ଗଙ୍ଗାଧର ମେହେର ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ, ସମ୍ବଲପୁର, ଓଡିଶା

Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur, Odisha

School of Physics

Head Of School


Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das




View Profile

About School

The department was established in 1957. The department has a long standing history of excellence in teaching and research. At present, the school offers Doctorate programme (PhD) , two years master degree course (M.Sc.) and three years under graduate course in Physics (B.Sc.). Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) syllabushave been implemented at UG level since academic session 2015-16, at P.G. level it was implemented from academic session 2018-19. Also syllabus for UG student as per New Education Policy has been framed and opened for the students taking admission from 2024-25 batch onwards. School of Physics also implemented the outcome based syllabus with incorporation of programme outcomes, programme specific outcomes and course outcomes with various level of cognitive learning. Since 2020, seven faculties (one Professor, two Associate Professors and four Assistant Professors) have joined the School. All the faculties have their Doctorates and Post-Doctoral experiencesfrom reputed premier institutes of India and abroad. Faculties are associated with research activities in the area like LASERS/optoelectronics, Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Cosmology (theory and data analysis), Polymer/FRP composites, industrial waste utilization, Nano materials, Piezoelectric materials, Photonics/Metamaterials, Solid State Physics (experimental). About 40 research paperswere published in Scopus/WoS reputed journals since 2020. The average number of citations of the papers published by all the faculties is 367.28 . At present, about 15 numbers of PhD scholars are continuing their doctorate programme. Two PhD scholars are being awarded with Biju Pattanaik research fellowship award. Out of twelve numbers of procured projects of total grant 45.34 Lakhs (5 as extra mural and 7 as university supported seed grant), three projects are completed successfully. The School facilitates some research labs on the basis of expertise gained by the faculties. Apart from regular academic activities, the school offers preparatory classes for national level competitive examinations like NET/GATE/JAM/JEST/CPET. Since 2020, about 30 students have qualified such competitive examinations and also continuing their higher academic studies in reputed institutes of National importance. School of Physics conducted eight numbers seminars with very good numbers of participations of delegates, research scholars and students across the country. All the students of the departments are also monitored through their respective mentors. The School also facilitates very good connectivity with alumni and parents of the UG/PG students. 


To take the leadership in setting the standard of Physics Education in terms of Teaching and Research in the State and in the Country that will have a transformative impact on society through continual innovation in education, research and creativity.


Selected Publications
  • Mechanothermal assessment of outdoors aged hybrid glass fibre reinforced polymer composite filled with fly ash as industrial waste

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: in Press; pg: ; Publisher: Sage; Impact Factor: 3.1; DOI : 10.1177/07316844241231522

    Dr. Ananta Prasad Chakraverty

  • Effect of salinity and strain rate on sea water aged GFRP composite for marine applications

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 34; pg: 105056; Publisher: Elsevier; Impact Factor: 3.8; DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtcomm.2022.105056

    Dr. Ananta Prasad Chakraverty

  • Stability of GFRP composites with varied fractions of reinforcement exposed to ageing processes outdoors

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 29; pg: 1485-1494; Publisher: Sage; Impact Factor: 2.1; DOI : https://doi.org/10.1177/096739112097350

    Dr. Ananta Prasad Chakraverty

  • A novel investigation on durability of GRE composite pipe for prolonged sea water transportation

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 17; pg: 42-50; Publisher: Elsevier; Impact Factor: 8.0; DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coco.2019.11.008

    Dr. Ananta Prasad Chakraverty

  • Durability of GFRP composite exposed to outdoors weathering

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 13; pg: 22-29; Publisher: Elsevier; Impact Factor: 8.0; DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coco.2019.02.003

    Dr. Ananta Prasad Chakraverty

  • Low Force Measurement Based on Impedance of a Piezo-resonator

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: No; vol: Vol 32, (4); pg: 293-296 ; Publisher: Springer; Impact Factor: 1.0; DOI : doi:10.1007/s12647-017-0219-3

    Dr. Pranati Purohit

  • A Study of Determination of Dynamic Viscosity in Liquids Using Radial Mode Piezo-resonator

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 519(1); pg: 236-240; Publisher: Taylor & Francis; Impact Factor: 0.8; DOI : doi:10.1080/00150193.2017.1362273.

    Dr. Pranati Purohit

  • Optimization of a Piezoelectric Mechanical Amplifier Actuator for Nano-indentation

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 202(1); pg: 144-150; Publisher: Taylor & Francis; Impact Factor: 0.836; DOI : https://doi.org/10.1080/10584587.2019.1674832

    Dr. Pranati Purohit

  • A study on the tensile force and shear strain of trilayer graphene

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 93(3); pg: 30404; Publisher: EDP Sciences; Impact Factor: 1,0; DOI : https://doi.org/10.1051/epjap/2021200357

    Dr. Pranati Purohit

  • A Brief Review on the Status of Binary and Ternary Relaxor-PT Materials

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 62(8); pg: 5298-5301; Publisher: Elsevier; Impact Factor: ; DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2022.03.366

    Dr. Pranati Purohit

  • CMB Polarization and Temperature Power Spectra Estimation using Linear Combination of WMAP 5-yearMaps.

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 714; pg: 840-851; Publisher: The Institute of Physics (IOP); Impact Factor: 7.43; DOI : https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/714/1/840

    Dr. Pramoda Kumar Samal

  • Testing Isotropy of Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 385; pg: 1718-1728; Publisher: Oxford Academic; Impact Factor: 5.356; DOI : https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2966.2008.12960.x

    Dr. Pramoda Kumar Samal

  • Signals of Statistical Anisotropy in WMAP Foreground Cleaned Maps

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 396; pg: 511-522; Publisher: Oxford Academic; Impact Factor: 5.356; DOI : https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2966.2009.14728.x

    Dr. Pramoda Kumar Samal

  • Testing statistical isotropy in cosmic microwave background polarization maps.

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 475; pg: 4357-4366; Publisher: Oxford Academic; Impact Factor: 5.356; DOI : https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/sty007

    Dr. Pramoda Kumar Samal

  • Effect of foregrounds on the cosmic microwave background radiation multipole alignment.

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 414; pg: 1032-1046; Publisher: Oxford Academic; Impact Factor: 5.356; DOI : https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2966.2011.18410.x

    Dr. Pramoda Kumar Samal

  • Enhanced broadband transmission through structured plasmonic thin films for transparent electrodes

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 8; pg: 083889-083889; Publisher: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers; Impact Factor: 1.7; DOI : https://doi.org/10.1117/1.JNP.8.083889

    Dr. Gangadhar Behera

  • Complementary layer pairs of plasmonic ladder-like structured films: Fabrication and visible-near-infrared properties

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 118; pg: 063104 (2015); Publisher: AIP Publishing; Impact Factor: 2.2; DOI : https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4928469

    Dr. Gangadhar Behera

  • Tri-layered composite plasmonic structure with a nanohole array for multiband enhanced absorption at visible to NIR frequencies: plasmonic and metamaterial resonances

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 49; pg: 075103; Publisher: IOP Publishing; Impact Factor: 3.4; DOI : 10.1088/0022-3727/49/7/075103

    Dr. Gangadhar Behera

  • Polarization dependent enhanced infrared transmission through complementary nanostructured gold films

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 18; pg: 055103; Publisher: IOP Publishing; Impact Factor: 2.2; DOI : 10.1088/2040-8978/18/5/055103

    Dr. Gangadhar Behera

  • Cermet based metamaterials for multi band absorbers over NIR to LWIR frequencies

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 50; pg: 245104; Publisher: IOP Publishing; Impact Factor: 3.4; DOI : 10.1088/1361-6463/aa6cf6

    Dr. Gangadhar Behera

  • Electron-phonon interaction and elastic anomaly in heavy fermions (HF) systems with finite wave vector ‘q’ and finite ‘T’ analysis

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: No; vol: 642; pg: 413964; Publisher: Scince Direct; Impact Factor: 2.9; DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2022.413964

    Prof.(Dr.) Namita Shadangi

  • Dynamics of impurity modes and electron-phonon interaction in heavy fermion (HF) systems

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: No; vol: 442; pg: 106-113; Publisher: Scince Direct; Impact Factor: 2.9; DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2014.02.043

    Prof.(Dr.) Namita Shadangi

  • Magnetic susceptibility and electron-phonon(e-p) interaction in some U and Ce based heavy fermion (HF) systems

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: No; vol: 378; pg: 493-498; Publisher: Elsevier; Impact Factor: 2.993; DOI : 378, 493-498.

    Prof.(Dr.) Namita Shadangi

  • Phonon response of some heavy Fermion systems in dynamic limit

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: No; vol: 31; pg: 1750090; Publisher: Springer; Impact Factor: 1.7; DOI : 10.1016/j.jmmm.2014.11.072 03048853.

    Prof.(Dr.) Namita Shadangi

  • Effect of electron-phonon interaction and temperature dependence of resistivity in some heavy fermion systems

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: No; vol: 75 ; pg: 1-6; Publisher: Springer; Impact Factor: 2.0; DOI : DOI:10.1007/S12648-010-0123-Y 0974-9845

    Prof.(Dr.) Namita Shadangi

  • WoS Indexed: ; Scopus Indexed: ; UGC Care Listed: ; vol: ; pg: ; Publisher: ; Impact Factor: ; DOI :

    Prof.(Dr.) Namita Shadangi

  • Property enhancement of alternating glass/carbon fibre laminated FRP composite by glow discharge post-plasma irradiation

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 297; pg: 112299; Publisher: Elsevier; Impact Factor: 12.7; DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compositesb.2025.112299

    Dr. Ananta Prasad Chakraverty

Research Project
  • • 2017- continuing : Realization of cost effective second harmonic generation frequency resolved optical gating (SHG-FROG) using ZnO nanorods for diagnostics of ultrafast laser pulses in broad wavelength range of 400-2200 nm (Sponsor : Nano mission, Govt. of India,Amount : Rs. 24.59 Lakhs) (As Principal Investigator )

    Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das

  • • 2016-2019 :Studies on growth of laser induced hyperdoped black Si (LibSi) and their photoexcited carrier dynamics for cost effective and efficient photovoltaic applications. (Sponsors : SERB, Govt. of India, Amount : Rs. 29.92 Lakhs) (As Principal Investigator )

    Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das

  • • 2011-2013: Extended project: Ultrashort-pulse laser-induced nanostructuring of nonlinear materials (Sponsor :DFG, Germany, Responsibility : Preparation of the proposal, Implementation of the project, Amount : 200000 Euro) (As Project Scientist during my postdoc period )

    Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das

  • • 2011-2013:Nonlinear excitations of tailored semiconductor nanostructures. (Sponsor: LaserLab Europe, Responsibility : Preparation of the proposal, Implementation of the project, Amount :13000 Euro) (As Project Scientist during my postdoc period )

    Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das

  • • 2009-2011:Ultrashort-pulse laser-induced nanostructuring of nonlinear materials (Sponsor :DFG, Germany, Responsibility : Implementation of the project, Amount : 150000Euro) (As Project Scientist during my postdoc period )

    Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das

  • • 2007-2009 :Spatially resolved nonlinear autocorrelation of ultrashort laser pulses with microoptical matrix processors (Sponsor :DFG, Germany, Responsibility : Implementation of the project, Amount : 133000 Euro)(As Project Scientist during my postdoc period )

    Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das

  • • 2006-2007 :Second order cascaded nonlinear optical processes for all-optical photonic devices. (Sponsor :Indo-Bulgerian joint project, Responsibility : Preparation of the proposal)

    Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das

  • Industrial particulate waste reinforced FRP hybrid composite for corrosion-free light-weight applications, Sponsored by OURIIP Seed fund, OSHEC, Odisha, Rs 4,80,000/- , Status- Completed

    Dr. Ananta Prasad Chakraverty

  • • 2003-2007 :Generation of coherent mid-infrared radiation at 16?m through nonlinear optical difference frequency process for application in molecular spectroscopy (Sponsor: BRNS,India, Responsibility : Implementation of the project)

    Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das

  • OURIIP Seed Fund -2020 Project with title “Development of relaxor based piezoceramic material for energy harvesting” of amount Rs 5 lakhs. (OURIIP SEED fund-2020/51-Physics)

    Dr. Pranati Purohit

  • Design of tunable metamaterial absorber for sensing application( GM University SEED fund) (1 Lakh)

    Dr. Gangadhar Behera

  • Outdoors ageing of Fly ash reinforced GFRP hybrid composite for light weight applications, Sponsored by World Bank OHEPEE, Govt. of Odisha (Vide the sanction order number- 755/GMU, dated 19-02-2022), Rs 75,000/- ; Status: Completed

    Dr. Ananta Prasad Chakraverty

  • • 2003-2007 :Development of all solid state high repetition rate picosecond laser source tunable in wavelength and in pulse duration for nonlinear optical study of materials.(Sponsor: DST, India, Responsibility : Implementation of the project).

    Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das

  • Development of ceramic materials with enhanced piezoelectric properties, GMU, Rs 1 lakh

    Dr. Pranati Purohit

  • NA

    Prof.(Dr.) Namita Shadangi

  • Metamaterials for New Hybrid all day radiative Cooling system under OURIIP seed grant (5 lakhs), Govt. of Odisha

    Dr. Gangadhar Behera

School of Physics, Gangadhar Meher University is proud to have scientists, managers, bankers, technologists and entrepreneurs as its alumni. Developing an active and engaged alumni network empowers both the school and its graduates. The mission of the alumni association is to foster strong bonds between alumni, students and the university, to keep alumni informed, and to create a network enabling them to remain engaged with their alma mater and help shape its future. The school organized alumni meet time and again and aims to provide a platform for former students to share insights into their university experiences and how those formative years shaped their professional journeys. To support the student alumni of School of Physics give donations towards the development of the school and to support the needy students. Books donated by the alumni enrich the department library. The alumni of the School are presently doing their PhD in reputed institutes like IIT, NIT, IIMT, IISER etc. To motivate the students for higher studies, to show them the directions for various career opportunities available in the field of Physics., the school invite its alumni time to time to address the students.
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