A.P. Chakraverty, S. Beura, U. K. Mohanty, S. C. Mishra and B. B. Biswal, “GammaIrradiation of E-glass/epoxy composite: A study of its Mechanical and Thermal sustainability” Presented in International Conference in Processing and Characterization of Materials (ICPCM 2018), NIT, Rourkela, Published in Material Science Forum 978 (2020) 296-303 [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Ananta Prasad Chakraverty
A. P. Chakraverty, Debidatta Paridaa, Sambhabana Dash, Monalisa Parida, S. Beura, U. K. Mohanty, “Thermo-Mechanical Response of Post-Plasma irradiated E-Glass fibre/epoxy Composite” Presented in International Conference in Processing and Characterization of Materials (ICPCM 2019), NIT, Rourkela, Published in Materials Today: Proceedings 33 (2020) 4956-4960 [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Ananta Prasad Chakraverty
S Beura, AP Chakraverty, DN Thatoi, UK Mohanty, M Mohapatra, “Failure modes in GFRP composites assessed with the aid of SEM fractographs” Materials Today Proceedings 41 (2021), 172-179 [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Ananta Prasad Chakraverty
S Beura, DD Pradhan, AP Chakraverty, DN Thatoi, UK Mohanty, “Moisture effects leading to Tg depression in GFRP composites: An analysis” Materials Today Proceedings 62 (2022), 5987-5991 [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Ananta Prasad Chakraverty
Dibyajyoti D Pradhan, Monalisa Parida, T Badapnda, A P Chakraverty, S Beura, U K Mohanty, “Mechanical and thermal properties of plasma irradiated GO/Glass fibre/epoxy hybrid composite” Presented in International Conference in Processing and Characterization of Materials (ICPCM 2021), NIT, Rourkela, Published in Materials Today Proceedings 62 (2022), 6095-6101 [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Ananta Prasad Chakraverty
Electron-Phonon interaction and temperature dependence of resistivity in heavy fermion systems Bibhuti Parida, Jitendra Sahoo, Namita Shadangi, P. Nayak, Proceedings of Condensed Matter Days(CMDAYS)page-78, 29- 31stAugust-2008, Viswa Bharati, Santiniketan, Kolkata, W.B., INDIA. [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Namita Shadangi
Observation of Kondo insulator behaviour through f-d interaction in some heavy fermion (HF) systems. J Sahoo,SMohanty, N Shadangi and P Nayak,Paper presented at the Recent Trends in Applied Physics & Material Science (RAM-2013), held at Govt. College of Engineering & Technology, Bikaner, during Feb.01- 02,2013. [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Namita Shadangi
Study of Magnetic Susceptibility in Some Heavy Fermion (HF) Superconductors: N Shadangi, J Sahoo, S Mohanty, P Nayak:Paper presented at the 58th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium held at Thaper University, Punjab during December 17–21, 2013 [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Namita Shadangi
Effect of Electron-Phonon Interaction on Resistivity of Some Heavy Fermion (HF) Systems: J Sahoo, N Shadangi, P Nayak: Paper presented at the 58th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium held at Thaper University, Punjab during December 17–21, 2013. [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Namita Shadangi
The Effect of Hybridization on kondo temperature and resistivity of some heavy fermion systems Title of conference / seminar: 60th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium Date From: 21-12-2015; Date To: 25-12-2015; Organized By: Amity University, Noida (UP) ; Level of Organization: National [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Namita Shadangi
Synthesis, and Z-Scan for the Characterization of Aluminum doped Zinc Oxide Thin Films Using Femtosecond Laser Pulses , 67thDAE Solid State Physics Symposium (DAE SSPS 2023) to be held at Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management (GITAM), Visakhapatnam, India, during December 20-24, 2023. [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Namita Shadangi
Study of impurity effect on strongly correlated heavy fermion system and to explore the interaction phonon with f and d electrons on resistivity a small q and finite T analysis,67thDAE Solid State Physics Symposium (DAE SSPS 2023) to be held at Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management (GITAM), Visakhapatnam, India, during December 20-24, 2023. [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Namita Shadangi
M. Chauhan, S. Das and V. K. Singh, “Design and analysis of Micro-channelled Quasi D-shape optical Fiber plasmonic Sensor”, International Conference on Recent Trends in Photonics-NPS 2022, Journal of Physics, conference series [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sugandha Das
S. Das and V. K. Singh, “Ta2O5 coated PCF based tunable plasmonic sensor for sensitivity enhancement and wide range RI detection”, (SPIE BiOS-2022), Optical Fibers and Sensors for Medical Diagnostics, Treatment and Environmental Applications [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sugandha Das
S. Das and V. K. Singh, “Effect of Silver and Gold on SPR Based D-shaped Photonic Crystal Fiber Refractive Index Sensor”, (WRAP 2019), IEEE Xplore proceeding [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sugandha Das
S. Das and V. K. Singh, “Selectively Ethanol Infiltrated Zero Dispersion Wavelength Shifted Solid Core Photonic Crystal Fiber”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Optics and Electro-Optics (ICOL-2019), Dehradun, India [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sugandha Das
M. De, S. Das and V. K. Singh, “Highly Birefringence Decagonal Photonics Crystal Fiber with Low Confinement Loss and Small Effective Area”, International Conference on Microwave and Photonics (ICMAP-2018), IEEE Xplore proceeding [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sugandha Das
R. C. Biswal and A. P. Chakraverty; “Effect of Influencing Factors in the Sonochemical synthesis of gamma iron oxides and its gas sensing property” Proceedings of International Conference on Nano Science, Technology and Societal Implications (NSTSI 11), held at C. V. Raman College of Engineering, Bhubaneswar, 8-10th Dec, 2011, Published online in IEEE X’Plore Digital Library. [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Ananta Prasad Chakraverty
A phenomenological electromagnetic theory of CNT-DNA metabiomaterials for applications to biosensing and DNA sequencing [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Gangadhar Behera
Design of CNT-based perfect absorbers over SWIR to LWIR frequencies for sensing applications [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Gangadhar Behera
Visible to infrared polarizer based on one-dimensional aluminium gratings [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Gangadhar Behera
W-AlON nanocermet thin film based metamaterials for multi-band absorption at infra-red frequencies [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Gangadhar Behera
A. P. Chakraverty, U. K. Mohanty and S. C. Mishra; “ Some aspects of degradation of GFRP Composites under High and low dose exposure to Gamma Irradiation” Presented in International Conference on Energy Materials (ICEM 2014), held at Sathyabama University, Chennei, 28-30th July, 2014 (IEEE Sponsored). [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Ananta Prasad Chakraverty
A. P. Chakraverty, U. K. Mohanty, S. C. Mishra and B. B. Biswal; “Thermal Shock effect on Hydrothermally immersed GFRP Composites” Presented in International Conference NMDATM-2014 (52nd National Metallurgists’ Day and 68th Annual Technical Meet) , held in Pune. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Ananta Prasad Chakraverty
A. P. Chakraverty, U. K. Mohanty, S. C. Mishra and B. B. Biswal; “Response of GFRP Composites to flowing Sea water” Presented in ISRS-2014, held at IIT Madras, Chennai, 11- 13th Dec, 2014. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Ananta Prasad Chakraverty
A. P. Chakraverty, "Mechano-thermal property of industrial waste particulate filled hybrid FRP composites for light weight and corrosion-free durable materials" presented in International Conference on Processing and Characterization of Materials (ICPCM 2023), NIT, Rourkela, 8th - 10th Dec, 2023, to be published in Engineering Research Express [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Ananta Prasad Chakraverty
P.Purohit,"Moving from Pbto Pb- Free Piezoceramics: A Review" at 2nd International Conferenceon Recent Trends in Materials Science & Devices 2023 (ICRTMD-2023)held in Online Mode from 29-31 December 2023 organized byResearch Plateau Publishers in association with Sat Kabir Institute ofTechnology & Management, Bahadurgarh, Haryana, India. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pranati Purohit
P.Purohit and S.K.Jain “Status of poly crystalline relaxor-PT piezoelectric ceramics” International Conference on Nanotechnology for Better Living, 2016 (NBL-2016), 25-29 May,2016, Research Publishing, Singapore,Vol.3, N0.1, Page 24, doi:10.3850/978-981-09-7519-7nbl16-rps-24. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pranati Purohit
P.Purohit, S. K. Jain, R. Chawla and N. Dahiya “Design and Study of a Piezoelectric Actuator with Mechanical Amplification”2nd National Conference on Recent Developments in Electronics (NCRDE-2016) University of Delhi, South Campus, 17-18 Feb, 2017, Page no. 30-33. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pranati Purohit
P. Purohit and S. K. Jain, “A method for Determination of Shear wave Attenuation Coefficient in Rubbers Based on a Piezo-electric Resonator” 8th International Conference on Recent Advances in “Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering for Sustainable Development” (CEAESD-2015) ISBN: 978-81-930585-7-2, Published by Krishi Sanskrit Publications, Organized by Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi. July-2015, Page No. 90-92. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pranati Purohit
P.R.Tripathy, P.Purohit, D.K.Roy, S.P.Pati, “Bias Current Based Tenability of Silicon Millimeter Wave Single Drift n+pp+ Diode Along With Heavy Current Optimization”, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Microwaves (ISM), December 2008, pp. 185-188. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pranati Purohit
P.Purohit, D.K.Roy and S.P.Pati, “The Energy Eigenstates and Eigenfunctions of Electrons in a Triangular Quantum Well Structure”, International Conference on Optics & Optoelectronics (XXXVIII Symposium of Optical Society of India), p-510, Organised by IRDE ,Dehradun,5-8 March 2014, p-510 [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pranati Purohit
S. Das, M. De and V. K. Singh, “Simple Designing of Highly Birefringence Hexagonal Photonic Crystal Fiber with Low Confinement Loss”, International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics (PHOTONICS-2018) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sugandha Das
Asian School of Particles, Strings and Cosmology, at: Laforet Nasu, Hotels and Resorts, Nasu, Tochigi, Japan. September 25–September 29, 2006. [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pramoda Kumar Samal
Testing Isotropy of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation.I, International Conference on Gravitation and Cosmology at the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune, India. December 17–21, 2007. [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pramoda Kumar Samal
Workshop on Einstein’s Legacy in the new Millennium, at: Toshali Sands, Puri, India. December 15–22, 2005. [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pramoda Kumar Samal
Effect of annealing temperature on photocalaytic dye degradation study of TiO2 nanoparticles prepared by non-conventional sol-gel technique, Debabandana Apta, Susanta Kumar Das, Maya Devi, Materialstoday Proceedings [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Efficient photocatalytic dye decomposition using TiO2 nanostructured thin film grown by non-conventional sol-gel technique, D Apta, M Devi, SK Das, Materials Today: Proceedings, 60(2),1172-1174 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Angular birefringence phase matching behaviour of Lithium Triborate (LBO) crystal for second harmonic generation in broad wavelength range, OK Swarupa, RK Biswal, PK Das, SK Das, Materials Today: Proceedings, 62(10), 6221-6226 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Theoretical simulation on SHG in broad wavelength range using ZnO nanorods, RK Biswal, OK Swarupa, R Panda, SK Das, Materials Today: Proceedings, 62(10), 6153-6155 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Photocatalytic study of Methyl Orange dye in UV exposure by using ZnO nanoparticles, R. Sahoo, L. Khatua, S. K. Das, Material Today Proceedings,33, 5592-5594 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy Study Of Compound Semiconductor Zinc Orthotitanate Prepared By Solid State Reaction Method, L. Khatua, S. K. Das. Material Today Proceedings, 33, 5628-5631 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Ultraviolet photocatalytic dye decomposition of malachite green dye by using cost effective ZnO nanoparticles,, R. Sahoo, S. K. Das, AIP Conf. Proceedings, 2166, 020021 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Effect of repetition rate on morphology of generated microstructure on silicon surface using low cost N2 laser in air medium, P. C. Singh, S. K. Das, AIP Conf. proceedings, 2166, 020022 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Laser processed micro-groove based black Si, Pravakar Satapathy, P. Chandrakanta Singh, Pratap Kumar Sahoo, Ritwick Das, Udai Pratap Singh, Susanta Kumar Das, AIP Conference Proceedings 2105, 020025 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Growth of Thin Film Containing High Density ZnO Nanorods with Low Temperature Calcinated Seed Layer, R. Panda et. al.,American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conference Proceedings, 1953, 030118 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Comparison of Performance of Dye-sensitized solar cell Prepared with Uncalcinated and Calcinated ZnO-TiO2 mixed phase nanoparticles, L. Khatua et. al., American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conference Proceedings,1953, 030101 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Use of Photovoltaic Detector for Photocatalytic Activity Estimation, S. K. Das, et. al., ., American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conference Proceedings, 1953, 060024 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Recycling ability study of photocatalytic action of ZnO-TiO2 nanocomposites, R. Panda, A. K. Nayak, P. Satapathy, R. Samal, A. Singh, L. Khatua, D. Pradhan, P. K. Sahoo, S. K. S. Parashar and S. K. Das, International Conference on Materials Science and Technology, 1-4 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Growth of significantly small dimensional ZnO-TiO2 nanocomposites by solid state reaction method, Lizina Khatua, Rudrashis Panda, Avanendra Singh,Rudranarayan Samal, Pravakar Satpathy, Pratap Kumar Sahoo, S K S Parashar, Susanta Kumar Das, PNS 16,International Conference on Frontiers in Nanoscience and Technology (COCHIN NANO) [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Efficient photocatalytic dye decomposition with ZnO-TiO2 nanocomposites, Pravakar Satapathy, Arpan Kumar Nayak, Rudrashish Panda, Avanendra Singh, Rudranarayan Samal, Lizina Khatua, Debabrata Pradhan, Pratap Kumar Sahooand Susanta Kumar Das, PNP 13, International Conference on Frontiers in Nanoscience and Technology (COCHIN NANO) [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Efficient photocatalytic dye decomposition with ZnO-TiO2 nanocomposites, Pravakar Satapathy, Arpan Kumar Nayak, Rudrashish Panda, Avanendra Singh, Rudranarayan Samal, Lizina Khatua, Debabrata Pradhan, Pratap Kumar Sahooand Susanta Kumar Das, PNP 13, International Conference on Frontiers in Nanoscience and Technology (COCHIN NANO) [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Growth of high density ZnO nanorods by chemical bath technique using domestic induction heater based drop-casted seed layer and their optical characterization, R. Samal, A. Singh, R. Panda, , A. C. Das, L. Khatua, P. K. Sahoo, P. K. Datta, U. P. Singh, S. K. Das, International Conference on Frontiers in Materials Science & Technology (ICFMST) [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Non-instantaneous polarization decay in dielectric media, M. Hofmann, C. Brée, M. Hoffmann, A. Demircan, T. Nagy, D. Ristau, U. Morgner, S. Birkholz, S. K. Das, M. Bock, R. Grunwald, J. Hyyti, T. Elsaesser, and G. Steinmeyer, Ultrafast Phenomena, Okinawa, Japan, July 7-11 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
THG of ZnO nanorods for efficient third orderinterferometric FROG, S. K. Das, F. Güell, C. Gray, D. Byrne, P. K. Das, R. Grunwald, E. McGlynn, and G. Steinmeyer, , CLEO/QELS, STu3E.5, San Jose, CA, USA, June 8-13 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Femtosecond-laser induced nanostructuring for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy, H. Messaoudi, S. K. Das, J. Lange, F. Heinrich, S. Schrader, M. Frohme, and R. Grunwald Proc. SPIE 8972-17, Photonics West, San Francisco, February 1-6 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Laser induced periodic surface structures in thin metal foils, H. Messaoudi, S. K. Das, A. Andreev, M. Schnürer, and R. Grunwald, DPG Frühjahrstagung 2013, Sektion Kurzzeitphysik (Spring Meeting of DPG, Jena, Germany [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Nonlinear optical mechanism of forming periodical nanostructures in large bandgap dielectrics, R. Grunwald, S. K. Das, A. Debroy, E. McGlynn, and H. Messaoudi, , International Workshop on Ultrafast laser modification of materials, Cargèse, Corsica, France [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
MEMS axicons for nondiffracting line shaping of ultrashort pulses, A. Treffer,S. K. Das, M. Bock, J. Brunne, U. Wallrabe, and R. Grunwald, Photonics West, San Francisco, USA [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Photocatalytic properties of TiO2 nanotubes,A. Pfuch, F. Guell, T. Toelke, S. K. Das, H. Messaoudi, E. McGlynn, W. Seeber, and R. Grunwald, Photonics West, San Francisco, USA [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Photocatalytic properties of TiO2 nanotubes,A. Pfuch, F. Guell, T. Toelke, S. K. Das, H. Messaoudi, E. McGlynn, W. Seeber, and R. Grunwald, Photonics West, San Francisco, USA [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
H. Messaoudi, S. K. Das, M. Bock, E. McGlynn, D. Byrne, F. Güell, and R. Grunwald, Ultrashort pulse characterization utilizing highly nonlinear ZnO nanostructures, 5th Szeged International Workshop on Advances in Nanoscience 2012 (SIWAN5), Szeged, Hungary, [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Quantitative estimation of intensity dependent periods of subwavelength laser-induced ripples,S. K. Das, A. Rosenfeld, H. Messaoudi, M. Bock, M. Tischer, and R. Grunwald, 13th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication, The Catholic University of America, WashingtonDC [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
First Experimental Evidence for a Non-instantaneous Lifetime of Nonlinear Optical Chi(3) Effects, S. K. Das, M. Bock, R. Grunwald, B. Borchers, G. Steinmeyer, D. Ristau, T. Vockerodt, and U. Morgner, Lasers, Sources and Related Photonic Devices, 29 January - 3 February 2012, Rancho Bernardo Inn, San Diego, California, USA. [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Few-cycle highly localized wavepackets on demand with superior temporal transfer, M. Bock, S. K. Das, and R. Grunwald, QM4E.2, CLEO/QELS, May 6-11 (2012) San Jose, CA, USA. [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Adaptive characterization of few-cycle wavepackets with high-pulse-fidelity time-wavefront sensors, M. Bock, P. Börner, M. Diehl, C. Fischer, S. K. Das, and R. Grunwald, CLEO/QELS, May 6-11 (2012) San Jose, CA, USA . [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Non-instantaneity of chi^(3) nonlinear optical effects, S. K. Das, M. Bock, R. Grunwald, B. Borchers, J. Hytti, G. Steinmeyyer, D. Ristau, T. Vockerodt, and U. Morgner,CM1J.4, CLEO/QELS, May 6-11 (2012) San Jose, CA, USA . [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Characterization of fast-switching low-dispersion MEMS-based micro-axicons for applications in ultrashort-pulse nanostructuring, A. Treffer, J. Brunne, S. K. Das, M. Bock, H. Messaoudi, U. Wallrabe, and R. Grunwald, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Frühjahrstagung Sektion AMOP, Stuttgart, Germany, March 12-16 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Evidence for non-mass-transfer mechanism in fs-laser formation of sub-200 nm structures on sapphire, S. K. Das, F. Guell, H. Messaoudi, M. Bock, and R. Grunwald, CM4K.4, CLEO/QELS, May 6-11 (2012) San Jose, CA, USA [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Evidence for non-mass-transfer mechanism in fs-laser formation of sub-200 nm structures on sapphire, S. K. Das, F. Guell, H. Messaoudi, M. Bock, and R. Grunwald, CM4K.4, CLEO/QELS, May 6-11 (2012) San Jose, CA, USA [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Interferometric FROG for few-cycle pulse characterization and as an ultrafast spectroscopy tool, G. Steinmeyer, G. Stibenz, S. K. Das, R. Grunwald, and M. B. Raschke, Frontiers in Optics 2011 / Laser Science XXVII, October 16-20 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Nanostructured material for photonic applications, S. K. Das, R. Grunwald, A. Rosenfeld, M. Bock and G. Steinmeyer, International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics, 1-2 Dec [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Nano-indentation study of femtosecond laser induced periodic surface structures on dielectrics and semiconductors, M. Rohloff, A. Richter, K. Dasari, R. Hertmanowski, S. K. Das, A. Rosenfeld, and R. Grunwald,2nd Int. Workshop Nonlinear Nanostructures for Ultrafast Laser Application, May 19-20, Berlin, Germany, Technical Digest, Poster 7 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Enhanced third order nonlinearity in nanocrystalline TiO2 thin films, S. K. Das, C. Schwanke, M. Bock, A. Pfuch, W. Seeber, and R. Grunwald, 2nd Int. Workshop Nonlinear Nanostructures for Ultrafast Laser Application, May 19-20, Berlin, Germany, Technical Digest, Poster 3 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Review on pararameter controlling LIPSS of TiO2, S. K. Das, M. Rohloff, A. Rosenfeld, K. Dasari, J. O. Bonse, A. Pfuch, W. Seeber, and R. Grunwald, 2nd Int. Workshop Nonlinear Nanostructures for Ultrafast Laser Application, May 19-20, Berlin, Germany, Technical Digest, Paper Oral6 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Formation of laser-induced periodic surface structures upon multiple irradiation sequences using double femtosecond laser pulses, S. Höhm, M. Rohloff, S.K. Das, J. Krüger, J. Bonse, A. Rosenfeld, Symposium J : Laser materials processing for micro and nano applications of the E-MRS, France [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Formation of laser-induced periodic structures in TiO2 crystals depending on the surface quality, S. K. Das,M. Rohloff, A. Pfuch, W. Seeber, A. Rosenfeld, and R. Grunwald, Pres. number: CTuAA2, CLEO Baltimore, USA [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Enhanced surface third harmonic generation in TiO2 nanolayers, S. K. Das, C. Schwanke, A. Pfuch, W. Seeber, M. Bock, R. Grunwald, Pres. number: JThB52, CLEO Baltimore, USA (2011). 52. Adaptive wavefront diagnostics of ultrashort pulses with programmable microaxicons, M. Bock, C. Schwanke, S. K. Das, R. Beutner, M. Diehl, C. Fischer, and R. Grunwald, CF.P.13, CLEO Munich, Germany [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Femtosecond laser-induced periodic surface structures: importance of transient excitation stages, J. Bonse, J. Krüger, M. Rohloff, S.K. Das, S. Höhm, A. Rosenfeld, SPIE Optics and Optoelectronics, Prague, Czech Republic, April. 18-21 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Scattering-controlled femtosecond-laser induced nanostructuring of TiO2 thin films, S. K. Das, M. Bock, and R. Grunwald, Proc. SPIE 7925-42 (2011),SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, Jan. 22-Jan. 27 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Adaptive shaping of complex pulsed nondiffracting light fields, M. Bock, S. K. Das, and R. Grunwald, Proc. SPIE 7950, 795009,SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, Jan. 22-Jan. 27 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Multi-photon excited UV luminescence of ZnO nanorods after irradiation with few-nJ femtosecond laser pulses, S K Das, D. Byrne, E. McGlynn, M. Bock, and R. Grunwald, JThE16,CLEO USA [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Laser-induced periodic nanostructures on ZnO surfaces with a patterned beam in water environment, S K Das, M. Bock, A. Rosenfeld, and R. Grunwald, CMR3, CLEO USA [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Femtosecond-laser induced nanostructures in fused silica fibers, S. K. Das, M. Tischer, U. Neumann, J. T. Preusse, and R. Grunwald Laser Optics Berlin [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Programmable supercollimated ultrashort pulses, M. Bock, S. K. Das, A. Richter, J. T. Preusse, and R. Grunwald Laser Optics Berlin [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Programmable supercollimated ultrashort pulses, M. Bock, S. K. Das, A. Richter, J. T. Preusse, and R. Grunwald Laser Optics Berlin [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Generation of extended-area femtosecond laser induced periodic nanostructures on TiO2 by moving samples through a line focus, K. Dasari, S. K. Das, A. Rosenfeld, and R. Grunwald, Proc. SPIE 7586-20,SPIE Photonics West, January 23-28, San Francisco, USA [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Femtosecond-laser induced sub-200 nm structures in TiO2, S. K. Das, D. Dufft, M. Bock, A. Rosenfeld, J. Bonse, and R. Grunwald, paper JWA1, CLEO/IQEC USA [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Highly-efficient second harmonic generation in ZnO nanorods with ultrashort pulses, S K Das, M Bock, C O'Neill, R Grunwald, K M Lee, H Woon Lee, S Lee, and F Rotermund, paper IML6,CLEO/IQEC USA [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Ultrashort-pulsed nondiffracting images, M. Bock, S. K. Das, and R. Grunwald, paper CME4, CLEO/IQEC USA [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Strong multiphoton-absorption-induced UV luminescence from ZnO nanorod arrays grown by vapour-liquid-solid mechanism, S. K. Das, M. Bock, E. McGlynn, M. Biswas, and R. Grunwald, paper EI.P.11, CLEO Europe – EQEC [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Quantum nondiffracting pulses, M. Bock, S. K. Das, and R. Grunwald, CLEO Europe – EQEC [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Mechanisms of Femtosecond-Laser Induced Surface Structuring of Zinc Oxide Crystals , D. Dufft, A. Rosenfeld, S K Das, R. Grunwald, and J. Bonse, paper CM4.1,CLEO Europe – EQEC [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Direct third and forth harmonic generation through effective nonlinearity in periodically poled LiNbO3, S. K. Das, P. K. Datta, and S. M. Saltiel, Photorefractive Materials, Effects, and Devices, Control of Light and Matter, paper P2-18, Bad Honnef, Germany [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Programmable ultrashort-pulse localized waves,R. Grunwald, M. Bock, S. Huferath, S K Das, S. Osten, P. Staudt, and G. Stibenz, PIERS Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Cambridge, USA, Workshop on Localized Waves, CD-ROM, Abstracts, 533-534 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Noncollinear autocorrelation with radially symmetric nondiffracting beams,S. Huferath-von Luepke, V. Kebbel, M. Bock, S K Das and R. Grunwald, SPIE Optics+Photonics / Optical Engineering + Applications / Advanced Metrology Conference, San Diego, USA, 2008, in: Proc. SPIE 7063-36 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
High fidelity ultrashort-pulse transfer with spatial light modulators,M. Bock, S K Das, R. Grunwald, S. Osten, P. Staudt, G. Stibenz, Laser Optics Berlin [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Modulation of Effective Nonlinearity ?(3) Due to Cascaded Processes in PPLN for Direct Third Harmonic Generation, S K Das, S Mukhopadhyay, NSinha, A Saha, P K Data and S M Saltiel, CLEO (USA), Long Beach, California USA, Abstract Page No. 154 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Stabilization of nonlinear mirror mode-locking by inverse saturable absorber, P. K. Datta, S. Mukhopadhyay, G. K. Samanta and S K Das and A. Agnesi, CLEO (USA), Baltimore Maryland, USA, Abstract Page No. 114 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Stable Picosecond Pulse Generation by Forward and Inverse Saturable Absorption, P. K. Datta, S. Mukhopadhyay, G. K. Samanta and S K Das and A. Agnesi, ICONO/LAT, St. Petersberg, RUSSIA, Abstract Page No. 48 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Ultra-short laser pulse generation for characterization of nonlinear optical materials, G. K. Samanta, S K Das, S. Mukhopadhyay, N. Sinha and P. K. Datta International Topical Conference in Applied Photonics, Kolkata, India, pp.55 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
High peak-power picosecond Nd :YVO4 oscillatorat multi-kHz repetition rate’,S. Mukhopadhyay, S K Das, L. Tartara, A. Agnesi, V. Degiorgio 13th International Laser physics workshop, Trieste, Italy 12th-16th July [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
CMB Polarization Power Spectra Estimation., Cosmology Rapid Response Meeting at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India. April 6–8 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pramoda Kumar Samal
National Conferences
A. P. Chakraverty, U. K. Mohanty, S. C. Mishra and A. Satapathy; “Sea Water Ageing of GFRP Composites and the Dissolved Salts” IOP Conference series: Material Science and Engineering, Vol-75, 01029, 2015 (Web of Science), presented in NCPCM-2014, NIT, Rourkela, 6-7th Dec, 2014 [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Ananta Prasad Chakraverty
A. P. Chakraverty, U. K. Mohanty, S. C. Mishra and B. B. Biswal, “Effect of Post-thermal shock on Prolonged Sea Water aged GFRP Composite” Presented in NCPCM -2015, NIT, Rourkela, published in IOP Conference series: Material Science and Engineering, Vol-115,012004, 2016 [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Ananta Prasad Chakraverty
A. P. Chakraverty, U. K. Mohanty, S. C. Mishra and B. B. Biswal, “Effect of Hydrothermal immersion and Hygrothermal Conditioning on Mechanical Properties of GRE Composite” Presented in NCPCM -2016, NIT, Rourkela, published in IOP Conference series: Material Science and Engineering, Vol-178, 012013, 2017 [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Ananta Prasad Chakraverty
A. P. Chakraverty, A. B. Panda, U. K. Mohanty, S. C. Mishra and B. B. Biswal, “Thermal shock effect on Mechanical and Physical properties of pre-moisture treated GRE composite” Presented in NCPCM 2017, NIT, Rourkela, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 338, 012047, 2018 [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Ananta Prasad Chakraverty
Title of the Paper Presented: Phonons in CeM In 5(M=Rh,Ir,Co) heavy fermion systems Title of conference / seminar: Condensed Matter Days (CMDAYS 10) Date From: 25-08-2010; Date To: 27-08-2010; Organized By: Department of Physics, University of Kalyani, Kalyani- 741235, W.B. INDIA.; Level of Organization: National [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Namita Shadangi
Electron-Phonon interaction and temperature dependence of resistivity in heavy fermion systems Bibhuti Parida, Jitendra Sahoo, Namita Shadangi, P. Nayak, Proceedings of Condensed Matter Days(CMDAYS)page-78, 29- 31stAugust-2008, Viswa Bharati, Santiniketan, Kolkata, W.B., INDIA. [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Namita Shadangi
Effect of impurity on electron-phonon interaction in some heavy fermion (HF) systems P.Nayak , N.Shadangi, J.Sahoo and S.Mohanty, Proceedings of Condensed Matter Days (CMDAYS) Page-178, 26-28thAugust-2009, Jadavpur University, Jadavpur, Kolkata, W.B. INDIA. [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Namita Shadangi
Wave vector dependent Electron-Phonon interaction and Temperature dependence of resistivity in some heavy Fermion (HF) systems: J Sahoo, N Shadangi, SMohanty, and P Nayak, Proceedings of Condensed Matter Days (CMDAYS-12) Page-58,held during29th - 31stAugust2012, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Namita Shadangi
Study of elastic constants in Heavy Fermions (HF) systems: A small q and T analysis, N. Shadangi, J. Sahoo and P. Nayak, Proceedings of Physics and Technology of Novel Magnetism (PTNM II) Page-41, 10th -11thMarch-2012, School of Physics, Sambalpur University, Jyoti Vihar, Burla, Odisha. [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Namita Shadangi
Dynamic study of phonon excitation spectrum in some heavy fermion systems, J. Sahoo, N. Shadangi and P. Nayak, Proceedings of Physics and Technology of Novel Magnetism (PTNM II) Page-22,10th th -11 March -2012, School of Physics, Sambalpur University, Jyoti Vihar, Burla, Odisha [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Namita Shadangi
Theoretical Study of Resistivity Anomaly and Influence of Electron –phonon Interaction due to impurity for Heavy Fermion system,Recent Developement in Frontiers of Physics, RDFP-2024, March 15-16 [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Namita Shadangi
A. P. Chakraverty, U. K. Mohanty and B. B. Biswal; “ Evaluation of GFRP composites under gamma radiation of Low intensity” Proceedings of 3rd National Conference on Processing and Characterizations of Materials (NCPCM 2013), Held at NIT, Rourkela, 6-7th Dec, 2013 [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Ananta Prasad Chakraverty
A. P. Chakraverty , U. K. Mohanty, B. B. Biswal, "Evaluation of GFRP composites under the exposure to up and down-thermal shocks" Presented in National Seminar on Recent Trends in Condensed Matter Physics (RTCMP-2014) and Annual Meet of Odisha Physical Society-2014, held in SOA University, 8th- 9th Feb 2014, Published in Advanced Science Letter. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Ananta Prasad Chakraverty
A. P. Chakraverty and D. D. Pradhan "Mechanical and Thermal property assessment of industrial waste particulate filled hybrid FRP composite for light weight and corrosion-free durable materials" Presented in Odisha Research Conclave-2023 [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Ananta Prasad Chakraverty
A. P. Chakraverty, Dibyajyoti D. Pradhan and U. K. Mohanty "Mechanical and Thermal property assessment of industrial waste particulate filled hybrid FRP composite for light weight and corrosion-free durable materials" Presented in Odisha Research Conclave-2022 [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Ananta Prasad Chakraverty
Bomkesh Bhoi and Pranati Purohit,"Synthesis and characterization of of PIN-PT Relaxor Based Piezoceramic material",Odisha Research Conclave, ORC 2023, Organized by Sambalpur University, Burla, 14-16 Nov [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pranati Purohit
Pranati Purohit and Bomkesh Bhoi,"Development of Energy Harvesting Circuits for Piezoceramic Materials"Odisha Research Conclave, ORC 2023, Organized by Sambalpur University, Burla, 14-16 Nov [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pranati Purohit
Pranati Purohit and Bomkesh Bhoi, “Synthesis of PMN-PT and CuO doped PMN-PT Piezoceramic Materials for Energy Harvesting, Odisha Research Conclave (ORC-2022), Organized by Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, 14-16 Nov, 2022 [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pranati Purohit
Pranati Purohit and Bomkesh Bhoi, “Binary and Ternary Piezoelectric Relaxor Materials for Energy Harvesting”, Odisha Research Conclave (ORC-2021), Organized by Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, 14-16 Nov, 2021 [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pranati Purohit
P. Purohit, “Quantum Confinement Effect in a Spherical Quantum Dot” Short term course on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology (AMN-2016), Organized by NIT, Durgapur, West Bengal, 20-24 June 2016, pp 47-49. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pranati Purohit
P.Purohit and S.K.Jain, “A Comparative Study of Relaxor –PT and Piezoelectric Materials for Transducer Applications,” "National Conference on Applied Physics and Material Science" on Feb 5- 6, 2015.pp 86 [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pranati Purohit
P.Purohit, S. K. Jain, R. Chawla and N. Dahiya “Design and Study of a Piezoelectric Actuator with Mechanical Amplification”2nd National Conference on Recent Developments in Electronics (NCRDE-2016) University of Delhi, South Campus, 17-18 Feb, 2017, Page no. 30-33. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pranati Purohit
P.Purohit, D.K.Roy and S.P.Pati, “Quantum Mechanical Tunneling Studies in Quantum Wires,” Proceedings of CMDAYS, August 2012. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pranati Purohit
P.Purohit, S.Satapathy, S.K.Dash, I.P.Mishra and S.P.Pati, “Microwave Performance of Proposed Double Bump Double Drift Diode”, Proceedings of Advances in Microwaves and Light waves, Allied Publishers Limited, March 2000, pp. 142-145 [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pranati Purohit
S.P.Pati, S.K.Dash, P.Purohit, D.K.Roy and P.R.Tripathy, “Optimization and Fundamental/Harmonic Mode Analysis of Low-High-Low Silicon DDD’s”, Paper presented in the Engineering section of the Indian Science Congress Association, January 2009 [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pranati Purohit
D.K.Roy , P. Purohit , “Nanoscience- An Overview”, Paper presented in National Seminar on Nanotechnology: The Recent Advances and Applications, November 2009. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pranati Purohit
S. P. Pati, P. R. Tripathy, A. K. Panda, P. Purohit, D. K. Roy and S. K. Choudhury, “Avalanche Breakdown Characteristics in 100 nm InP p-n Junctions and Associated rf Performance in 0.3 Terahertz Frequencies”, Paper presented in National conference on Materials Science: Trends & Future, 6-7th January 2010. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pranati Purohit
S.P.Pati, P.R.Tripathy, S.K.Dash, S.K.Choudhury, P.Purohit, A.K.Panda and J.Majhi, “Mathematical Analysis and Realistic Simulation Modeling for Thin Impatt Devices”, Paper presented in National Conference-MATEIT-2010,30-31st January-2010. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pranati Purohit
P.Purohit , D.K.Roy and S. P.Pati, “Calculation of energy Eigen States of Electrons in a Spherical Quantum Dot”, Paper presented in National Seminar-PTNM-2010, 25-27th February. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pranati Purohit
S.P.Pati, P.R.Tripathy, Moumita Mukherjee, P. Purohit & D.K.Roy, “Simultaneous Generation of High RF Power Output, High Device Efficiency and High Frequency Operation of ATT p-n Junctions”, Paper presented in National Seminar on Advances in Materials and Devices held in 15th May 2010 [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pranati Purohit
P.Purohit, D.K.Roy and S.P.Pati, “Calculation of Electron Wavefunctions and Eigen values in a Cylindrical Quantum Wire”, Paper presented in National Seminar on Advances in materials and Devices held in 15th May 2010. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pranati Purohit
P.Purohit, D.K.Roy and S.P.Pati , “Applications of Bessel Function in Solving Quantum Dot and Quantum Wire Problems of Nanoelectronics”, Paper presented in National Conference on Recent Advances in Applied Mathematics, 18thFebruary 2012. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pranati Purohit
P. R. Tripathy, R. K. Mishra, P. Purohit, S. P. Pati, “Modelling of Semiconductor Diode by using Artificial Neural Network”, Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Trends in Operations Research (NCRTOR), April 2013. pp.25-29. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pranati Purohit
Laser Interference Lithography and Fabricated Nano-patterned Templates for Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering & Surface Enhanced Fluorescence [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Gangadhar Behera
Optical properties of the silica monolayer [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Gangadhar Behera
Optical properties of the nano-structured hole array in visible to NIR frequencies [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Gangadhar Behera
Enhance optical properties through a structutured plasmonic thin films [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Gangadhar Behera
Integrated approach to fabricate the metal nano-structured for device application, Indian Institute of technology [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Gangadhar Behera
Design of multiband perfect absorber by using the comsol multiphysics [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Gangadhar Behera
Enhanced optical properties through a complementary pairs of nanostructured plasmonic thin films [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Gangadhar Behera
“Discussion Meeting on Cosmology and Astro-Particle Physics” At: Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India October 30–November 5, 2015 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pramoda Kumar Samal
“University workshop on National e-Governance Plan.” At: Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, India. November 2, 2012. [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pramoda Kumar Samal
“National Conference on Understanding the Fundamental Interactions.” At: Department of Physics, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, India. March 27, 2012. [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pramoda Kumar Samal
“Indian Conference on Cosmology and Galaxy formation (ICCGF’09).” At: India Institute of Technology Kanpur, India. October 30–November 1, 2009. [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pramoda Kumar Samal
Question of Isotropy of Universe.” In: Programme for the Associate FEST at the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune, India. June 25–29, 2012. [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pramoda Kumar Samal
“CMBPolarization Power Spectra Estimation.” In: Indian Conference on Cosmology and Galaxy Formation, ICCGF’09 at Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India. October 30–November 1, 2009 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pramoda Kumar Samal
Efficient harmonic generation of a nonlinear mirror mode-locked laser in a periodically poled Lithium Niobate crystal, A. Saha, S. Mukhopadhyay, S K Das and P. K. Datta, National Laser Symposium -2003, Kharagpur, pp. 415-416. [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Stability Regime Study of a Nonlinear Mirror Mode-locked laser, P. K. Datta, S. Mukhopadhyay, S K Das and A. Agnesi, National Laser Symposium -2003, Kharagpur, pp.203-204 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Characterization of a side diode array pumped Nd:YAG amplifier, S. K. Das, G. K. Samanta, S. Mukhopadhyay, N. Sinha and P. K. Datta, National Laser Symposium -2004, BARC, Mumbai, India, pp. 214-215 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
All solid state intra-cavity frequency doubled Q-switched green laser S. Mukhopadhyay, G. K. Samanta, S. K. Das, N. Sinha and P. K. Datta, National Laser Symposium -2004, BARC, Mumbai, India, pp. 221-222, 2004. [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
High peak-power picosecond Nd :YVO4 oscillatorat multi-kHz repetition rate’,S. Mukhopadhyay, S K Das, L. Tartara, A. Agnesi, V. Degiorgio 13th International Laser physics workshop, Trieste, Italy 12th-16th July [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
A novel technique of phase matched direct third harmonic generation using a single BBO crystal, Saha, S K Das , and P. K. Datta, National Laser Symposium -2006, Indore, pp. 415-416 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Random laser based on Ag-nanoparticle suspension prepared by wet chemical method , S. K. Das, C.P. Singh, V. Shukla, T.S. Dhami, K.S. Bindra, Eighth DAE-BRNS National laser symposium, New Delhi, India,NLS-8, 7-10 January (2009), paper code-P009 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Light bullets, light rings and flying images: adaptive spatial modulation of uktrashort laser pulses, R. Grunwald, M. Bock, and S. K. Das, KIRAN, A Bulletin of the Indian Laser Association, 21 (3), 21-23, National Laser Symposium (NLS-19), Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore, India, Dec. 1-4 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
High density femtosecond-laser induced periodic nanostructures in metals, H. Messaoudi, S. K. Das, W. Seeber, and R. Grunwald, 21st DAE-BRNS National Laser Sysmposium, , Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India, Febr. 6-9, [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Photocatalytic activity of femtosecond laser induced nanomaterials,S. K. Das, C. Patzek, R. Grunwald, T. Toelke,C. Marschner, A. Pfuch, W. Seeber, DAE BRNS Theme meeting on ultrafast sciences, IIT Kharagpur, Oct 24-26, [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Nature's wonder : Laser induced nanostructure, One day workshop on thin film technology, S.K. Das, IMMT, Bhubaneswar [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Second harmonic generation using ZnO nanofibers, R. Panda, A. Singh, S. Bhattacharya, R. Samal, P.K. Sahoo, P.K. Datta, S.K. Das, National Laser Symposium, 20-23 Dec. [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Generation of simultaneous wavelength and sub-wavelength laser induced periodic structures on metal surface, L. Khatua, A.C. Das, R. Panda, A. Singh P. Satpathy, P.K Sahoo, P.K. Datta, S.K. Das, National Laser Symposium, 20-23 Dec. [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Analysis of UV Photocatalytic activity using Laser based monitoring system, P. S. S. Rao, R. Panda, L. Khatua, P. Satapathy, S. K. Das, Proceedings ofNational Laser Symposium, 20-23 Dec. [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Coherence length and efficiency of SHG study of multiple wavelength ultrafast laser pulses with ZnO nanorods, S. K. Das, R. Panda, L. Khatua, P. S. S. Rao, P. Satapathy, Proceedings ofNational Laser Symposium, 20-23 Dec [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Growth Of ZnO Nanostructured Thin Films By Non Conventional Sol-Gel Method And The Effect Of Annealing Temperature On Its Properties, M Alrefaee, UP Singh, SK Das, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1973(1), 012069, [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Study of adsorption of methylene blue in aqueous solution onto activated carbon prepared using low cost domestic oven based heating system, Sinmay Sahoo, Maya Devi, Susanta Kumar Das, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1121(1), 012001 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
High speed laser induced periodic structure generation using femtosecond laser on surface of titanium, A Mundamajhi, SKS Parashar, SK Das, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1124(1), 012003 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Prof.(Dr.) Susanta Kumar Das
Testing Isotropy of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation.” In: Indian Conference on Cosmology and Galaxy Formation at Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, India. November 3–5, 2007. [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Pramoda Kumar Samal