ଗଙ୍ଗାଧର ମେହେର ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ, ସମ୍ବଲପୁର, ଓଡିଶା

Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur, Odisha

Latest Updates
Notification for Admission into 6 Months OCGG Certificate Course New Download gradesheet of ug sem -I and III AND PG & PROF SEM - I EXAMINATION 2024 New Notice for Fresh (New Registration) and Renewal New Open online Ph.D. Viva Voce examination of Sridatta Nirjharinee New Corrigendum Notice for U.G. Spot Admission New Corrigendum Notice for P.G. Spot Admission New Provisional U.G. Merit List for SPOT Round - 2024-25 New Provisional P.G. Merit List for SPOT Round - 2024-25 New Notice regrading Re-admission Fee New Spot admission Notice for U.G. and P.G. New

Vision & Mission


  • To make quality higher education accessible to the students without discrimination
  • To develop and nurture the intellectual capital
  • To promote self-learning and self assessment through adopting technology-intensive education system
  • To expand the areas of higher education through inclusion of both basic and applied disciplines
  • To promote professional programs


  • To adopt inclusive policy in enrolment
  • To offer incentives to girl students pursuing higher education/research
  • To ensure flexibility in syllabus by involving representatives of students and alumni  in syllabus framing
  • To promote student centric learning by developing hi-tech classrooms with high speed Internet connections
  • To provide the students with the congenial research ecosystem with the target to solve local and global issues and problems
  • To evolve mechanisms to explore the diversity in talent and counsel career development in congruence with their talents
  • To train the graduating students in finishing schools to make them society-ready
  • To offer online and offline certificate courses for enrichment and refinement of their skills
  • To offer certificate courses in foreign languages and computer literacy for attaining global competency