1 years 8 months 9 days (On June 28, 2024)
Research Area
Machine Learning Approaches for Plant Disease Classification
Research Guidance
Ph. D. Candidates:
Master Degree Candidates:
International Conferences
- Convolutional Neural Network Approach for Disease Classification [Index: Other ]
Graduate Level:
Computer Networks, Computer Networks Lab, Software Engineering Lab Post Graduate Level:
Programming & Data Structure, Data Communication and Computer Networks, Computer Organization and Architecture, Information Security, Data Structure with C Lab, DBMS Lab, Software Engineering Lab
Award, Honours and Achievements
- Best Paper award for the paper titled 'Convolutional Neural Network Approach for Disease Classification' at the IEEE-sponsored OPJU International Technology Conference on SMART COMPUTING FOR INNOVATION AND ADVANCEMENT IN INDUSTRY 4.0, held at OP Jindal University, Raigarh, Chhattisgarh, India, from June 5th to 7th, 2024.
Seminar / Symposia / Workshops / Short term Course organized
- 1. An organizing member of the One Day National Seminar on “Applications of Intelligent Computing” held on 7th January 2023, organized by the Department of MCA, Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur, India. Guests of Honour included Prof. Siba K. Udgata, Prof. Amiya Kumar Rath, and Prof. Sachin N. Deshmukh.
2. Co-convener of the One Day State Level Seminar on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - An Application Perspective” on 3rd May 2024, organized by the Department of MCA, Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur, India. Eminent guests included Dr. Santosh Kumar Majhi and Dr. Amiya Kumar Sahu.
- Cloud-based system to detect and prevent intruders for network security.
Extra Responsibility
- 1. Served as Invigilator, Paper setter, and Evaluator.
2. Served as the Admission In-Charge Officer for the MCA program.
3. A member of the NAAC committee for Criteria 5.3.
4. Served as the Internal Guide for the MCA Industrial Project.
5. Addition of a Value-Added Course in the MCA Curriculum.
6. Conduct outreach/extension activities, departmental seminars, departmental mentor-mentee meetings, departmental alumni meetings, and parent-teacher meetings.
7. Conduct a National/State Seminar.