28 Years of Teaching Experience
Research Area
Development Issues,Policy Studies,Gender Issues,Water Governance, Climate Issues etc
Research Guidance
Ph. D. Candidates:
1. Dr.Pratyush Ranjan(Awarded in 2023)Co-supervisor
2.Dr Bharati Mishra(Awarded in 2024)Supervisor
Master Degree Candidates:
International Publications
- Paris Climate Accord: Miles to Go, Journal of International Development [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: 2.4 ]
- The 21st Conference of the Parties Climate Summit in Paris: a slippery slope, Journal of International Development [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: 2.4 ]
- Recasting Sino-Indian relations: towards a closer development partnership,Strategic Analysis [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: 0.9 ]
- Interpreting China’s Third Plenum,Strategic Analysis [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: 0.9 ]
- Growing Industrialisation and its Cumulative Impacts: Insights from the Mahanadi River Basin,Social Change [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: 0.49 ]
- Rio+20: A Missed Opportunity ,Academic Journal of Interdisplinary Studies [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: ]
- Resolving the Mahanadi Water Conflict,Economic & Political Weekly ,Vol-52,No-51, [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: ]
- Deciphering Regional Disparity in Western Odisha: Looking Through the Prism of History,Indian Journal of Public Administration (Sage Publ,) [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: ]
- Least Protected, Most Affected: Looking through Lens of Cross-border Migration in COVID Period,Jadavpur Journal of International Relations (Sage Publ.) [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: ]
- Deciphering the Doklam Standoff: The Context of the Contest,Jadavpur Journal of International Relations (Sage Publ.) [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: ]
- Potential Implications of Covid-19 on Tourism Industry: Charting A Road Map for Future,Indian Journal of Public Administration(Sage Publ) [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: ]
- Interpreting Citizenship Amendment Act: Its Content and Context,,Indian Journal of Public Administration (Sage Publ) [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: ]
National Publications
- Interrogating sub-regional Cultural Nationalism in Odisha: A Shift from economic deprivation to cultural distinctness,Inclusive,, Vol. 1 Issue 16, January [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: ]
- Solving Climate Crisis: Need for a Well-rounded Strategy,Panjab University Research Journal,Volme-01,No-02,July-December [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: ]
- Navigating China’s New Silk Road: Potential Implications for India ,Man & Development ,Vol-XLIII,No-03,September [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: ]
- Rejuvenating the Mahanadi River Basin:Contriburory Role of People's Movements, Dialogue Quarterly, Vol-20,Issue-03 [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: ]
- Birth of Niti Aayog:Towards a New Resurgent India, Administrative Development, Volume-07,Issue No-02,July-December, [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: ]
- . Sino-Indian Bonhomie: The False Narrative of a True Friendship, Man & Development ,Vol-XLII,No-02,June, [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: ]
- A Pandemic within a Pandemic: Viewing through a Gender Lens,GNLU Journal of Law, Development and Politics, [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: ]
- Alarming Pollution in the Mahanadi River Basin: Bracing for a Turbulent Future,Journal of Acharaya Narendra Dev Research Institute, Vol-27 [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: ]
- Displacement vis-a-vis Rehabilitation: Lessons from Hirakud Dam Project,Panjab University Research Journal ,Vol-LII,Issue- 02 [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: ]
- Revisiting The Mahanadi Water Dispute Discourse: A Reflection of Diverse Perspectives,Maharshi Dayanand University Research Journal ARTS , Vol. 18 (1) pp.103-113 [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: ]
- Implication of Covid 19 on International Migration: Emerging Scenario in Post-Covid World Order, IASSI-Quarterly, 42(4), 834-857. [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: ]
- Mahanadi in Peril: A Victim of Governmental Policies & Climate Change,Bihar Journal of Public Administration,Vol-XVII, No-01 [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: ]
- India at the Paris Summit,Indian Journal of Asian Affairs,33(1/2), 112–119. [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: ]
- Paris Climate Deal: A Bumpy Road Ahead. Indian Journal of Asian Affairs, 32(1/2), 67–90. [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: ]
- Brahmaputra River: A bone of contention between India and China,Water Utility Journal [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ]
- Sovereign States and Surging Water: Brahmaputra River between China and India,FEEM Working Paper No. 046 [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ]
- Political rafting through the withered Mahanadi: A fluvial apocalypse,The Asian Man,14(1), pp.111-113 [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ]
- Climate Change and Natural Disasters: Responding to the Philippines’ Haiyan Tragedy,Quaderni - Working Paper DSE N° 940 [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ]
- India China : The Anatomy of an Economic Relationship, Vol. 8 • No. 2 • (July-December 2013) Pp. 153-166 [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ]
- Crisis of Governance ,Journal of Governance & Public Policy ,Vol-3,issue-2 [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ]
- Soft Power and Hard State: China on the Global Stage,IUP Journal of International Relations, Vol 13, Issue 4, p51 [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ]
International Conferences
- Legal Pluralism in the context of fishing resources in India : An Analysis, Amrita University, Coimbatore [Index: ]
- India China: The Anatomy of an Economic Relationship,Serials publications, New Delhi,Hotel the Hans, New Delhi [Index: ]
- Asian Giants in 21st Century: A comparative Assessment of China and India.P G Dept. of Social Science, F.M University, Balasore [Index: ]
- Rio+20 : A Missed Opportunity,Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research, Rome-Italy and Faculty of Philosophy Niksic, University of Montenegro [Index: ]
- Growing Urbanization in India: Opportunities and Challenges,Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University,Kochi [Index: ]
- Digitalising India: Problems & Prospects,Organised by F.M.University,Balasore,International Conference [Index: ]
- Decoding India and Climate Change: Looking Back, Looking Ahead, Organised by Berhampur University,Ganjam [Index: ]
National Conferences
- Debating National Security in India: A Human Security Perspective, Organised by School of Political Science, G.M.University,Sambalpur [Index: ]
- Understanding Climate Change in India: Issues & Challenges,Organised by School of Political Science, G.M.University,Sambalpur [Index: ]
- Domestic Violence in Odisha:A Reflection,Gabeshana Chakra,BBSR,Odisha [Index: ]
- Sovereign States & Changing Water:Brahmaputra River Between China & India, Organised by School of Political Science,G.M.University,Sambalpur, [Index: ]
- Political Rafting through the Withered Mahanadi:A Fluvial Apocalypse,Organised by PG Dept of Political Science & Public Administration,Sambalpur University [Index: ]
Graduate Level:
Comparative Politics, Political Processes and Institutions in Comparative Perspective,Development Process and Social Movements in Contemporary India, Post Graduate Level:
Comparative Politics, Political & Social Movements in India,Political Sociology & Gender Studies
Award, Honours and Achievements
- Best Arts Graduate(Larambha College,Larambha)1991
Books / Chapters Published
- Political Theory : Concepts & Debates (Rawat Publication) ,2020,ISBN-13 ? : ? 978-8131611418 (Sole Author)
- Rio + 20 : Issues and Priorities” in , Economic Development and Environmental issues(Edited Volume) , S.K Book Agency , New-Delhi , ISBN - 978-93-8315-800-3
- Effective Legislation: A necessity for fighting Terror”, in State , Society and Terrorism{Edited Volume},Mangalam Publications, Delhi-110053, ISBN-9789381142417
- Post-COVID-19 World and Trajectories of a Crumbling World Order, in Changing World Economic Order in the Post-Pandemic Period(Edited Volume), IGI Global,(Scopus) , 63-76,
- Ratha, Keshab Chandra, Sushanta Kumar Mahapatra (2014): “India-China Bilateral Relations: Confrontation and Conciliation” in Khalid S. Soliman (Ed) “Vision 2020 Sustainable Growth, Economic Development, and Global Competitiveness”, Proceedings of the 23rd International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA), pp. 1156-1163, ISBN: 978-0-9860419-2-1, Valencia, Spain(Scopus listed )
- • Ratha, Keshab Chandra, Sushanta Kumar Mahapatra{2012} “Legal Pluralism in the Context of Fishing Resources in India: An Analysis”, Legal Pluralism in Natural Resource management;(Edited Volume)South & South East Asian Perspective, Excel India Publisher, New Delhi-110067, ISBN-978-93-82062-165
- • . Ratha, Keshab Chandra, Sushanta Kumar Mahapatra (2014): “Rising China: Trajectory of an Emerging Global Power”, in Khalid S. Soliman (Ed) “Vision 2020 Sustainable Growth, Economic Development, and Global Competitiveness”, Proceedings of the 23rd International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA), pp. 1164-1175, ISBN: 978-0-9860419-2-1, Valencia, Spain.(Scopus Listed)
Sponsored Projects
- Jan Dhan Yojana, Financial Inclusion and Farmer Income: Evidences from Five Backward Districts of Odisha,File Number: 62/CRP-2023-484/JDY/SCD(Project Director)ICSSR Project ,Short-term Empirical Research 2023-24
Seminar / Symposia / Workshops / Short term Course organized
- National Seminar on Understanding Climate Change in India:Issues & Challenges(03.12.2022)
Extra Responsibility
- 1.Warden,Silver Jubilee Hostel
2.In Charge of General Examination for Two Times
3.Coordinator,School of Political Science
4.In Charge of Certificates Verification for CAS Promotion