Role of Script in Tribal Group of Odisha. (7th International Conference on Spatial Cognition: Spatial Cognition in a Multimedia and Intercultural World (ICSC-2018), 2018 10-14 September, Rome) [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Brahma Kumari
Research paper presented in 4th international conference on “Developing Human Values through Yoga” jointly organized by Indian Association of Yoga, New Delhi and Department of Yogic Science, Uttarakhand Sanskriti University, Haridwar from 24th to 25th February 2018. The topic of the research paper presented was “Aggression of Adolescent: Management through CBT". [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Manoranjan Tripathy
Research paper presented in international conference on “Social Transformation through Yoga” from 25th to 26th March 2017 organized by Indian Association of Yoga, New Delhi held at Nishkam Sewa Trust, Bhopatwala, Old Rishikesh Road, Haridwar, Uttarakhand. The topic of the research paper presented was “Vedic Information: A Vital and Logical Approach". [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Manoranjan Tripathy
The Role of Transformative Education in Reducing Children in Conflict with Law (International Conference on Transformative Education, Gender Equality, Active Citizenship for Sustainable Development organised by KISS, Bhubaneswar.) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Preventing Youth Suicide: A growing Mental Health Concern (International Conference on Mental Health, NEP 2020, and Psychology in Practice organised by Department of Psychology, Utkal University and supported by WB-OHEPEE, Utkal University.) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Effect of Academic Stress on Sleep Quality and Mental Health of Higher Secondary Students (International Conference on Mental Health, NEP 2020, and Psychology in Practice organised by Department of Psychology, Utkal University and supported by WB-OHEPEE, Utkal University.) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Juvenile Justice System in India and Mental Health Needs of Children in Conflict with Law (International Conference on Mental Health, NEP 2020, and Psychology in Practice organised by Department of Psychology, Utkal University and supported by WB-OHEPEE, Utkal University.) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Inclusive Education for Intellectually Disabled Higher Secondary Students (International Conference on Mental Health, NEP 2020, and Psychology in Practice organised by Department of Psychology, Utkal University and supported by WB-OHEPEE, Utkal University.) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
A Study on Subjective Well- Being of Tribals and Non-Tribals in Odisha (World Anthropology Congress- 2023, Organised by the United Indian Anthropology Forum (UIAF) and hosted by Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS), Bhubaneswar.) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Mental Health Issues of the Tribals: Promoting their Well-being (World Anthropology Congress- 2023, Organised by the United Indian Anthropology Forum (UIAF) and hosted by Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS), Bhubaneswar.) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Prevalence and Factors leading to IGD in Secondary School Students of Rural Areas (IVC-DIMR 2021 Conference) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Postpartum Depression among Working and Non- Working Women (IVC-DIMR 2021 Conference) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
The Changing Dimensions of MSMEs (Two Days International Virtual Conference on "Retrospect and Prospects of MSMEs in the Post COVID-19" organized by KISS, Bhubaneswar, Odisha) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Challenges of Teacher Education in India in 21st Century (International Seminar organized by Department of Education, Baba Bhairabananda Autonomous Mahavidyalaya, Chandikhole, Jajpur, Odisha and Teeka Foundation, Bhubaneswar, Odisha) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Psychology in the Mental Health of Adolescents (ICPPAEHS 2020, organized by International Federation of Physical Education, Fitness and Sports Science Associations and P.G Department of Psychology, Shailabala Women's Autonomous College, Cuttack.) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Research paper presented in international conference on “Yoga and Holistic Health” from 12th to 13th March 2016 organized by Indian Association of Yoga, New Delhi held at Hotel Golden Tulip, Rishikesh Road, Haridwar, Uttarakhand. The topic of the research paper presented was “Yoga is Efficient Approach for an All Round Personality Development". [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Manoranjan Tripathy
Presented a paper titled "Gender Differences in the Relationship Between Social Media Usage and Nomophobia During the COVID-19 Pandemic" at the International Conference on Human Dignity and Mental Health in the New Normal (ICDMH- 2021) held during 17-18 December 2021 in virtual mode. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Snehaprava Sahoo
Presented a Paper titled "Disconnected in the connected world: Unveiling nomophobia among students in the digital era" in the International Conference on Mental Health in the Digital Age: Response to Current Challenges Organised by Department of Psychology, Utkal University. Supported by WB-OHEPEE, Utkal University. Date: 27-28 September, 2024. [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Snehaprava Sahoo
Presented a paper on "Online Learning: Challenges for Education in Rural & Remote Areas" in the world conference on Education EDUCATION IN THE 21st CENTURY: A BLENDED PERSPECTIVE organised by GVM'S DR. DADA VAIDYA COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, PG department of Education and Research center with department of Extension services on 13th & 14th August 2020 [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Snehaprava Sahoo
Presented a paper titled Swabhiman and Dignity: Key Drivers of personal and professional wellbeing in the international seminar on SWABHIMAN A PATH TO HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT held on 1/07/2024. Organised by the School of Psychology, G.M. University, Sambalpur, Odisha [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Snehaprava Sahoo
Psychological well-being in organizations, Two Days International Conference, in Manoprabha - 2nd International Virtual Conference in Psychology on “Mental Health and Well-being: Opportunities & Challenges” organized by Shri Vaishnav Institute of Social Sciences, Humanities & Arts (December, 1-2, 2023). [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Investigating the determinants of students’ intention towards self-employment: A study in western Odisha, Poster presented in ORC-2023 (Odisha Research Conclave) in the category of OURIIP Project and was held in 14-16 November,2023; Jointly organized by Odisha State Higher Education Council and Sambalpur University. [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Impact of gender on organizational commitment: A study on selected organizations in India, Two Days International Conference, World Congress on Business, finance, Marketing, and Industrial Management for sustainable development; BFMIMSD – 2013, 25th and 26th May, 2013; Organized by Krishi Sanskriti at JNU, New Delhi. [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
The impact of sports activities on mental well-being and happiness among the tribal athletic and tribal non-athletic students: A comparative analysis, (August, 9-14, 2023) International Seminar- World Anthropology Congress-2023, organised by the United Indian Anthropology Forum (UIAF) and hosted by the Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS). [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Antecedents and Detrimental impact in the Workplace, National Seminar on Youth, Wellness and Social Welfare, November,13 2022 (National Seminar), School of Psychology, Gangadhar Meher University, Amruta Vihar, Sambalpur, Odisha [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
The Effect of Psychological Wellbeing on Employee Job Performance and the Role of Gender Psychology and Social Justice at the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic: The State, Community, and Individual perspectives,4-6 March, 2022, (International Seminar), Organised by Psychophysiology Laboratory, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay,31st convention of National Academy of Psychology 2021-2022. [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Impact of Internal locus of control on Entrepreneurial Intention: A Study on Graduate Students, Bilsel international truva scientific researches and innovation congress, 25-26 August, 2023 (International), ÇANAKKALE / TÜRK?YE [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Mental Health Issues of the Tribals: Promoting their Well-being, World Anthropology Congress-2023,9-14 August, 2023 (International Seminar), United Indian Anthropology Forum (Hosted by KISS- Deemed to be University). [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Importance of psychological capital in entrepreneurial recital and growth intentions, International palandoken scientific studies congress,18-19 MARCH, 2023 (International Seminar), ERZURUM [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Investigating the impact of work engagement on job performance and the moderating role of cyberloafing, International Korkut ATA Researches Conference, 28-30 June, 2022(International Seminar),Osmaniye Korkut ATA University, Osmaniye, Turkey [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
The Relationship between Body Shaming, Emotional Expressivity and Life Orientation: A Study on Adolescents,Youth, Wellness and Social Welfare,November,13 2022 (National Seminar),School of Psychology, Gangadhar Meher University, Amruta Vihar, Sambalpur, Odisha [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Analysing the impact of psychological capital on academic adjustment of university students International Korkut ATA Researches Conference,28-30 June, 2022, (International Seminar), Osmaniye Korkut ATA University, Osmaniye, Turkey [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
The Essence of Subjective-Wellbeing among the Young Adults, Youth, Wellness and Social Welfare, November,13 2022 (National Seminar), School of Psychology, Gangadhar Meher University, Amruta Vihar, Sambalpur, Odisha [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Analysing The Impact of Work Load On Work-Life Balance and Role of Gender Among the University Teachers in Odisha, International dicle scientific research and innovation congress, 26-27 November, 2022 Diyarbakir/ Turkey (International Seminar), International dicle scientific research and innovation congress. [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
The Positive Impact of Entertainment Technology on Public and Private Sector Employees, International Conference on Human Dignity and Mental Health in the New Normal (ICDMH- 2021),17-18 December, 2021 (International Seminar), Department of Psychology, Utkal University [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Happiness and Mindfulness: An Indian Perspective, Youth, Wellness and Social Welfare November,13 2022, National Seminar, School of Psychology, Gangadhar Meher University, Amruta Vihar, Sambalpur, Odisha [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Stress and Anxiety among the tribal Undergraduate students of Odisha during Covid-19 pandemic Psychology and Social Justice at the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic: The State, Community, and Individual perspectives,4-6 March, 2022(International Seminar), Organized by NAOP. [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Combating mental stress by small scale entrepreneurs of homologous accommodation Role of counselling in dealing with mental health issues, 23-24 September, 2022(International Seminar), Students’ counselling center, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Organizational behaviour and sustainable development: A Study, people, planet & profit- A Journey towards Sustainable Development Goals 28-29 March, 2023 (National Seminar), Gangadhar Meher University, Amruta vihar, Sambalpur, Odisha, India. [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Antecedents and Detrimental impact in the Workplace, National Seminar on Youth, Wellness and Social Welfare, November,13 2022 (National Seminar), School of Psychology, Gangadhar Meher University, Amruta Vihar, Sambalpur, Odisha. [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
The Effect of Psychological Wellbeing on Employee Job Performance and the Role of Gender, Psychology and Social Justice at the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic: The State, Community, and Individual perspectives,4-6 March, 2022, (International Seminar) Organised by Psychophysiology Laboratory, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay,31st convention of National Academy of Psychology 2021-2022. [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
The impact of psychological capital on the mental health of women, International Conference on Mental health, NEP 2020 and psychology in practice, 4th October, 2023, Department of Psychology, Utkal University, Supported by: WB-OHEPEE. [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Exploring the effect of self-esteem on work-life balance among the female lecturers in Odisha, “Bilsel International Gordion Science Researches Congress” 29-30 September 2023, Ankara/Turkey. [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
“Exploring the Impact of Acculturative Stress on Mental Health: A Multidimensional Analysis of Immigrant and Minority Populations”, International Conference, Bilsel International Harput Scientific Researches Congress, 25-26 November, 2023 Elazi?/Türkiye. [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Language processing of bilinguals: A visual word recognition study. ( CBP-2016, Singapore) [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Brahma Kumari
Role of Priming and Multingualism. (80th IASTEM International conference, Cairo, Egypt. 11-12 October) [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Brahma Kumari
Metacognitive Belief in Major Depression Disorder: A comparison of Depressed and Non-Depressed Individuals (Mental Health, NEP 2020 and Psychology in Practice, Utkal University) [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Brahma Kumari
National Conferences
The Impact of Aging on Mental Health of Rural Habitats (National Seminar on Psychology in the Post Pandemic Era: A Path Towards Mental Wellbeing organised by P.G Department of Psychology, Fakir Mohan Autonomous College, Balasore.) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Attitude Towards Digital Advertisements, Ad. Skeptism and Purchase Probability of Higher Education Students in Odisha (42nd Annual Conference of Orissa Commerce Association and National Seminar organized by Odisha State Open University, Sambalpur and NSCB College, Sambalpur) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Suicide-Not a Solution (National Webinar on World Suicide Prevention Day organized by Department of Psychology, Isabella Thoburn College, Lucknow) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Morality in Education, in the Light of NEP 2020 (Two Days National Seminar on "NEP-2020: Its Vision about 21st Century Teacher Education Programme" organized by Bhavan's Tripura College of Teacher Education, Agartala.) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Role of Virtual Classes in IGD (Two Days National Seminar on "NEP-2020: Its Vision about 21st Century Teacher Education Programme" organized by Bhavan's Tripura College of Teacher Education, Agartala.) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Women having Post Partum Depression and New Education Policy (Two Days National Seminar on "NEP-2020: Its Vision about 21st Century Teacher Education Programme" organized by Bhavan's Tripura College of Teacher Education, Agartala.) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Data Collection on Moral Reasoning During Pandemic: Pros and Cons (National Webinar on 'Paradigm Shift of Research Methodology in Pandemic Era' organized by The Gandhigram Rural Institute Deemed to be University.) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Pandemic and Mental Health Issues (One-Week Webinar series organized by Department of Psychology, Dhenkanal Autonomous College, Dhenkanal.) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Women and Mental Health in India: An Overview (Workshop Organized by Department of Psychology, Isabella Thoburn College, Lucknow in collaboration with Mission Shakti Program by Government of Uttar Pradesh) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Psychological Impact of Covid- 19 and Adaptation Measures (Two Days National E- Conference on New Challenges in the Changing Scenario 2020-21 & Mental Health organized by Department of Psychology, Dhenkanal Autonomous College, Dhenkanal.) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
COVID-19 Pandemic and Issues of Migrant Labourers in India (One Day National Multidisciplinary E- Conference on "COVID- 19 AND MIGRATION" organized by Milind College of Arts) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
COVID-19: A Universal Pandemic (One day National E- Conference on Human Values: Post COVID-19 organized by JNTUA College of Engineering (A) Ananthapuramu, AP in association with University College of Engineering and Technology, Bikaner Technical University, Bikaner.) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Impact of Covid- 19 on Mental Health (National Webinar organized by Department of Applied Psychology, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University (IGNTU), Amarkantak, MP and Society of Industrial and Organisational Psychology, Varanasi, UP.) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Gandhi as a Social Reformer (Interdisciplinary National Seminar on Relevance of Gandhian Thoughts in the 21st Century organized by School of Education, Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur, Odisha) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Learning Beyond Classroom: The Future of Education (National Seminar on Learning Beyond Classroom: The Future of Education, organized by Department of Psychology and Education, Government Autonomous College, Rourkela.) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Learning Beyond Classroom: Need for the 21st Century Learners (National Seminar on Learning Beyond Classroom: The Future of Education, organized by Department of Psychology and Education, Government Autonomous College, Rourkela.) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Value Based Education in Early Childhood (National Seminar sponsored by ICSSR on "Quality Enhancement in Teacher Education Institutions: Dichotomy between Teaching and Learning" organized by Harkamaya College of Education, Gangtok, Sikkim.) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Effects of Teaching Aids on Learners' Performance (National Level Workshop on Preparation of Learning Resource in Science & Social Science Teaching, organized by Pragati College of Education, Siliguri.) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Use of Computer in Quantitative Analysis in Educational Research (National Workshop organized by Alumni Association and IQAC of Harkamaya College of Education, Gangtok, Sikkim.) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Features of Minimum Levels of Learning (NAAC sponsored National Seminar on "Strategies for Enhancing the Quality in Teacher Education Programme" organized by Harkamaya College of Education, Gangtok, Sikkim) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Importance of Culture in Modern Life (National Seminar on Culture, Language & Translation in 21st Century, organized by Rock Pebbles in collaboration with Vyasanagar Autonomous College, Jajpur Road, Odisha) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Academic Achievement of Orphan Adolescents of Arunachal Pradesh (19th Annual Conference cum Seminar of North East India Education Society, Shillong on "Educational Management with Special Reference to North East India" organized by Harkamaya College of Education, Gangtok, Sikkim) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Structure of Teacher Education Programmes in North East India (19th Annual Conference cum Seminar of North East India Education Society, Shillong on "Educational Management with Special Reference to North East India" organized by Harkamaya College of Education, Gangtok, Sikkim.) [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Participated in Poster Presentation entitled “The Effect of Nomophobia on Academic Performance: A literature review” at the 31st convention of National Academy of Psychology (NAOP) 2021-2022 organised by the Psychophysiology Laboratory, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay from 4-6 March, 2022. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Snehaprava Sahoo
Presented a paper titled "Digital learning and Psychosocial impact during COVID-19" in two days National E-Conference on New Challenges in the changing scenario 2020-21 & Mental Health Organised by the Department of Psychology, Dhenkanal Autonomous college, Odisha [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Snehaprava Sahoo
Presented a Paper titled "Smartphone Addiction and Academic Stress among Students" Held on November 13, 2022 Organised by School of Psychology, Gangadhar Meher University, Amruta Vihar, Sambalpur, Odisha [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Snehaprava Sahoo
Cognitive Psychology and Bilingualism, India, [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Brahma Kumari
Emotional Intelligence at Work Place [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Brahma Kumari
Gender Differences in the relationship between social media usage and nomophobia during Covid-19 Pandemic [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Brahma Kumari
Gender Differences in the relationship between social media usage and nomophobia during Covid-19 Pandemic [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Brahma Kumari
The effect of Nomophobia on Academic Performance: Literature Review [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Brahma Kumari
Metacognitive belief Across major Physical and mental Health [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Brahma Kumari
Prevalence of Depression among elderly Population of Western Odisha [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Brahma Kumari
Mental Health Challenges in Elderly: Depression, Anxiety, and Habit Risk Behaviours in Western Odisha, Sambalpur [Index: ; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Brahma Kumari