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Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur, Odisha

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Instructions to Contributing Authors : Biohelica- School of Biotechnology and Botany

Biohelica publishes original research articles in Biological Sciences, and other aspects related to Biological Sciences as full papers or short communications in English. It is open to all scientific communities or individual. Publication is facilitated, if authors ensure that the manuscript and illustrations meet the requirements outlined below before they are submitted.

1. A copy of the manuscript may be sent to editorbiohelica@gmail.com on or before 15th February, 2024.
2. Text should be type d1.5 spaced through out with the left margin at least 40mm wide, with each page should be numbered.
3. The first page should carry only the title of the article, name(s) of author(s) and institution(s) where the work was done. An additional sheet should carry the Keywords(maximum six),arunning title(notto exceed 50letters andspaces)and the address for correspondence.
4. Papers should have an ABSTRACT not exceeding 300 words in the beginning and the usual sequence of Sections (1. Introduction, 2. Materials and methods, 3. Results, 4. Discussion and 5. References) should be followed forthe text. A manuscriptor review article should not exceed 15A4 size typed pages in 1.5 space including tables and figures. "Short communications" should not exceed 4 typed pages (A4 size) in 1.5 space.
5. Foot notes are not allowed,except below the tables and figures.
6. Symbols, units and nomenclature should conform to international usage. For all the numerical data metric system should be followed.
7. Text references should be made using the APA format with author(s) name followed by the year of publication within parenthesis. Example: Murashige and Skoog (1962).
8. The references shouldbe listed alphabetically at the end of the paper inthe following pattern: Biohelica A Half Yearly Scientific Research Journal Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur

i. Journal: Murashige, T. and Skoog, F. (1962). A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiol. Plant. 15: 473-497.
ii. Edited volumes: Bell, J.M.B. and Mudd, C.H. (1976). Sulphur dioxide resistance in plant: A case study of Loliumperene. In: Mansfield, T.A. (ed.) Effects of Air Pollutionon Plant. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K., pp. 87-103.
iii. Books: Halliwell, B. and Gutteridge, J.M.C. (2007). Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine. 4th Edn. Oxford University Press, New York. U.S.A. Unpublished materials and personal communications are accepted only as references in the text, not in the bibliography.

9. Tables should be typed on separate sheets furnished with short explanatory heading and be referred to inthe text. Theymust fit ina printed page withina lengthof either 8 or 16 cm.
10. Illustrations should be drawn on separate sheets and photographs in colour or black and white should be planned to appear with a maximum final width of either 8 cm or 16 cm. Letters, numbers and symbols must appear clearly, but should not be oversized. In diagrams, the top and right side should be boxed in by lines or the same type as the abscissa and ordinate. Each figure should be identified with author’s name, figure number and indication of orientation. Combination of photographs and pen drawings in the same plate should be avoided.
11. Proofs of the articles will be sent to the authors by email and the same, after correction of printing errors of galley proof, must be returned to the Editor within seven days of receiving the galley proof. Corrections at the proof stage involvingdeviations from the from the original manuscript are not permissible.
12. Printing cost at the rate of Rs.300/- (Rupees three hundred only) per page is charged to the authors who want hard copy of the Journal and the decision of the editorial board is final in this regard.
13. A PDF of the article will be supplied by email to the corresponding author immediately after acceptance of the paper.
14. Acceptance of any paper is subject to the recommendations of the reviewers, who are specialists in their own fields.
15. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject any paper found unsuitable for the journal.