Combined Legendre spectral finite element methods for integral equations, OURIIP Seed Grant, 2020, Rs. 3,30,000, Completed Prof.(Dr.) Bijaya Laxmi Panigrahi
Seed Fund Research Project entitled "Analytical solutions of some Bio models by fractional calculus approach" sponsored by OURIIP, Govt. of Odisha Dr. Ashrita Patra
Eigenvalue problem of a compact integral operator with weakly singular kernel and multigrid methods, DST, SERB, India, Rs. 7,22,800, 2013-2016, Completed Prof.(Dr.) Bijaya Laxmi Panigrahi
GMU, SEED Money Project, October, 2023 Dr. Yudhisthira Jamudulia
Minor Research Project entitled "Analytical solutions of fractional order soliton type differential equations", sponsored by OHEPEE (World BANK), Govt. of Odisha Dr. Ashrita Patra