Research Area
Social and Political Philosophy, Feminist Philosophy
Research Guidance
Ph. D. Candidates:
M. Phil.
• • Madhusmita Giri [ 21 MPL -004] A Critical Analysis of Theory of Causation in Indian System, 2021
• • Mahima Sagar Mallick [21 MPL-006] Peter Singer’s Concept of One World: A Critical Study, 2021
• • Achyutananda Bhuyan [] Dandanacha: An Exploration of Theological Punishment, 2020
• • Smrutirekha Das [20 MPL-008] Moral Justification of Euthanasia: An Analysis, 2020
Ph. D: Guiding Three students
1. Ms. Paili Parida
2. Ms. Mamina Sahoo
3. Mr. Pabitra Sabar
Master Degree Candidates:
International Publications
- 1. Pati, Subhankari , “The Study of Unknown and Unknowability in Kant’s Philosophy,” IJMER, ISSN: 2277-7881, Vol.1, Issue 2, June 2012. [Index: ; Impact Factor: ]
National Publications
- Pati, Subhankari, “Freedom of Will: A Comparative Study of Kant and Hegel,” Freedom and Responsibility, ISBN: 81-895 70-17-X, March, 2012 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ]
- Pati. Subhankari, “Good Life: A Comparative Study of Aristotle John Rawls”, Journal of Philosophy and Critical Thinking, ISSN: 122 2394-7004, Vol. III, November, 2016 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ]
- Pati. Subhankari, “Happiness: An Analytical Study of Aristotle and John Rawls”, Aalochan Dristi, ISSN No. 2455-4219, Vol.23, July-September, 2021 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ]
- Pati. Subhankari, “The Concept of Justice in Aristotle’s Philosophy”, Journal of Fundamental and Comparative Research Shodhsamhita, ISSN No. 2277-7067, Vol. VIII, Issue 10, 2021-2022 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ]
- Pati. Subhankari, " The Notion of Self in Buddhism" Journal of All Orissa Philosophy Association, ISSN No:2784, Vo. No: X, No: 01, Janurary , 2024 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ]
- [Index: ; Impact Factor: ]
National Conferences
- • National Seminar on Freedom and Responsibility sponsored by ICPR at DDU, Paper on: “Free Will: A Comparative Study of Kant and Hegel”, Gorakhpur on November 28, 29 & 30, 2008. [Index: ]
- • AOPA Annual Conference, Presented Paper on “Revisiting Rawls’ Theory of Justice”, held on 8th and 9th Feb, 2015, Maharshi College, Bhubaneswar [Index: ]
- • Presented Paper at UGC sponsored National Seminar on “The Philosophy of the Gita and Its Relevance to the Present- Day Scenario”, organized by Rama Devi Women’s (Auto) College, Bhubaneswar, on 22nd and 23rdMarch 2015 Presented Paper entitled as “Relevance of the Gita in the Modern World”. [Index: ]
- • AOPA Annual Conference, Presented Paper on “Fact/Value Dichotomy in Hume’s Moral Philosophy”, held on 23rd to 25th January 2020, Vikarm Deb (Auto) College, Jeypore, Koraput , Odisha, India. [Index: ]
- • AOPA Annual Conference, Presented Paper on “The Notion of Self in Buddhism”, held on 23rd to 25th January 2023, Utkal University, Vanivihar, Odisha, India. [Index: ]
- • AOPA Annual Conference, Presented Paper on “Rawls Theory of Justice and its Limited Application on Family” held on 24th to 25th January, 2024, N. C. (Auto) College, Jajpur, Odisha [Index: ]
- Presented Paper on “Political Theory and Democracy: An Interpretation of Wittgenstein, National Seminar sponsored by ICPR on 3rd to 4th February, 2024, Organised by Vikarm Dev University, Jeypore [Index: ]
- [Index: ]
Graduate Level:
6 years Post Graduate Level:
7 years
Award, Honours and Achievements
- • UGC NET (2012 & 2013) • ICPR, JUNIOR RESEARCH FELLOW (2013)
Books / Chapters Published
- NO
Sponsored Projects
- Mukhyamantri Research Innovation (MRI) for Extramural Research Funding-2023 entitled :"Rawls Conception of Person: A Feminist Critique ( ongoing)
- Minor Research Project entitled " Paradigm of Self in Buddhism and Vedanta" sponsered by G. M. University , Sambapur (ongoing Reserch Project)
- Minor Research Project entitled "A GERONTOLOGICAL STUDY OF HUMAN WELL-BEING: INDIAN AND GREEK PERSPECTIVES " sponsered by World Bank . Completed
Seminar / Symposia / Workshops / Short term Course organized
- • Organized a Two Days National Seminar on the topic entitled “Indian Ethics: Its Relevance in the Present Times” from 6th to 7th April 2019 at the PG Department of Philosophy, Vikram Deb (Auto) College, Jeypore, Koraput, Odisha, India.
• Organized a One Day National Seminar on the topic entitled “Contemporary Relevance of Gandhi’s, Concept of Swaraj” 8th August, 2022, Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur, Odisha, India.
• Organized a National Webinar on the topic entitled “Introducing the Epistemological and Ontological Dimensions of Phenomenology”, 26th September, 2022, Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur, Odisha, India.
• Organized a One Day National Seminar on the topic entitled “Philosophy: Concept, Issues and Challenges, 17th December, 2022, Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur, Odisha, India.
• Organized a One Day National Seminar on the topic entitled “Critical Thinking and Philosophizing” 2nd March, 2024, Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur
Members of Professional Bodies
- Life Time member of AOPA, Odisha
- NO
Extra Responsibility
- In charge of Head, Department of Philosophy