ଗଙ୍ଗାଧର ମେହେର ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ, ସମ୍ବଲପୁର, ଓଡିଶା

Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur, Odisha

School of Psychology

Dr. Rupashree Goswami

Assistant Professor


M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed., Ph.D., M.B.A (HRM), MSCIT (Maharashtra State Certificate in Information Technology)

Organizational Behaviour, Developmental Psychology, Positive Psychology, Clinical Psychology

Selected Publications

Psycho-social impact of shift work: A case study Ferro-alloy industries in Orissa.

International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM)

23. Goswami R, Jena R.K and Mahapatro B.B

WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 2 (4); pg: 20-28; Publisher: (Scopus and Web of Science Indexed, UGC CARE (B)), (Published by IGI Global). ; Impact Factor: ; DOI : 10.4018/jabim.2011100103

Effect of Shift work on Health: A Review

International Journal of Research in Management (IJRM)

20. Goswami R and Jena R K

WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: ; vol: 3 (5); pg: 49-62; Publisher: Published by RS Publication, India; Impact Factor: 3.446; DOI :

Exploring Relationship between Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Job Satisfaction among Shift Workers in India

Global Business and Organizational Excellence

16. Jena R K, Goswami R

WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: ; vol: 36 (5); pg: 36-46; Publisher: Published by Wiley, USA; Impact Factor: 0.12; DOI :

The Influences of Online Shopping Value on Consumer Purchase Intention: An Insight During COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown

SCMS Journal of Indian Management

1. Goswami R. & Jena R

WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 20(2); pg: 77-93; Publisher: School of Communication & Management Studies; Impact Factor: ; DOI :

Understanding Peoples’ Sentiment During Different Phases of COVID-19 Lockdown in India: A Text Mining Approach.

International Journal of Business Analytics

13. Jena R K, Goswami R

WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: ; vol: 8(4); pg: 52-68; Publisher: IGI Publisher; Impact Factor: ; DOI :

WoS Indexed: ; Scopus Indexed: ; UGC Care Listed: ; vol: ; pg: ; Publisher: ; Impact Factor: ; DOI :



Dr. Rupashree Goswami is an illustrious teacher and researcher in Psychology, Gangadhar Meher University, Amruta Vihar, Sambalpur, Odisha, India. She has obtained her degrees of M. A and M.Phil. from Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha and Ph. D in Industrial Psychology from Fakir Mohan University, Balasore, Odisha. She obtained her B.Ed. degree from Govt. Teachers’ Training College, Balasore, Odisha. She has also obtained her M.B.A degree in HRM from Vinayak Mission University, Tamil Nadu. She has a dazzling academic career. She has more than 10 years of experience in teaching and research. She has many research publications in Scopus Indexed Journals, Web of Science Indexed Journals, UGC Care Journals, and various refereed international and national journals. She has also presented many papers in various international and national conferences, seminars, and webinars. She has also written many chapters in edited books. She is also an editor of some books. She is also a life member of different psychological society like 'CPSI', 'inSPA', 'InRes' etc. She has convened many seminars, conferences, webinars, extra-mural lectures. Dr Goswami’s area of expertise incorporates Organizational Behaviour, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Positive Psychology, Environmental Psychology etc. She has delivered many invited lectures and acted as resource person at different educational institutions. She was also involved in psycho-social counselling process during covid-19 pandemic. She also provided free tele-counselling during covid-19 pandemic.