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Gangadhar Meher University

Sambalpur, Odisha

VC's Message

VC's Message

Born before the magical midnight, 'Swabhiman' woven into its embodied growth, on the bank of tethered might of a River, at the edge of mystical sunyavad, this institution, as the institutions ought to, speaks to several generations of men and women of all hues, all the children of the eternal mother. At the crossroads of an old pristine land and an ambitious modern state, it has in its folds not just the nascent decades of post independent India but the eager and aspirational youth of the new millennial Odisha. It hence ought to look at us with cosmopolitan colours and an immediate riverine earthiness. From stages and shapes of Becoming to a vibrating, yet still, Being. Degrees after degrees are but stages of life reminding responsibilities and needs to be met. Life evolves and is realised through these stages towards a self of ultimate liberation. Gangadhar Meher University is a witness, if not active and wise participant, to the noble and altruistic act of liberation. Alumni and all the stakeholders may look at its breadth for whatever they want it to be, and from it.

Post-pandemic, and the new education policy, the focal variables are being restructured. The urgency to adopt online teaching-learning strategies, the need for teaching community to evolve with necessary skills and be part of knowledge creation and management. Flexibility, Creation of Credit Banks, Mulitidisciplinarity, Diversity, synergy at all levels of Curriculum and Pedagogy, Experimentation, Critical thinking and Rootedness, all these point to a holistic environment and an evolving ecosystem. Gangadhar Meher University is vigorously moving, especially in terms of infrastructure and human resource, to meet the challenges. The stakeholders need to firm themselves up to actualise the institutional goals.

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