ଗଙ୍ଗାଧର ମେହେର ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ, ସମ୍ବଲପୁର, ଓଡିଶା

Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur, Odisha

School of Statistics



National Seminar on “ADVANCES IN STATISTICAL METHODS AND APPLICATIONS (ASMA-2024)” on 21st December 2024.

On December 21, 2024, the Statistics Department of Gangadhar Meher University hosted a one-day national seminar titled "Advances in Statistical Methods and Applications." The event commenced with an inaugural ceremony led by the esteemed Vice-Chancellor, Prof. N. Nagaraju. Notable guests included Prof. Rajesh Singh from SGB Amravati University, Maharashtra, and Prof. Priya Ranjan Dash from Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, along with the seminar's patrons, Chairman of PGC Prof. Gyanaranjan Swain, Registrar Sri Sanat Kumar Naik, Dr. U.C. Pati, Deputy Registrar, and Head of the Statistics Department Dr. Nirupama Sahoo, along with various invitees, guests, scholars, and student participants. Dr. Nirupama Sahoo, the Convener and Head of the Statistics Department, welcomed the guests, introduced the theme of the seminar, and presented the speakers. The inaugural vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. B.N. Mohapatra. Prof. Rajesh Singh, the keynote speaker, initiated the first technical session by discussing "Software Reliability Modeling and Parameter Estimation." This topic is crucial for software engineering students, as it helps them predict software performance, detect issues, and enhance system reliability. Understanding how to estimate failure rates and identify faults enables students to anticipate potential problems early in the development cycle, reducing defects and improving the overall quality of software. In the second technical session, Prof. Priya Ranjan Dash provided an insightful discussion on "Advances in Statistical Methods and Applications." Using video clips, he demonstrated the application of statistics in various contexts. The seminar also featured a valedictory session, cultural performances by students, and presentations by delegates, including 17 poster presentations and 9 paper presentations.


Outreach Activity and Extension Programme on “Data Visualization and Interpretation”

The Outreach Extension Programme on "Data Visualization and Interpretation," held on [08 12.2023] at Panchayat High School Bargaon, Dhama Sambalpur. The program was designed to engage faculty members, research scholars, undergraduate and postgraduate students of Statistics, students of Class 9th and 10th and Teachers of the Panchayat High School Bargaon stimulating discussion on the importance of data analysis, Interpretation and visualization. The program began with the inauguration ceremony, followed by the rendition of the G.M. University anthem. This set the tone for the event and instilled a sense of pride among the participants. Dr. R. Gartia delivered an insightful address highlighting the objectives of the program and emphasized the significance of statistics in the school curriculum. Dr. Nirupama Sahoo provided valuable insights into the promising career options in statistics and the crucial role of data analysis in today's data-driven world. Dr. Bira Narayan Mohapatra shed light on the vast scope and importance of statistics in various fields. Dr. Sananda Jhankar captivated the audience with an engaging presentation using PowerPoint slides to illustrate the power of data visualization and interpretation. This interactive session effectively communicated complex concepts in a clear and engaging manner. To stimulate active participation and test the understanding of the audience, a quiz session was conducted. Our students posed thought-provoking questions on data visualization and interpretation, and prizes were awarded to the successful respondents. This session fostered a vibrant learning environment and encouraged peerto-peer interaction. Mr. Arabinda Panigrahi, Headmaster of Panchayat High School Bargaon, delivered a warm vote of thanks on behalf of the audience. He commended the School of Statistics for organizing such an informative and impactful program and expressed his desire for future collaborations.


Statistical Methodology for Working with Uncertainty

On The Occasion of Birth Centenary and his birth day on 10th Sept, of Padma Vibhusan, A Living Legend & Eminent Statistician, Prof C R Rao, the school of Statistics, GM university Proposed National two days Webinar series on “Statistical Methodology for Working with Uncertainty”: In two days webinar there were two invited lecture session following Inaugural function on the Day 1 by our honourable VC (In Absentia), Chairman PGC, Sj G Singh Registrar , Patron of the webinar (In absentia), Dr U C Pati, Dy Register, invitees, guests scholars and student participants across the country and one from Korea on 24.09.2020 at 11:00 AM to 1.45 PM. The second day webinar was held on 26.10.2020 at 11:00 AM to 2 PM by the another Speaker with paper Presentation session.The first technical session of the Webinar started with the Key note speaker Professor Arun Kumar Sinha with a resourceful deliberation on the topic “Working with uncertainty: A Specific Probability Distribution”. The second technical session of the Day 1 Webinar started by 12.45PM with the Key note speaker Professor Kishore Kumar Sinha with an illustrious and informative deliberation on the topic “Applications of Research Methods in Biological Sciences”. In this context Professor Sinha highlighted the important concepts of research methodology, critical thinking approaches of research, inductive and deductive reasoning, distinction between research methods and research methodology. The first session of the Day 2 Webinar started with the Key note speaker Professor R. N. Dash with a resourceful and technical deliberation on the topic “Controlling of Random Error in Model Building”. Our paper presentation started with chairing the session by Prof MaheswarSahu, Dept. Of Commerce, Utkal university key address just after closing of the invited lecture by Prof R N Das. In this session, 17 papers were presented by our Research Scholars, participants throughout the country.


Application of Statistics for National Planning

In recognition of the notable contribution made by Prof. Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis in the fields of economic planning and statistical development in the post independent era, the Govt. of India has decided to designate 29th June every year, coinciding with his birth anniversary, as Statistics Day in the category of special day to be celebrated at the national level. He is also known as the father of Indian Statistics. The Day is celebrated by holding seminars, discussions and competitions to highlight the importance of official statistics in national development.On this occasion , the school of statistics, GangadharMeher University organise a Webinar on the Topic “ Application of Statistics for National Planning”.In this webinar there were two invited lecture session following Inaugural function by our honourable VC, prof. N. Nagaraju, Chairman PGC, Sj G Singh Registrar , Patron of the webinar, Dr U C Pati, Dy Register, invitees, guests scholars and student participants on 29.06.2021 at 3.30 PM. The first technical session of the Webinar started with the Key note speaker Professor Rabi Narayan Subudhi with a resourceful deliberation on the topic “Role of Statistics for Planning and Coordination”. In this context Professor Subudhi highlighted the application of Statistics in ancient period i.e., by kings and also post-independence administrative period. The second technical session of the Webinar started by the Key note speaker Professor Vyas Dubey with an informative deliberation on the topic “Contribution of Prof. P.C. Mahalanobis towards National Development”. In this context Professor Dubeyhighlighted the importantance of statistics for national development.


Applications of Statistics & Machine Learning in Research Perspective

The school of statistics, Gangadhar Meher University organised a Webinar on the Topic “Applications of Statistics & Machine Learning in Research Perspective”.In this webinar there were one invited lecture session following Inaugural function by our honourable VC, prof. N. Nagaraju, Chairman PGC, Prof. S.K. Das, Smt. Jugaleswari Dash, Registrar, Patron of the webinar, Dr U C Pati, Dy Register, invitees, guests scholars and student participants on 13.01.2023 at 2 PM. The technical session of the Webinar started with the Key note speaker Professor Monalisha Pattnaik with a resourceful deliberation on the topic “Applications of Statistics & Machine Learning in Research Perspective”. In this context Professor Monalisha highlighted the importance of machine learning in the field of Statistics which gives a new direction in research.



The one-day national seminar on the topic of "Statistical Thinking in Data Science & Knowledge Discovery" was held by the Statistics department of Gangadhar Meher University. Following an Inaugural function by our esteemed Vice-Chancellor Prof. N. Nagaraju, Guest of Honour Prof. Bidhu Bhusan Mishra, Vice-Chancellor, Sambalpur University, Patrons of the seminar, Chairman PGC, Prof. S.K. Das, Dr. U C Pati, Dy. Register, Head of the Dept. Statistics, Dr. Rajendra Gartia, and invitees, guests, scholars, and student participants on 26/06/2023 at 10.00AM. Professor P. Tirupathi Rao, the keynote speaker, began the first technical session of the seminar with an insightful discussion on the subject of "Statistical Thinking in Data Science & Knowledge Discovery." Using certain video clips, Professor Rao showed the use of statistics in data science in this context. An enlightening discussion on the subject of "Application of Statistics on Data Science and Analytics" was provided by Dr. Sambit Bakshi, a different speaker at the seminar, to kick off this session. Dr. Bakshi emphasised the significance of statistics for data science in this setting. Following the valedictory session and various cultural performances by the students, the second technical session featured the delegates' paper presentations.