23 years
Research Area
Low dimensional semiconductors, Nano materials, Piezoelectric materials and devices
Research Guidance
Ph. D. Candidates:
Master Degree Candidates:
International Publications
- Dhiman Kumar Das , Sushant Kumar Sahoo , Pranati Purohit and Sukadev Sahoo, “A study on the tensile force and shear strain of trilayer graphene ,” Eur. Phys, J, Appl.Phys [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: 1.0 ]
- P.Purohit, Indu Elizabeth, S.S.K Titus and S.K. Jain, “Optimization of a Piezoelectric Mechanical Amplifier Actuator for Nano-indentation” Integrated Ferroelectrics [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: 0.836 ]
- P. Purohit, Y.K.Yadav and S.S.K Titus, “Low Force Measurement Based on Impedance of a Piezo-resonator,” MAPAN-Journal of Metrology Society of India [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: 1.0 ]
- P. Purohit, Y. K. Yadav and S.K. Jain, “A Study of Determination of Dynamic Viscosity in Liquids Using Radial Mode Piezo-resonator,” Ferroelectrics [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: 0.8 ]
- Pranati Purohit, Dillip.K. Roy and Shankar.P. Pati, “On the Calculation of Energy Eigen States of Electrons in a Spherical Quantum Dot”, Proc. SPIE 8549 [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ]
- S.P.Pati, P.R.Tripathy, S.K.Choudhury, M.Mukharjee, P.Purohit , “Si, SiC Homojunctions and n-SiC/p-Si Heterojunction MM-wave Performance Characteristics”, Proc. SPIE 8549 [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ]
- Bomkesh Bhoi and Pranati Purohit, A Brief Review on the Status of Binary and Ternary Relaxor-PT Materials, Materials Today Proceedings [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: ]
- B. Bhoi and P. Purohit, "A Study on Effect of Doping on Piezoelectric Materials”IEEE Explore [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: ]
- P.Purohit, D. K. Roy, S. P. Pati, and S. Sharma, “Quantum Mechanical Tunneling of Electrons in Quantum Wire p-n Junctions”, Adv. Sci. Lett. [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: ]
- S. Sharma, S. Bahl, S. Ghosh, K. Asokan, and P. Purohit , “ Growth and Characterization of ZnO and TiO2-MWCNT Nanocomposite for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells”, Adv. Sci. Lett [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: ]
- S.P.Pati, S. K. Choudhury, P. R. Tripathy and P.Purohit, “Realistic Computer Simulation and Modeling for Thin Impatt Devices”, [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: ]
- P.Purohit, D.K.Roy and S.P.Pati, “Applications of Bessel Functions in Solving Problems of Nanoelectronics”, International Journal of Advances in Science and Technology [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: ]
National Publications
- P.Purohit, D.K.Roy and S.P.Pati, “Single Electron Tunneling (SET) Effects and Optical Properties of Quantum Dots”, [Index: ; Impact Factor: ]
- P. Purohit, D. K. Roy, S. P. Pati, S. Sahoo, “Conduction of Electrons in Quantum Wires of Circular Cross-section” Indian Journal of Science and Technology [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ]
- P. Purohit, S.K.Jain, “A Piezo-resonator Method for Shear Attenuation Measurement of Rubbers”, Journal of Pure and Applied Ultrasonic, [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: ]
International Conferences
- P.Purohit,"Moving from Pbto Pb- Free Piezoceramics: A Review" at 2nd International Conferenceon Recent Trends in Materials Science & Devices 2023 (ICRTMD-2023)held in Online Mode from 29-31 December 2023 organized byResearch Plateau Publishers in association with Sat Kabir Institute ofTechnology & Management, Bahadurgarh, Haryana, India. [Index: Other ]
- P.Purohit and S.K.Jain “Status of poly crystalline relaxor-PT piezoelectric ceramics” International Conference on Nanotechnology for Better Living, 2016 (NBL-2016), 25-29 May,2016, Research Publishing, Singapore,Vol.3, N0.1, Page 24, doi:10.3850/978-981-09-7519-7nbl16-rps-24. [Index: Other ]
- P.Purohit, S. K. Jain, R. Chawla and N. Dahiya “Design and Study of a Piezoelectric Actuator with Mechanical Amplification”2nd National Conference on Recent Developments in Electronics (NCRDE-2016) University of Delhi, South Campus, 17-18 Feb, 2017, Page no. 30-33. [Index: Other ]
- P. Purohit and S. K. Jain, “A method for Determination of Shear wave Attenuation Coefficient in Rubbers Based on a Piezo-electric Resonator” 8th International Conference on Recent Advances in “Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering for Sustainable Development” (CEAESD-2015) ISBN: 978-81-930585-7-2, Published by Krishi Sanskrit Publications, Organized by Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi. July-2015, Page No. 90-92. [Index: Other ]
- P.R.Tripathy, P.Purohit, D.K.Roy, S.P.Pati, “Bias Current Based Tenability of Silicon Millimeter Wave Single Drift n+pp+ Diode Along With Heavy Current Optimization”, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Microwaves (ISM), December 2008, pp. 185-188. [Index: Other ]
- P.Purohit, D.K.Roy and S.P.Pati, “The Energy Eigenstates and Eigenfunctions of Electrons in a Triangular Quantum Well Structure”, International Conference on Optics & Optoelectronics (XXXVIII Symposium of Optical Society of India), p-510, Organised by IRDE ,Dehradun,5-8 March 2014, p-510 [Index: Other ]
National Conferences
- S.P.Pati, S.K.Dash, P.Purohit, D.K.Roy and P.R.Tripathy, “Optimization and Fundamental/Harmonic Mode Analysis of Low-High-Low Silicon DDD’s”, Paper presented in the Engineering section of the Indian Science Congress Association, January 2009 [Index: Other ]
- P. R. Tripathy, R. K. Mishra, P. Purohit, S. P. Pati, “Modelling of Semiconductor Diode by using Artificial Neural Network”, Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Trends in Operations Research (NCRTOR), April 2013. pp.25-29. [Index: Other ]
- P.Purohit, D.K.Roy and S.P.Pati , “Applications of Bessel Function in Solving Quantum Dot and Quantum Wire Problems of Nanoelectronics”, Paper presented in National Conference on Recent Advances in Applied Mathematics, 18thFebruary 2012. [Index: Other ]
- P.Purohit, D.K.Roy and S.P.Pati, “Calculation of Electron Wavefunctions and Eigen values in a Cylindrical Quantum Wire”, Paper presented in National Seminar on Advances in materials and Devices held in 15th May 2010. [Index: Other ]
- S.P.Pati, P.R.Tripathy, Moumita Mukherjee, P. Purohit & D.K.Roy, “Simultaneous Generation of High RF Power Output, High Device Efficiency and High Frequency Operation of ATT p-n Junctions”, Paper presented in National Seminar on Advances in Materials and Devices held in 15th May 2010 [Index: Other ]
- P.Purohit , D.K.Roy and S. P.Pati, “Calculation of energy Eigen States of Electrons in a Spherical Quantum Dot”, Paper presented in National Seminar-PTNM-2010, 25-27th February. [Index: Other ]
- S.P.Pati, P.R.Tripathy, S.K.Dash, S.K.Choudhury, P.Purohit, A.K.Panda and J.Majhi, “Mathematical Analysis and Realistic Simulation Modeling for Thin Impatt Devices”, Paper presented in National Conference-MATEIT-2010,30-31st January-2010. [Index: Other ]
- S. P. Pati, P. R. Tripathy, A. K. Panda, P. Purohit, D. K. Roy and S. K. Choudhury, “Avalanche Breakdown Characteristics in 100 nm InP p-n Junctions and Associated rf Performance in 0.3 Terahertz Frequencies”, Paper presented in National conference on Materials Science: Trends & Future, 6-7th January 2010. [Index: Other ]
- D.K.Roy , P. Purohit , “Nanoscience- An Overview”, Paper presented in National Seminar on Nanotechnology: The Recent Advances and Applications, November 2009. [Index: Other ]
- Bomkesh Bhoi and Pranati Purohit,"Synthesis and characterization of of PIN-PT Relaxor Based Piezoceramic material",Odisha Research Conclave, ORC 2023, Organized by Sambalpur University, Burla, 14-16 Nov [Index: Other ]
- P.Purohit, S.Satapathy, S.K.Dash, I.P.Mishra and S.P.Pati, “Microwave Performance of Proposed Double Bump Double Drift Diode”, Proceedings of Advances in Microwaves and Light waves, Allied Publishers Limited, March 2000, pp. 142-145 [Index: Other ]
- P.Purohit, D.K.Roy and S.P.Pati, “Quantum Mechanical Tunneling Studies in Quantum Wires,” Proceedings of CMDAYS, August 2012. [Index: Other ]
- P.Purohit, S. K. Jain, R. Chawla and N. Dahiya “Design and Study of a Piezoelectric Actuator with Mechanical Amplification”2nd National Conference on Recent Developments in Electronics (NCRDE-2016) University of Delhi, South Campus, 17-18 Feb, 2017, Page no. 30-33. [Index: Other ]
- P.Purohit and S.K.Jain, “A Comparative Study of Relaxor –PT and Piezoelectric Materials for Transducer Applications,” "National Conference on Applied Physics and Material Science" on Feb 5- 6, 2015.pp 86 [Index: Other ]
- P. Purohit, “Quantum Confinement Effect in a Spherical Quantum Dot” Short term course on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology (AMN-2016), Organized by NIT, Durgapur, West Bengal, 20-24 June 2016, pp 47-49. [Index: Other ]
- Pranati Purohit and Bomkesh Bhoi, “Binary and Ternary Piezoelectric Relaxor Materials for Energy Harvesting”, Odisha Research Conclave (ORC-2021), Organized by Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, 14-16 Nov, 2021 [Index: Other ]
- Pranati Purohit and Bomkesh Bhoi, “Synthesis of PMN-PT and CuO doped PMN-PT Piezoceramic Materials for Energy Harvesting, Odisha Research Conclave (ORC-2022), Organized by Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, 14-16 Nov, 2022 [Index: Other ]
- Pranati Purohit and Bomkesh Bhoi,"Development of Energy Harvesting Circuits for Piezoceramic Materials"Odisha Research Conclave, ORC 2023, Organized by Sambalpur University, Burla, 14-16 Nov [Index: Other ]
Graduate Level:
Waves and Optics, Thermal Physics, Thermal Physics and Statistical Mechanics, Solid state Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Electromagnetic Theory, Differential Equations. Post Graduate Level:
Electronics ( Paper I and II), Experimental Physics, Energy Harvesting and Storage Materials. Research Methodology
Award, Honours and Achievements
- National Scholarship (1991)
Sponsored Projects
- OURIIP Seed Fund -2020 Project with title “Development of relaxor based piezoceramic material for energy harvesting” of amount Rs 5 lakhs. (OURIIP SEED fund-2020/51-Physics)
- Development of ceramic materials with enhanced piezoelectric properties, GMU, Rs 1 lakh
Seminar / Symposia / Workshops / Short term Course organized
- 03
Members of Professional Bodies
- Life member ofMetrology Society of India (MSI)
Life member of Orissa Physical Society (OPS)
Life member Ultrasonic Society of India
Extra Responsibility
- Waden ( Ladies Hostel III)