(i) Teaching assistance (TA) in B. Tech Engineering Physics, Department of Physics, IIT DELHI, Hauz Khas, 110016, New Delhi, India (Synthesis and Characterization of Spin Coating of ZnO Thin Film).
(ii) Teaching assistance (TA) in PYL 201 course (Fundamental of Dielectric and Semiconductors), Department of Physics, IIT DELHI, Hauz Khas, 110016, New Delhi, India.
(iii) Teaching assistance (TA) in PYL 793 course (Photonics Devices), Department of Physics, IIT DELHI, Hauz Khas, 110016, New Delhi, India.
(iv) Teaching assistance (TA) in PYL 100 course (Electrical), Department of Physics, IIT DELHI, Hauz Khas, 110016, New Delhi, India.
(v) Joined as a Lecturer in Physics (August 2017-May 2018) Dream Valley College, (Affiliated to Jiwaji University, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh (M.P.) Higher Education, India)where I had taught core subject of graduate level physics such as Mathematical Physics, Quantum mechanics, Thermodynamics and statistical Physics and Fundamental of Optics etc.
(vi) Intensive program in DAV Public School, Kalinga Nagar, Bhubaneswar as a part of 4 Year Integrated B.Sc. B.Ed. course in Regional Institute of Education, NCERT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha where I mainly concentrate on the teaching learning pedagogy process.
Research Area
My research area is mainly focus on synthesis of various Metal Halide perovskite semiconductors (Thin Film, Singe Crystal platelets and Colloidal 2D nanoparticle solution) and studied their structural and optical properties. Linear and nonlinear optical investigation of structurally modified room temperature Mott-type exciton of various self-assembled Inorganic-Organic (IO) hybrid semiconductors is carried out by using several techniques such as Advance Multifunctional Microscope (attached with CW diode laser (Ex:400 nm), Xenon Lamp (Ex:365 nm), Mercury Lamp and High intensity Femtosecond Ti:Sapphire laser (Ex:800 nm, 120 fs, 84 MHz), UV-VIS spectrophotometer). Structural characterization is carried out by using Glancing angle Thin Film XRD, Single Crystal XRD. Nonlinear properties of Metal Halide perovskite semiconductors is carried out by using Two-photon absorption spectroscopy, Time resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy (TRPL), Transient absorption pump-probe spectroscopy etc.
Research Guidance
Ph. D. Candidates:
Master Degree Candidates:
Graduate Level:
Post Graduate Level:
Seminar / Symposia / Workshops / Short term Course organized
- [1] “Asia-Pacific International Conference on Perovskites, Organic Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics (IPEROP 23), Kobe, Japan, 22nd-24th January 2023 (Poster Presentation, Offline mode).
[2] “Fourth International Conference on Material science and Manufacturing Technology 2022 (ICMSMT 2022),’’ Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, 08th-09th April 2022 (Oral presentation, Online mode).
[3] “Conferences on Optics, Photonics and Quantum Optics (XLV Symposium of the Optical Society of India),’’ IIT Roorkee, 10th-13th November 2022 (Oral presentation).
[4] “National Seminar on Advanced Functional Materials,’’ Materials Research Society of India, 24th-25th February 2022 (Zoom online).
[5] “29th DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium,’’ Raja Ramanna Center for Advanced Technology (RRCAT Indore), 12th-15th February 2021 (Oral presentation, Online mode).
[6] “2021 IEEE International conference on Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics, Nanomaterials, Nanobioscience and Nanotechnology (5 NANAO 2021),’’ Mangalam college of Engineering, Ettumanoor, Kerala, India, 29th-30th April 2021 (Oral presentation, online mode).
[7] “4th Departmental Symposium on advances in Physics,’’ Physics Department, IIT DELHI, 01st-03rd December 2020 (Oral presentation, Microsoft team online mode).
[8] “IONS INDIA 2020” International OSA network of student, Physics Department, IIT DELHI, 29th Feb-2nd March, 2020 (Best Poster presentation).
[9] “Photonics-2018” 12th-15th December 2018, IIT Delhi, India (Oral Presentation).
[10] A 10 Day Course On “Computational Non-Linear Optics” 6th-19th November 2016, NIT Goa, India.
[11] “National Seminar on Science For a Sustainable Future and Technology Driven Innovation for Viksit Bharat” (Celebration: National Science Day 2024), 27th-28th February 2024, ITM University, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India (Oral Presentation).
[12] “9th National Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical and Environmental Sciences”, 15th -16th March 2024, Department of Chemistry and Environmental Sciences, School of Science, ITM University, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India (Oral presentation).
[13] One Week National Level Faculty developed Programme (FDP) on Engineering Physics: BASICS TO ADVANCED CONCEPTS IN ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (15th to 20th July 2024) [Invited as an resource person and delivered an extended talk on Structural dependent exciton features of Metal Halide Perovskite semiconductors].