Sahoo, Nirupama and Jena, Saradaprasan (2024): Improved Product-Type Estimator for Estimating Population Mean Using Harmonic Mean; International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences, Vol.20, No. 1, pp. 195-201, ISSN: 0973-1903, e-ISSN: 0976-3392 [Index: WoS; Impact Factor: 1.814 ] Dr. Nirupama Sahoo
Sahoo, Nirupama (2024): A Logistic Regression Analysis for Problems Faced by the Farmers in Sambalpur, International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Scope (IRJMS), Vol. 5, Issue 4, pp. 768-774, ISSN (O): 2582-631X [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: 0.053 ] Dr. Nirupama Sahoo
Sahoo, Nirupama and Jhankar, Sananda Kumar (2024): A chain ratio-type exponential estimator for population mean in double sampling; Statistics in Transition new series, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 63-76, [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Nirupama Sahoo
Sahoo, N. and Jhankar, S.K. (2022): An Exponential Ratio-Type Estimator For Estimating Population Variance With its Efficiency; Int. Jour. of Agri. Stat. Sci., Vol.18, Supplement 1, pp. 1085-1089, ISSN: 0973-1903, e-ISSN: 0976-3392. [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: 1.814 ] Dr. Nirupama Sahoo
Sahoo, N. and Bhoi, Doleswar (2021): An Analysis of Family Medical History with Chronic Health Condition and Death among Elderly Population in Odisha; Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research, Vol. 12, Issue No.-01, pp. 679-687, ISSN: 0975-3583,0976-2833. [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: 0.46 ] Dr. Nirupama Sahoo
Panda, K.B. and Sahoo, N. (2017): Estimation of Finite Population Mean Using Variable Transformation; Int. Jour. of Agri. Stat. Sci., Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 141-144, ISSN: 0973-1903. [Index: Scopus; Impact Factor: 1.814 ] Dr. Nirupama Sahoo
Sahoo, Nirupama and Saradaprasan Jena (2024): Improved Ratio-Type Estimators for Estimating Population Mean Using Information on Size of the Sample, International Journal of Statistics and Reliability Engineering, Vol. 11, Issue: 2, pp. 138-144, ISSN (P): 2350-0174, ISSN (O): 2456-2378. [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Nirupama Sahoo
Sahoo, Nirupama and Pradhan, Atula Kumar (2024): A Comparison Study of Odisha’s Rainfall Distribution, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, Vol. 13, Issue:8(3), pp. 101-108, ISSN: 2277-7881. [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: 9.014 ] Dr. Nirupama Sahoo
Sahoo, Nirupama and Dash Suman (2024): A Difference Ratio-Regression Type Exponential Estimator of Population Mean in Post-Stratification under Linear Transformation of Auxiliary Variable,; International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 25, pp. 13-20, ISSN: 0974-7117 (print), ISSN: 0973-8347 (online). [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Nirupama Sahoo
Sahoo, N. and Jhankar, S.K. (2023): Enhancement of Exponential Ratio-Type and Product-Type Estimators in Two-Phase Sampling; Int. Jour. of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 24, Issue. 01, pp.51-60, ISSN: 0974-7117 (print), ISSN: 0973-8347 (online). [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Nirupama Sahoo
Panda, K.B. and Sahoo, N. (2020): An Efficient Exponential Ratio-type Estimator in Post-Stratification using Variable Transformation; Int. Jour. of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 21, Issue. 1, pp. 68-74, ISSN: 0973-8347 (online). [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Nirupama Sahoo
Panda, K.B. and Sahoo, N. (2018): An Efficient Product-Type Estimator of Finite Population Mean; Int. Jour. for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, Vol. 6, Issue. 2, pp. 933-936, ISSN: 2321-9653. [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: 7.429 ] Dr. Nirupama Sahoo
Panda, K.B. and Sahoo, N. (2017): An Efficient Product Estimator using Harmonic Mean; Int. Jour. of Maths. Trends and Technology, Vol. 50, No. 5, pp. 276-278, ISSN: 2231-5373. [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: 2.45 ] Dr. Nirupama Sahoo
Panda, K.B. and Sahoo, N.(2015): An Efficient Product-type Exponential Estimator of Finite Population mean Using Variable Transformation; Int. Jour. of Statistical Sciences, Vol. 15, pp. 13-19, ISSN: 1683-5603. [Index: UGC; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Nirupama Sahoo
Jhankar, S.K., Sahoo, N. and Dash, S.(2023): A Simulation Study of Estimation of Finite Population Mean Using a Single Auxiliary Information in Double Sampling; International Journal of Mathematics and Computation, Vol.34, pp. 01-08, ISSN 0974-570X (Online), ISSN 0974-5718 (Print). [Index: Other; Impact Factor: 0.262 ] Dr. Nirupama Sahoo
Sahoo, Nirupama and Jena, Saradaprasan (2023): Marketing Strategy using Markovian Model on Long Term Steady State Market Share; Journal of Statistics, Optimization and Data Science, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp:01-11, ISSN:2583-9462. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Nirupama Sahoo
Sahoo, N. and Jhankar, S. K. (2022): A Chain Product-Type Exponential Estimator for Population Mean in Double Sampling; Bull. Maths and Stat. Research, Vol. 10, Issue. 4, pp. 36-41, ISSN: 2348-0580. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: 4.495 ] Dr. Nirupama Sahoo
Sahoo, N. and Dash, S. (2021): Sequence of Exponential Ratio-type and Exponential Product-type estimators in Post-Stratification with their Efficiency; Int. jour. of Stat. and Systems, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 67-76, ISSN: 0973-2675. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Nirupama Sahoo
Sahoo, N. and Dash, S. (2020): An Efficient Product-Type Exponential Estimator in Post-Stratification; Bull. Maths and Stat. Research, Vol. 8, Issue. 2, pp. 01-05, ISSN: 2348-0580. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: 4.495 ] Dr. Nirupama Sahoo
Sahoo, N. (2020): An Improved Class of Ratio-Type Estimators of the Population Variance in Simple Random Sampling Scheme; International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), Vol. 7, Issue. 4, pp. 94-101, E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: 7.17 ] Dr. Nirupama Sahoo
Panda, K.B. and Sahoo, N.(2016): Improved Ratio-type Exponential Estimator for Estimating Population Variance Using Auxiliary Information; Int. jour. of Stat. and Systems, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 187-195, ISSN: 0973-2675. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: ] Dr. Nirupama Sahoo
Panda, K.B. and Sahoo, N. (Oct.-Dec., 2016): An efficient Exponential Ratio-type Estimator for Estimating Population Variance; Bull. Maths and Stat. Research, Vol. 4, Issue. 4, pp. 51-56, ISSN: 2348-0580. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: 4.495 ] Dr. Nirupama Sahoo
Panda, K.B. and Sahoo, N. (Nov., 2016): Estimation of Finite Population Variance Using Auxiliary Information; Int. Jour. of Maths. Trends and Technology, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 227-231, ISSN: 2231-5373. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: 2.45 ] Dr. Nirupama Sahoo
Sahoo, N. and Panda, K.B. (Dec., 2015): Study On Product Estimation; Int. Jour. Of Multidisciplinary Research Review, Vol. 1, No. 10, pp. 165-167, ISSN : 2395-1877. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: 2.262 ] Dr. Nirupama Sahoo
Panda, K.B. and Sahoo, N.(May-June, 2015): Systems of Exponential Ratio-based and Exponential Product-based Estimators with their Efficiency, IOSR Jour. Mathematics; Vol. 11, Issue.3, Ver. 1, pp. 73-77, e-ISSN:2278-5728, p-ISSN: 2319-765X. [Index: Other; Impact Factor: 3.97 ] Dr. Nirupama Sahoo
National Publications
Sahoo, Nirupama and Jhankar, Sananda Kumar (2024): Improved Ratio-type Exponential Estimator for Estimating Population Mean in Ranked Set Sampling, Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, Vol. 78(2), pp. 135-141, [Index: Other; Impact Factor: NA ] Dr. Nirupama Sahoo