Library Services
Book Lending Service/Computerized Circulation Service
This service is offered to all library users through e-Granthalaya library management software The resources borrowed from the library shall be returned on or before the due date during library working hours. Its terms and conditions are mentioned in library rules and regulations. The following circulation services have been provided by the Central Library:
i) Issue/Check-out
ii) Return/Check-in
iii) Renew
iv) Reservation/Hold
Reference Service
Reference Service is an important personalized help offered by the library staff to their users within the library for use of different library resources. It is a specialized service aimed at assisting users in finding and using information effectively. It is provided by trained library staff who guide users to locate the resources they need and answer specific queries.
Reading Room Service
A reading room service is an essential feature of the library. A separate floor is designed to provide a quiet and comfortable space for reading, studying, and research. It supports library users by offering conducive environment to focused learning and intellectual exploration. In the reading room library users can sit and read books, periodicals, research papers, thesis, dissertations and other materials in a quiet and focused environment. These reading materials are not issued for home reading. These are only for the purpose of reading and consultation.
Current Awareness Service
Newly arrived books are displayed on the stand installed at the entrance of the library and being displayed for a week. It will be issued only after a week of display
Reprographic/ Photocopy Facility
The library offers a photocopying service for both students and faculty members at a minimal charge. This service is conveniently located within the central library.
Library OPAC Facility
The resources of the library have been computerized with e-Granthalaya integrated library management software that assisting library members to search books and other reading materials. Users can search the resources by author, title, subject, key words etc. and know the availability of the documents
Wi-Fi Facility
The entire library is Wi-Fi enabled; users can use their configuration laptops to access in the central library.
User Orientation
The library organizes orientation programs for new users at the beginning of the year to help them effectively utilize library resources.