Library operates Mon-Sat, 8am-8pm for Reading, 10am-5pm for Circulation.

About Library

The central library of Gangadhar Meher University was established in the year was named as Dr. Mayadhar Mansingh Library on20th October,2020 who was an eminent Poet and Ex-principal of G.M College. Library is one of the important central facilities of the University catering to the information needs of faculty, research scholars and students in Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Sciences and Management. The main objective is to make the library the most effective learning resources centre to contribute to the quality of higher education. It aims at selecting, acquiring, storing, retrieving and disseminating information for the benefit of academic community of our University. The interior of the library is enabled with WiFi connectivity allowing its patrons to ease of access both offline and online resources. It is equipped with an advanced Online Public Access Catalogue(OPAC) and modern reprographic facilities. All books are classified under DDC(Dewey Decimal Classification) 23rd edition. This library is using E-Granthalaya software for library management system.

New Arrivals


Reference services

Dr. Mayadhar Mansingh Library holds a beautiful reference collection of theses, dissertations, dictionaries, encyclopedias, handbooks etc..


Ground floor of Dr. Mayadhar Mansingh Library, a reprography unit has been setup. Users have easy access to photocopying facilities

WiFi connectivity

Library interior is enabled with WiFi connectivity allowing its patrons to ease of access both offline and online resources.

  • Students must present their identity card to borrow books from the library.
  • The borrowing period for books is one month.
  • The Circulation Section offers open access facilities exclusively for PhD Scholars and faculty members.
  • Other students must submit a requisition slip a day in advance to borrow books.
  • Circulation Section services include renewing borrowed items, checking for damage or tear, and replacing or renewing materials.
  • Failure to return books on time incurs a fine of Rs 1 per book for each day overdue.
  • Maximum number of books that can be issued:
    • Teaching staff: 10 each
    • Non-teaching staff: 03 each
    • Postgraduate students: 05 each
    • Graduate students: 03 each
    • Scholars: 05 each
  • Anyone who loses or seriously damages a book must pay 10 times its value or replace it with a similar volume.
  • Students are allowed to take a single book from the Reading Room at a time by depositing his/her identity card.
  • This section provides open-access facility to the user.
  • Students have to take proper care of the book.
  • Not allowed to take the book outside the library; otherwise, he/she will have to pay a fine of Rs 50/-.
Mrs. Puspangini Pattnaik

Library Sections

Circulation Section

The Circulation Section occupies 5,466 square feet and handles the borrowing and returning of library materials.

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Reading Room Section

The Reading Room Section spans 5,460 square feet, offering a quiet and comfortable environment for reading and study.

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Journals/References Section

The Journals/References Section, covering 2,860 square feet, houses a vast collection of academic journals, research papers, and reference materials.

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