theta Functions, Continued Fractions)
Research Guidance
Ph. D. Candidates:
Laxmi Majhi (Continuing)
Gouri Shankar Guru (Continuing)
Master Degree Candidates:
International Publications
- Six Variable Generalization of Reciprocity Theorem Found in Ramanujan’s Lost Note- book [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: ]
- On Some Circular Summation Formulas for Theta Functions [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: ]
- An Interesting q-Continued Fractions of Ramanujan [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ]
- A Note on Explicit Evaluation of Ramanujan’s Cubic Continued Fraction using Theta Function Identities [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ]
- An Analogue of Ramanujan’s Remarkable Product of Theta-Functions and its Applications [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ]
National Publications
- On a Continued Fraction Identity from Ramanujan’s Notebook [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ]
International Conferences
- 1. Explicit Evaluation of Ramanujan’s Cubic Continued Furaction, Presented in International Conference on Recent Developments on Statistical Theory and Practice, organized by Department of Statistics, Pondicherry University, Puducherry [Index: Other ]
- An Analogue of Ramanujan’s Remarkable Product of Theta-Functions and its Applications, Presented in International Conference on Mathematics, Physics and Allied Sciences?2016, organized by Carmel College of Arts, Sciences and Commerce for Women, Nuvem, Goa, in collaboration with International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation [Index: Other ]
National Conferences
- . A Note on Ramanujan’s Remarkable Product of Theta-Functions, Presented in National Conference on Recent Advances in Numerical Methods And Its Applications, RANMA- 2014, organized by Department of Mathematics, Pondicherry University, Puducherry [Index: Other ]
- A Note on Explicit Evaluation of Ramanujan’s Cubic Continued Fraction using Theta Function Identities, Presented in National Conference on Advance in Mathematics and its Application to Sciences and Engineering AMASE ? 2016, organized by Department of Mathematics, University College of Engineering Pattukkottai, Rajamadam, Thanjavur, Tamilnadu [Index: Other ]
Graduate Level:
Real Analysis, Theory of Real Functions, Algebra-II, Probability & Statistics Post Graduate Level:
Real Analysis, Complex Analysis, Fourier Analysis, Analytic Number Theory, Partial Differential Equations
Award, Honours and Achievements
- Awarded Junior Research Fellowship in 2011 and Senior Research Fellowship in 2013 by CSIR, HRDG
Books / Chapters Published
- Nil
Sponsored Projects
- GMU, SEED Money Project, October, 2023
Seminar / Symposia / Workshops / Short term Course organized
- Organized Five Webinar "National Webinar on Advanced Number Theory-2020" in School of Mathematics, from 16th November, 2020 to 20th, November, 2020.
Members of Professional Bodies
- Indian Science Congress Association
- Nil
Extra Responsibility
- IQAC Coordinator, School of Mathematics