Library operates Mon-Sat, 8am-8pm for Reading, 10am-5pm for Circulation.


  1. Who are Eligible for Library Membership?

    Teachers, students, officers and other employees of the University.

  2. How can I become member of the library?

    For enrolment as a member of the library, download membership form which is available at Library Website. Members of all categories shall fill in the prescribed forms and deposit it to become members of the library. Members will be given Library Membership Cards for borrowing books.

  3. What will I do if I Loss Library Membership Card?

    If a member loses a Library Membership card, it should be immediately reported to the Librarian. A duplicate Library Membership card may be issued on payment of the required amount.

  4. How can I borrow documents?

    First, verify the availability of a document in the Library Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) search facility available in university library website homepage ( fill up requestion slip and deposit to the circulation desk in the library. Third, check out the books using your Institute Identity Card at Circulation desk during your circulation hours.

  5. What is the Responsibility of a Borrower?

    Each borrower will be responsible for the books borrowed against the Library Membership card issued to the member, and for the return of the books to the library without damage.

  6. Can I Renew books?

    General Books that have not been requested by another borrower can be renewed at the Circulation desk. A document can be renewed twice to the borrowers. However, renewal will be done only when the book is physically brought to the library.

  7. Can I Borrow Books from Reference Section?

    Reference books, rare books, periodicals, Journals and any other expensive materials will not be issued, but will be kept in the reading room for on-the-spot use by the members.

  8. What are the overdue charges against delaying return of book(s)?

    Any member delaying the return of a book after the due date will be fined Rs. 1/- per day for General book. The defaulter will be suspended from Library Membership after two months of the due date until the outstanding book is returned.

  9. What will I do if I Loss borrowed Books?

    i) If a book borrowed is lost, the member who borrowed it shall have to replace it by the same book or of later edition.
    ii) In case replacement is not feasible, the case will be decided by the Library committee.

  10. Any photocopying facility available for Central Library documents?

    Yes, Photocopying is a paid service offered by the library to the users. Reading materials, like books periodicals, reference books, and bound volumes, etc. can be copied and used by the students and other library users