10 years of Teaching and Research
Research Area
Organizational Behaviour, Positive Psychology, Social psychology, Clinical Psychology
Research Guidance
Ph. D. Candidates:
1. Susmita Mandal (2022) Investigating the Major Antecedents and Consequences of Cyber-loafing Intention among the University Employees of Odisha (Awarded)
2. Nilamani Maharana (2022) The role of mindfulness, resilience, and social support on stress, anxiety, and depression: A cross-sectional study among the post-graduate students of Odisha (Awarded)
3. Nazia Arif (2022) The impact of Psychological Capital on the entrepreneurial intention: A Study
among the Post Graduate Students of Odisha (Awarded)
4. Hemalata Bhoi (Under Supervision)
5. Rashmita Mohanty (Under Supervision)
2. Nilamani Maharana
3. Nazia Arif
Master Degree Candidates:
Awarded M.Phil. Candidates
1. Sonali Dash
2. Prajnashree Dash
International Publications
- Goswami R and Jena R K (2012). Effect of Shift work on Health: A Review. International Journal of Research in Management (IJRM), 3 (5), 49-62, ISSN: 2249-5908, (Web of Science), Scientific Journal Impact Factor- 3.446, (Published by RS Publication, India). [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ]
- Jena R K, Goswami R (2021). Understanding Peoples’ Sentiment During Different Phases of COVID-19 Lockdown in India: A Text Mining Approach. International Journal of Business Analytics, 8(4), 52-68. (Scopus Indexed & WoS). IGI Publisher. [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ]
- Goswami R. & Jena R (2023). The Influences of Online Shopping Value on Consumer Purchase Intention: An Insight During COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown. SCMS Journal of Indian Management, 20(2), 77-93, Publisher- School of Communication & Management Studies, ISSN (0973 – 3167) Scopus Indexed, UGC CARE [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: NA ]
- Jena R K, Goswami R (2013). Exploring Relationship between Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Job Satisfaction among Shift Workers in India. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 36 (5),36-46, 2013, Impact Factor (IF): 0.12(SCI), ISSN: 1932-2062, (Scopus Indexed), (Published by Wiley, USA). [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: NA ]
- Jena R K., Goswami R (2014). Measuring the Determinants of Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Global Business Review 15 (2), 381–396. ISSN/ISBN: 09721509 Impact Factor (IF): 0.22(SCI), (Scopus Indexed). (Published by Sage, India). [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: NA ]
- Goswami R, Jena R.K and Mahapatro B.B(2011). Psycho-social impact of shift work: A case study Ferro-alloy industries in Orissa. International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM), 2 (4), 20-28. ISSN: 1947-9638 (Scopus and Web of Science Indexed, UGC CARE (B)), (Published by IGI Global). [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: NA ]
- Mandal, S., & Goswami, R. (2022). The positive impact of entertainment technology on public and private sector employees. International Journal of Commerce, IT and Management, 12 (3), 9-13. www.ijrcm.org.in. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: NA ]
- Maharana N & Goswami R (2023). A Relationship between Resilience and Mindfulness Practices: A Correlational Study among the Adolescents of Odisha, India. Indiana Journal of Arts & Literature, 4(1), 2582-869X. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: NA ]
- Maharana N & Goswami R (2023). Identifying the Relationship between Social Support, stress, and mental health among university student Athletes in Odisha. Indiana Journal of Arts & Literature, 10(1), 2321-3493. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ]
- Arif N & Goswami R (2023). Examining the elements impacting the entrepreneurial intention. International journal of advance research and innovative ideas in education (IJARIIE), 9(1), 2395-4396. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: NA ]
- Arif N & Goswami R (2023). The Impact of Psychological Capital on Transitional Readiness of Employees. International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management, 7(3), 2582-3930, DOI: 10.55041/IJSREM18086. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: NA ]
- Bhoi H & Goswami R (2023). The impact of spiritual well-Being on workers’ performance at work place and the role of gender. TIJER- International Research Journal, 10 (7), 2349-9249, Impact Factor-8.57. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ]
- Maharana N, Goswami R, & Behera D (2023). Impact of Mindfulness to Relieve Stress, Anxiety, and Depression among the University Students of Odisha. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science,1(3), 429-437 P-ISSN 2988-0076, E-ISSN 2987-226X, DOI- 10.59653. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: NA ]
- Mandal, S., & Goswami, R. (2022). The effect of psychological wellbeing on employee job performance and the role of gender. The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 10 (4), 2348-5396 [Index: Other; Impact Factor: NA ]
- Mandal, S., & Goswami, R. (2022). Examining the influence of entertainment Technology on employees' behaviour during the Covid-19 pandemic: A study on Odisha. The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 10(3), 2348-5396 [Index: Other; Impact Factor: NA ]
- Maharana N & Goswami R (2022). Stress and Anxiety among the Tribal Undergraduate Students of Odisha during Covid-19 Pandemic. The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 10(4), 2348-5396. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: NA ]
- Goswami R. (2020). Reviewing the benefits of yoga as an approach of indigenous psychology during the covid-19 pandemic, Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR), 9(6), 47-55, ISSN/ISSBN: 22784853 (Google Scholar). [Index: Other; Impact Factor: NA ]
- Jena R K, Goswami R (2013). Information and Communication Technologies in Indian Education System. International Journal of Knowledge Society Research, 4 (1),43-56. ISSN: 1947-8429 (Published by IGI Global). [Index: Other; Impact Factor: NA ]
- Goswami R, Jena R K. (2013). Impact of Gender on Organizational Commitment: A Study of Selected Organization in India. Global Journal of Finance and Management, 5 (9), 27-30, ISSN: 0975-6477, (Published by RI Publication, India). [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ]
- Goswami R (2012). Shift Work and its effect on Social and Personal Life of Shift workers. International Journal of Research in Management, Economics and Commerce. 2 (5), 47-63. ISSN: 2250-057X (Published by Indus Foundation, India). [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ]
- R K Jena, Goswami R. (2012). Shift Workers Vs Day Workers: A comparative study of physiological, Social, and personal well-being. Far East Journal of Psychology and Business 8 (3), 27-37, ISSN: 2219-5440, (Published by Far East Research Centre). [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ]
- Jena R K., Goswami R, and Mahapatro B. B (2012). Determinants of Job Satisfaction among Shift Workers: A Case Study of Ferro-alloy Industries in Orissa. International Journal of Business Competition and Growth (IJBCG), 2 (2), 165-180, ISSN: 2042-3845. (Published by Inder science). [Index: Other; Impact Factor: NA ]
National Publications
- [Index: ; Impact Factor: ]
- Goswami R (2022). Organizational Behaviour and Sustainable Development: A Study. Odisha Journal of Commerce and Management (OJCM), 8(1), 101-107. ISBN 0976-8599. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ]
International Conferences
- The Essence of Subjective-Wellbeing among the Young Adults, Youth, Wellness and Social Welfare, November,13 2022 (National Seminar), School of Psychology, Gangadhar Meher University, Amruta Vihar, Sambalpur, Odisha [Index: ]
- “Exploring the Impact of Acculturative Stress on Mental Health: A Multidimensional Analysis of Immigrant and Minority Populations”, International Conference, Bilsel International Harput Scientific Researches Congress, 25-26 November, 2023 Elazi?/Türkiye. [Index: ]
- Exploring the effect of self-esteem on work-life balance among the female lecturers in Odisha, “Bilsel International Gordion Science Researches Congress” 29-30 September 2023, Ankara/Turkey. [Index: ]
- The impact of psychological capital on the mental health of women, International Conference on Mental health, NEP 2020 and psychology in practice, 4th October, 2023, Department of Psychology, Utkal University, Supported by: WB-OHEPEE. [Index: ]
- The Effect of Psychological Wellbeing on Employee Job Performance and the Role of Gender, Psychology and Social Justice at the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic: The State, Community, and Individual perspectives,4-6 March, 2022, (International Seminar) Organised by Psychophysiology Laboratory, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay,31st convention of National Academy of Psychology 2021-2022. [Index: ]
- Antecedents and Detrimental impact in the Workplace, National Seminar on Youth, Wellness and Social Welfare, November,13 2022 (National Seminar), School of Psychology, Gangadhar Meher University, Amruta Vihar, Sambalpur, Odisha. [Index: ]
- Organizational behaviour and sustainable development: A Study, people, planet & profit- A Journey towards Sustainable Development Goals 28-29 March, 2023 (National Seminar), Gangadhar Meher University, Amruta vihar, Sambalpur, Odisha, India. [Index: ]
- Combating mental stress by small scale entrepreneurs of homologous accommodation Role of counselling in dealing with mental health issues, 23-24 September, 2022(International Seminar), Students’ counselling center, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) [Index: ]
- Stress and Anxiety among the tribal Undergraduate students of Odisha during Covid-19 pandemic Psychology and Social Justice at the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic: The State, Community, and Individual perspectives,4-6 March, 2022(International Seminar), Organized by NAOP. [Index: ]
- Happiness and Mindfulness: An Indian Perspective, Youth, Wellness and Social Welfare November,13 2022, National Seminar, School of Psychology, Gangadhar Meher University, Amruta Vihar, Sambalpur, Odisha [Index: ]
- The Positive Impact of Entertainment Technology on Public and Private Sector Employees, International Conference on Human Dignity and Mental Health in the New Normal (ICDMH- 2021),17-18 December, 2021 (International Seminar), Department of Psychology, Utkal University [Index: ]
- Analysing The Impact of Work Load On Work-Life Balance and Role of Gender Among the University Teachers in Odisha, International dicle scientific research and innovation congress, 26-27 November, 2022 Diyarbakir/ Turkey (International Seminar), International dicle scientific research and innovation congress. [Index: ]
- Psychological well-being in organizations, Two Days International Conference, in Manoprabha - 2nd International Virtual Conference in Psychology on “Mental Health and Well-being: Opportunities & Challenges” organized by Shri Vaishnav Institute of Social Sciences, Humanities & Arts (December, 1-2, 2023). [Index: ]
- Analysing the impact of psychological capital on academic adjustment of university students International Korkut ATA Researches Conference,28-30 June, 2022, (International Seminar), Osmaniye Korkut ATA University, Osmaniye, Turkey [Index: ]
- The Relationship between Body Shaming, Emotional Expressivity and Life Orientation: A Study on Adolescents,Youth, Wellness and Social Welfare,November,13 2022 (National Seminar),School of Psychology, Gangadhar Meher University, Amruta Vihar, Sambalpur, Odisha [Index: ]
- Investigating the impact of work engagement on job performance and the moderating role of cyberloafing, International Korkut ATA Researches Conference, 28-30 June, 2022(International Seminar),Osmaniye Korkut ATA University, Osmaniye, Turkey [Index: ]
- Importance of psychological capital in entrepreneurial recital and growth intentions, International palandoken scientific studies congress,18-19 MARCH, 2023 (International Seminar), ERZURUM [Index: ]
- Mental Health Issues of the Tribals: Promoting their Well-being, World Anthropology Congress-2023,9-14 August, 2023 (International Seminar), United Indian Anthropology Forum (Hosted by KISS- Deemed to be University). [Index: ]
- Impact of Internal locus of control on Entrepreneurial Intention: A Study on Graduate Students, Bilsel international truva scientific researches and innovation congress, 25-26 August, 2023 (International), ÇANAKKALE / TÜRK?YE [Index: ]
- The Effect of Psychological Wellbeing on Employee Job Performance and the Role of Gender Psychology and Social Justice at the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic: The State, Community, and Individual perspectives,4-6 March, 2022, (International Seminar), Organised by Psychophysiology Laboratory, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay,31st convention of National Academy of Psychology 2021-2022. [Index: ]
- Antecedents and Detrimental impact in the Workplace, National Seminar on Youth, Wellness and Social Welfare, November,13 2022 (National Seminar), School of Psychology, Gangadhar Meher University, Amruta Vihar, Sambalpur, Odisha [Index: ]
- The impact of sports activities on mental well-being and happiness among the tribal athletic and tribal non-athletic students: A comparative analysis, (August, 9-14, 2023) International Seminar- World Anthropology Congress-2023, organised by the United Indian Anthropology Forum (UIAF) and hosted by the Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS). [Index: ]
- Impact of gender on organizational commitment: A study on selected organizations in India, Two Days International Conference, World Congress on Business, finance, Marketing, and Industrial Management for sustainable development; BFMIMSD – 2013, 25th and 26th May, 2013; Organized by Krishi Sanskriti at JNU, New Delhi. [Index: ]
- Investigating the determinants of students’ intention towards self-employment: A study in western Odisha, Poster presented in ORC-2023 (Odisha Research Conclave) in the category of OURIIP Project and was held in 14-16 November,2023; Jointly organized by Odisha State Higher Education Council and Sambalpur University. [Index: ]
Graduate Level:
Basic Psychological Processes, Processes of Human empowerment, Environmental Psychology, Organizational Behaviour, Positive Psychology, Social psychology, Health Psychology, Psychopathology, Statistics Post Graduate Level:
Health Psychology, Research Methodology, Organizational Behaviour, Psychometric
Award, Honours and Achievements
- "Academic Excellence award" (2023) given by 'Institute of Researchers' (Wayanad, Kerala, India) in recognition of her outstanding professional and research achievements in the field of Psychology on October 27, 2023.
Books / Chapters Published
- "A Book of Proceedings Incorporating Papers Presented at UGC Aided Seminar" on 4 & 5 September-2016, Organized by Department of Psychology, Government Women’s College, Baripada, Mayurbhanj, Odisha - Book published by Srujani (National), 2016, (Editor-Rupashree Goswami)
- “Youth and Wellbeing” – Book published by Kunal (National), 2023, 978-93-95651-24-0 (Editor- Rupashree Goswami)
- “Mind and Machines: The Psychology of Artificial Intelligence” – Book published by Jyoti Kiran (National), 2024, (Editor- Rupashree Goswami)
- Rupashree Goswami, Happiness and Mindfulness: An Indian Perspective, Youth and Wellbeing, Kunal (National),2023, 57-68, 978-93-95651-24-0
- Rupashree Goswami, Cyber loafing: The Antecedents and Detrimental impacts in the Workplace, Youth and Wellbeing, Kunal (National),2023, 216-223, 978-93-95651-24-0
- Rupashree Goswami, The relationship between body shaming, emotional expressivity, and life orientation: A study on adolescents, Youth and Wellbeing, Kunal (National),2023, 287-295, 978-93-95651-24-0
- Rupashree Goswami, The essence of subjective-wellbeing among the young adults, Youth and Wellbeing, Kunal (National), 2023, 313-336, 978-93-95651-24-0
Sponsored Projects
- Working on a project entitled " The Role of Locus of Control and Personality on Academic Performance of Graduate Students: An Empirical Study" sponsored by ‘Gangadhar Meher University’ (Odisha), 2024.
- Working on "OURIIP" Research Project entitled “Investigating the Determinants of Students’ Intention Towards Self-employment: A Study in Western Odisha” sponsored by 'Department of Higher Education' (Odisha), 2022-2-2024
Seminar / Symposia / Workshops / Short term Course organized
- Some seminars and webinars have been organized.
Members of Professional Bodies
- 1. Indian School Psychology Association (InSPA) - Life Member
2. Clinical Psychology Society of India (CPSI) - Life Member
3. Institute of Researchers (InRes) - Life Member
- NA
Extra Responsibility
- Previous Head and some other responsibilities