ଗଙ୍ଗାଧର ମେହେର ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ, ସମ୍ବଲପୁର, ଓଡିଶା

Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur, Odisha

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Notification for Admission into 6 Months OCGG Certificate Course New Download gradesheet of ug sem -I and III AND PG & PROF SEM - I EXAMINATION 2024 New Notice for Fresh (New Registration) and Renewal New Open online Ph.D. Viva Voce examination of Sridatta Nirjharinee New Corrigendum Notice for U.G. Spot Admission New Corrigendum Notice for P.G. Spot Admission New Provisional U.G. Merit List for SPOT Round - 2024-25 New Provisional P.G. Merit List for SPOT Round - 2024-25 New Notice regrading Re-admission Fee New Spot admission Notice for U.G. and P.G. New

RPC Function

  • To inculcate research bent of mind among the teachers, research scholars, and students
  • To organize workshops and hands-on training programs for capacity building of teachers and research students
  • To disseminate information about research project grants
  • To disseminate information about databases and to train all stakeholders for maximum usage of those databases
  • To impart training on the art of writing projects, research papers, and reviews
  • To encourage teachers for submitting and conducting research projects
  • To disseminate knowledge about patent filing, copyright and IPR
  • To encourage teachers to participate in offering consultancy
  • To encourage teachers to carry out researches aimed at solving both local and global problems
  • To encourage teachers to practice good research ethics while carrying out quality research