Goswami R and Jena R K (2012). Effect of Shift work on Health: A Review. International Journal of Research in Management (IJRM), 3 (5), 49-62, ISSN: 2249-5908, (Web of Science), Scientific Journal Impact Factor- 3.446, (Published by RS Publication, India). [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Jena R K, Goswami R (2021). Understanding Peoples’ Sentiment During Different Phases of COVID-19 Lockdown in India: A Text Mining Approach. International Journal of Business Analytics, 8(4), 52-68. (Scopus Indexed & WoS). IGI Publisher. [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Patterns in behavioural sleep variables and social jetlag in elderly people of Western Odisha [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: 2.8 ] Dr. Rupashree Brahma Kumari
Goswami R, Jena R.K and Mahapatro B.B(2011). Psycho-social impact of shift work: A case study Ferro-alloy industries in Orissa. International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM), 2 (4), 20-28. ISSN: 1947-9638 (Scopus and Web of Science Indexed, UGC CARE (B)), (Published by IGI Global). [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: NA ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Jena R K, Goswami R (2013). Exploring Relationship between Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Job Satisfaction among Shift Workers in India. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 36 (5),36-46, 2013, Impact Factor (IF): 0.12(SCI), ISSN: 1932-2062, (Scopus Indexed), (Published by Wiley, USA). [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: NA ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Jena R K., Goswami R (2014). Measuring the Determinants of Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Global Business Review 15 (2), 381–396. ISSN/ISBN: 09721509 Impact Factor (IF): 0.22(SCI), (Scopus Indexed). (Published by Sage, India). [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: NA ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Goswami R. & Jena R (2023). The Influences of Online Shopping Value on Consumer Purchase Intention: An Insight During COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown. SCMS Journal of Indian Management, 20(2), 77-93, Publisher- School of Communication & Management Studies, ISSN (0973 – 3167) Scopus Indexed, UGC CARE [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: NA ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Visual Word Recognition Study on Bilingual Groups of Odisha. [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: - ] Dr. Rupashree Brahma Kumari
Jena R K., Goswami R, and Mahapatro B. B (2012). Determinants of Job Satisfaction among Shift Workers: A Case Study of Ferro-alloy Industries in Orissa. International Journal of Business Competition and Growth (IJBCG), 2 (2), 165-180, ISSN: 2042-3845. (Published by Inder science). [Index: Other; Impact Factor: NA ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
R K Jena, Goswami R. (2012). Shift Workers Vs Day Workers: A comparative study of physiological, Social, and personal well-being. Far East Journal of Psychology and Business 8 (3), 27-37, ISSN: 2219-5440, (Published by Far East Research Centre). [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Goswami R (2012). Shift Work and its effect on Social and Personal Life of Shift workers. International Journal of Research in Management, Economics and Commerce. 2 (5), 47-63. ISSN: 2250-057X (Published by Indus Foundation, India). [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Goswami R, Jena R K. (2013). Impact of Gender on Organizational Commitment: A Study of Selected Organization in India. Global Journal of Finance and Management, 5 (9), 27-30, ISSN: 0975-6477, (Published by RI Publication, India). [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Jena R K, Goswami R (2013). Information and Communication Technologies in Indian Education System. International Journal of Knowledge Society Research, 4 (1),43-56. ISSN: 1947-8429 (Published by IGI Global). [Index: Other; Impact Factor: NA ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Goswami R. (2020). Reviewing the benefits of yoga as an approach of indigenous psychology during the covid-19 pandemic, Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR), 9(6), 47-55, ISSN/ISSBN: 22784853 (Google Scholar). [Index: Other; Impact Factor: NA ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Mandal, S., & Goswami, R. (2022). The positive impact of entertainment technology on public and private sector employees. International Journal of Commerce, IT and Management, 12 (3), 9-13. www.ijrcm.org.in. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: NA ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Maharana N & Goswami R (2022). Stress and Anxiety among the Tribal Undergraduate Students of Odisha during Covid-19 Pandemic. The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 10(4), 2348-5396. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: NA ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Mandal, S., & Goswami, R. (2022). Examining the influence of entertainment Technology on employees' behaviour during the Covid-19 pandemic: A study on Odisha. The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 10(3), 2348-5396 [Index: Other; Impact Factor: NA ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Mandal, S., & Goswami, R. (2022). The effect of psychological wellbeing on employee job performance and the role of gender. The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 10 (4), 2348-5396 [Index: Other; Impact Factor: NA ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Maharana N, Goswami R, & Behera D (2023). Impact of Mindfulness to Relieve Stress, Anxiety, and Depression among the University Students of Odisha. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science,1(3), 429-437 P-ISSN 2988-0076, E-ISSN 2987-226X, DOI- 10.59653. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: NA ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Bhoi H & Goswami R (2023). The impact of spiritual well-Being on workers’ performance at work place and the role of gender. TIJER- International Research Journal, 10 (7), 2349-9249, Impact Factor-8.57. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Arif N & Goswami R (2023). The Impact of Psychological Capital on Transitional Readiness of Employees. International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management, 7(3), 2582-3930, DOI: 10.55041/IJSREM18086. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: NA ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Arif N & Goswami R (2023). Examining the elements impacting the entrepreneurial intention. International journal of advance research and innovative ideas in education (IJARIIE), 9(1), 2395-4396. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: NA ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Maharana N & Goswami R (2023). Identifying the Relationship between Social Support, stress, and mental health among university student Athletes in Odisha. Indiana Journal of Arts & Literature, 10(1), 2321-3493. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Maharana N & Goswami R (2023). A Relationship between Resilience and Mindfulness Practices: A Correlational Study among the Adolescents of Odisha, India. Indiana Journal of Arts & Literature, 4(1), 2582-869X. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: NA ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
National Publications
Ranabir, J., Padhi, S.; Transformative Education and Children in Conflict with Law; Bharatiya Shiksha Shodh Patrika; 43(1); Pages: 261-264; ISSN: 0970-7603 [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: 0 ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Padhi, S., Panigrahi, A., Biswal, K.K.; Dissecting Handwriting Variability: An in-depth Forensic Study on the impact of Stress, Injury and Cognitive State; Open Access Journal of Behavioural Science and Psychology ; 7(2); Pages: 1-9; ISSN: 2642-0856 [Index: Other; Impact Factor: 0 ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Padhi, S., Panigrahi, A., Biswal, K.K.; Smile Photograph Analysis as One of the Identification Methods in Forensic Anthropology and Odontology; Journal of Criminology and Forensic Studies; 6 (1); Pages: 1-7; ISSN: 2460-6578 [Index: Other; Impact Factor: 0 ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Panigrahi, A., Dash, L., Padhi S.; Subjective Wellbeing of Tribals and Non-Tribals; International Educational Scientific Research Journal; 10(12); Pages- 63-67; E-ISSN: 2455-295X [Index: Other; Impact Factor: 0 ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Goswami R (2022). Organizational Behaviour and Sustainable Development: A Study. Odisha Journal of Commerce and Management (OJCM), 8(1), 101-107. ISBN 0976-8599. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Goswami
Relationship between Social Media Usage and Nomophobia during the Covid-19 Pandemic. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Rupashree Brahma Kumari
The Effect of Nomophobia on Academic Performance : A literature review [Index: Other; Impact Factor: - ] Dr. Rupashree Brahma Kumari
Role of Priming and Multingualism. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: - ] Dr. Rupashree Brahma Kumari
Padhi, S., Dash, L.; Problem Behaviour Identification of Children with Intellectual Disabilities; Odisha Journal of Social Science; 11(1); Pages: 21-29; ISSN: 2321-3493 [Index: Other; Impact Factor: 0 ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Barik, S., Padhi, S.; Prevalence and Factors Leading to Internet Disorder in Secondary School Gaming Students of Rural Areas; Excellence in Education; XI(12); Pages: 12-19; ISSN: 2320-7019 [Index: ; Impact Factor: 0 ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Dash, L., Padhi, S.; A Study on Factors Affecting Work-Life Balance of Women Employees working in health sectors; B. Aadhar; 344 (CCCXLIV) F; Pages: 1-4; ISSN: 2278-9308 [Index: ; Impact Factor: SJIF- 8.575 ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Padhi, S.; COVID-19 Pandemic and Issues of Migrant Labourers in India; Ajanta; IX(III); Pages: 66-72; ISSN: 2277-5730 [Index: ; Impact Factor: SJIF- 6.399 ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Padhi, S.; Examination Phobia and its Measures; Education Times; XIV(1); Pages: 10-15; ISSN: 2319-8265 [Index: ; Impact Factor: 0 ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Padhi, S.; Impact of Parenting Styles on the Mental Health of Children; Education Times; XIII(1); Pages: 4-10; ISSN: 2319-8265 [Index: ; Impact Factor: 0 ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Padhi, S., Mandal, S.; Prosocial Behaviour in Relation to Emotional Intelligence and Ethical Decision Making of Young Adults; Edu World; XIV(1); Pages: 295-305; ISSN: 2319-7129 [Index: ; Impact Factor: 0 ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Dash, L., Padhi, S.; Women Entrepreneurs: Balancing Work and Life; Odisha Journal of Social Science; 10(1); Pages: 47-55; ISSN: 2321-3493 [Index: ; Impact Factor: 0 ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Padhi, S., Biswal, K.K.; Education at the Crossroads; Edu World; V(1); Pages: 369-376; ISSN: 2319-7129 [Index: ; Impact Factor: 0 ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Padhi, S.; Tribal Social Movements in Odisha: A Brief Sketch; Education Plus; XIII(1); Pages: 17-23; ISSN: 2277-2405 [Index: ; Impact Factor: 0 ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Sahoo, F. M., Padhi, S.; Work and Job Involvement in University Teachers: An empirical Examination of Need Saliency Theory; Sankalpa; IX(1); Pages: 12-26; ISSN: 2231-1904 [Index: ; Impact Factor: 0 ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Padhi, S.; Perceived Social Support and Mental Health of Tribal Adolescents; Himalayan Journal of Social Sciences; 2(2); Pages: 96-107; ISSN: 2231-6639 [Index: ; Impact Factor: 0 ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Sia, N.; Padhi, S.; The Role of Social Support in Mental Health of Orphan Adolescents; Indian Journal of Positive Psychology; 4(2); Pages: 290-295; ISSN: 2229-4937 [Index: ; Impact Factor: 0 ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Padhi, S., Biswal, K.K.; Teaching: Not a Mere Job or Occupation but a Challenging Profession; Indian Research Bulletin; XI (III); Pages: 143-153; ISSN: 2348-1315 [Index: ; Impact Factor: 0 ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Padhi, S.; Adjustment in Educational Institutions: A Social Necessity; Himalayan Journal of Social Sciences; 7(1), Pages: 66-81; ISSN: 2231-6639 [Index: ; Impact Factor: 0 ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Banerjee, A., Padhi, S.; Culture in Action: A review on Moral Judgement and Moral Reasoning; Odisha Journal of Social Science; 10(2); Pages: 28-36; ISSN: 2321-3493 [Index: ; Impact Factor: 0 ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Banerjee, A., Padhi, S.; Morality in Education as reflected in NEP 2020; Bharatiya Shiksha Shodh Patrika; 42(1); Pages: 226-231; ISSN: 0970-7603 [Index: ; Impact Factor: 0 ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Banerjee, A., Padhi, S.; Attitude Towards Digital Commercials, Advertisement Scepticism and Purchase Probability of Higher Education Students in Odisha; Orissa Journal of Commerce; 44(2); Pages: 93-108; ISSN: 0974-8482 [Index: ; Impact Factor: 0 ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi
Hota, D. K., Padhi, S.; Inclusive Education for InteIIectually Disabled Higher Secondary Students; Odisha Journal of Social Science; 11(1); Pages: 17-20; ISSN: 2321-3493 [Index: ; Impact Factor: 0 ] Dr. Sanjukta Padhi